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#1 Posted : 12 January 2004 12:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By marilyn blain
I achieved the General Certificate last July and am finding it very difficult to find an employer who is willing to give me a chance to gain experience whilst on the job so to speak. Has anyone else had this problem? I can't get a job without more experience and i can't gain the experience because i can't find a job! any ideas??
Marilyn Blain.
#2 Posted : 12 January 2004 15:12:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Andrew Gordon
Unfortunately you will come across this quite a lot,I am still studying for the certificate and wanted a position in Health and Safety to help me gain experience but had no luck.

If I had a pound for every thread like this I would not need a job.

Come on you employers give us trainee's a helping hand. (Yorkshire area please).

Good Luck Marlilyn
#3 Posted : 12 January 2004 15:43:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ben Kwan
Hi Marilyn! I'm working in OSH field in Hong Kong now. In three years ago, I also faced a problem just like your situation at all. Any labour department or recruitment centre can help you?
Be confident of yourself!

Best regards,

Ben Kwan
#4 Posted : 13 January 2004 09:38:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin
Just to add some light to the end of the tunnel; Nearly everyone has been there in the same position, sooner or later something will come along - it's important to think widely though to get a foot on the ladder.

For instance, while I was training for my certificate I did temping work in a facilities office doing admin. That exposed me to the H&S role as the two often overlap. It wasn't much - just picking up ideas, stories and stuff to talk about at interviews. I then got a job in a college doing a job which had an element (about 30%) H&S, again giving me some more experience.

I know it's hard to get jobs offering any experience but if you have enough general knowledge from where-ever you work, it may be invaluable in selling yourself at an interview. This is where Union Rep work, or being a designated DSE assessor, or a first aider etc etc all can help in whatever job you're in.

Best of luck
#5 Posted : 13 January 2004 12:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bob Pedley

I can't offer a position at the moment but rest assured this forum is one area where I will look for staff when we are hiring for our projects. The individual company, project and often client requirements dictate the roles, responsibilities, experience and qualifications required for our project work. Where we can bring on board new staff and give them experience we will. The NEBOSH cert is a sound qualification and I am sure opportunities will arise for you.
The down side is the lean mean operations companies have to run simply to survive.

Good Luck

#6 Posted : 13 January 2004 19:12:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Johnston
It really is a "Groundhog day" in the life of a new and fresh H & S mind. Get up, search for jobs on the net, send many emails and post many forum posts. Lots of stamps and CV's to send. Night time comes and the thought of - "maybe tomorrow".

I personally feel that any possible employer who passes over my CV without even an interview, has made a great mistake.

That in itself helps me to get up, search for jobs on the net..........

I will not give up, and one day some lucky employer will have my help to better their safety.

Keep trying Marilyn. You will find your lucky employer.
#7 Posted : 13 January 2004 22:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jason Gould
Theres a lot of us like yourself. Its a matter of time I suppose. Though I prefered to get a job in the Manchester area, Ive had to Invest in a car and pay the Insurance for a year to be able to travel an expand my search.

Wish I was In Londen as there are plenty of opportunities.

Anyway the best of luck to everyone.
#8 Posted : 14 January 2004 14:10:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Corrina Evans
Hi Marilyn,
I passed the nebosh certificate Feb 03, I then went on to do a training adults qualification at night school. I put my c.v in to the NHS and now work as assistant H & S advisor looking after 72 GPs within wiltshire. You might be able to offer your services to a voluntary organisation to get experience. I would suggest you look at a training qualification as well, most local collages do them. Just keep putting your c.v in - you`ll get there in the end !
Good luck Corrina
#9 Posted : 14 January 2004 15:04:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By marilyn blain
hello to all who replied to my thread re: trainee health and safety position required,
thankyou for all your advice and best wishes, i will take on board all your comments. I have decided to look into a training adults qualification so i can progress along that route, again thankyou for cheering me up. Marilyn Blain.
#10 Posted : 15 January 2004 00:37:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David .J. Minnery
Try offering your services on a voluntary basis to voluntary organisations/community groups to gain experience, it is rewarding and will help you gain experience, don't take this the wrong way,
but "learn to walk properly before you start running". Wish you luck.
#11 Posted : 16 January 2004 13:05:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alan Sherlock
Marilyn, you do not say in which part of the country you are currently based. I am looking for possibly two advisors currently. one of those may be a a part time role, we are not decided on that yet. Our company is based in Portsmouth on the sunny south coast. If you are interested, please forward a current cv to Asherlock@peta.co.uk Look forward to hearing from you.
#12 Posted : 16 January 2004 20:57:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Miller
Maralyn you have mail!
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