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#1 Posted : 07 December 2000 18:58:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Karl Curtis I work for an insurance company and a colleague has asked if LOLER applies to pulley hoists for light rigs etc. The situation involves lighting rig pulleys which are inside a building and over 50ft up in the air. The theatre company say they cannot get to the pulleys and as such cannot undertake a physical inspection although they feel all should be OK as the pulleys work fine. My colleague and I are not happy with just relying on fact that things work OK and I personally feel that the pulleys should be periodicaly examined and tested (by competent body) even if this involves errecting a scaffold to do this. If anyone has any advice or comment I'd be delighted to receive it. Regards Karl
#2 Posted : 07 December 2000 21:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ken Taylor I agree with you on this one Karl and adopt this view for our two theatres and school stages. They should be accessible by tower scaffolds or the like at least annually.
#3 Posted : 08 December 2000 08:34:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alan Harsley Agreed. My responsibility includes theatres and other places of entertainment all of which have lighting rigs, bars etc. In the case of theatres there may be occasions when there is a need to fly actors. In this case the inspection time for this type of device would be every 6 months. In my view LOLER applies to most, if not all, lifting equipment in this type of premises and accessibility should not be an issue modifying the need for inspection. As an aside, a pulley with a badly worn pin can be extremely free running. Alan.
#4 Posted : 08 December 2000 12:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Donaldson In addition to the requirements of LOLER our LA Public Entertainments Licensing Inspectors have required copies of inspection certificates as part of our annual re licensing procedures. This was a requirement even before LOLER was enacted and was based on the old Factories Acts. This also applys to our Dance Hall where we have lighting bars.
#5 Posted : 08 December 2000 17:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Andy Lucas Karl, I am in agreement with all that has been said however consider the following. LOLER, like most current H&S REGS is risk based. You are under an obligation to ensure safe lifting operations. You are also under an obligation to ensure that where (from memory please check reg 9) there is deterioration lifting equipment must be inspected. Where as before the Factories Act prescribed a 6 monthly inspection, LOLER 'suggests' a 6 monthly inspection. This can be increased/decreased at the discretion of the 'competent person' - one of the benefits of self regulation. The C/person may prescribe 12 monthly depending upon a number of issues ie extent and nature of use, environment etc. The important thing is to cover your back, have a C/person draw up the inspection profile and stick to it. Hope this is helpful Andy
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