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#1 Posted : 16 August 2012 20:21:09(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Following on from my posting ‘What do I do?’ on the careers forum – moderation permitting – I would like to give you some idea as to what the employment situation is like at the moment (from my perspective at least). To give you a bit of background about me – I started out ‘on the spanners’ as a maintenance engineer working three shifts. I studied and got my HNC in Mechanical engineering along with a CAD course too; I was in this role for about 10 yrs. I was then internally promoted to Project Engineer – I had sole responsibility for all aspects of ‘my’ projects this included producing the drawings, getting parts made/bought, control of labour (internal and contract), project safety, cost, etc etc. Whilst here I commenced study on my NEBOSH Gen Cert. I was in this role for about 7 yrs. Before completion of my Gen Cert I moved into a full time H&S role with only my Managing Safely course as a H&S qualification!! I moved to an organisation with 25+ sites, two environmental permitted sites, two other manufacturing sites as well as a fleet of HGV’s, I operated as the HS&E Manager and did this for about 7.5 yrs before I left. Whilst here, I was supported in my studies firstly with a foundation degree (2 yrs) which enabled me to move to Grad status, and then for a further two years to complete my full BSc Hons degree which I came out with a First (not bad considering I was in a full time job and with two children under 7 – well I am very pleased anyway!). After about 12 months I then completed my IPD and gained CMIOSH. In November last year I changed jobs and then things started to go wrong. I now find myself for the first time in my career unemployed and signing on. As I said earlier moderation permitting; tomorrow I will tell you about my week so far, in my quest for a full time H&S role; and if I can help anyone by sharing my experiences then I more than happy to do so. Stuart
#2 Posted : 16 August 2012 21:02:13(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Should be interesting read, good luck Stuie :)
#3 Posted : 17 August 2012 11:11:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

This is a brilliant idea Stuie ;-)))) If nothing else is will put in perspective all our (us who are in employment) own minor troubles.
#4 Posted : 17 August 2012 11:31:46(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Good luck with the job hunt Stuie - wish you the best. I moan about working 90 miles away from home but I should really be thankful I have a job in the present climate as a lot of good people are looking for employment. I was made redundant 20 years ago and was job hunting for 6 months and in that time I nearly went bonkers so would not like to experience that again. Hopefully things will pick up in the not too distant future.
#5 Posted : 17 August 2012 12:43:26(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Update 17/8/12 Last weekend I completed the application forms for the Job Seekers Allowance on line – I think this will work out at about £71 per week; should I get it – there may be some doubt because I resigned – but I will appeal if it is blocked because of this. Because we have our own house (mortgaged) we cannot get housing benefit, this only applies to rented properties as far as I can see. We cannot get council tax benefit as my wife earns more than a few thousand pounds a year (sorry cannot remember the exact figure). Tuesday I was summoned to the nearest Job Centre Plus, the sign on the process was not very nice at all, I felt patronised and belittled and found the whole process demeaning and depressing. I have to sign an agreement whereby I will turn up at set times every two weeks, I have to provide evidence that I am actively seeking work. This for some strange reason does not include contacting recruitment agencies, I have to go direct to employers – this is something that I have already done – sat down with the phone, notepad and various directories, but this does not count apparently. I have to provide at least three pieces of evidence each week. On the plus side I have had several phone calls in reference to the 15 or so jobs that I have applied for this week, as well as contact via the forums offering me support etc – THANK YOU. I have had a second stage interview with a large FMCG organisation, I have doubts as to whether this will be successful as I have to travel for about 90 minutes to get there, this I think will count against me so I although I would relish the role and the challenges it may well present I somehow feel that it is not to be. Fingers crossed! I have just as I am typing taken a call with the chance of an interview next Tuesday for a job that I applied for a couple of weeks ago, interim to start with a chance to go permanent . Have a good weekend. Stuart
peter gotch  
#6 Posted : 17 August 2012 12:51:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch

Good luck Stuie and congratulations on the 1st Class Honours
#7 Posted : 17 August 2012 13:16:28(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Good luck stuie, it doesn't sound like you will be in the realm of the unemployed for too long! And keep your chin up with job centre, been there and agree it's demeaning and patronising, only advice I can give is keep reminding yourself it's only a couple of hours every fortnight and try and enjoy the family time as best you can :)
#8 Posted : 17 August 2012 13:43:45(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Stuie Good new its £72 a week, don’t rush and spend it all at once though. You can get help with your mortgage interest only, but with your wife working you may not. The benefit is called Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) you can look it up on direct.gov, you have to wait 13 weeks for it though and the rules are shrouded in secrecy by the job Centre plus. They didn’t mention it to me either. Sadly your experience at the job center will not get any better, do not expect any help from them other than helping you write a CV which you can already do. They are not there to help you get a job, they are there to stop you claiming benefits. If you apply for a job via an agency, that will count, but just registering does not ( towards your 3 things). Looking in newspapers job sections count, as does general looking on the Internet at agency web sites (but only counts as one thing). Networking also counts, though I rarely put this down. As you applied for 15 jobs, you have done 15 things. Just look at the silly little form they give you to complete, there are examples. This is for me only the second time I have been out of work, and have over 26 years of working, so the job center was quite a shock. Almost no help in getting a job and were more concerned about benefits (except if you ask them how it is going, then they don’t know). Come to think of it if you ask them any questions at all they don’t know and give a number to phone. All the best with the jobs that you are currently waiting on and look forward to the ongoing blog.
#9 Posted : 17 August 2012 23:57:13(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Stuie: It sounds like your local Jobcentre 'adviser' is making it up about what counts as looking for work. I too am on JSA (contribution-based, when that runs out I won't qualify for Income-based JSA - who knew there were 2 sorts?). Anyhow, searching job websites, signing up to recruitment agencies (which as I'm sure you have found out can be quite a long winded affair in many cases), are all accepted by my Jobcentre as activities in the 'looking for work' arena. Obviously these are the PC equivalent of 'looking in the paper'. But I don't find it too hard to send applications (CV and a bit of spiel) in response to at least 3 jobs a week, but they are all over the country. So what? I know I won't get much interest, if any, because I'm slightly out of the criteria (too many employers being over-fussy about 'relevant experience, but that's another rant), and I probably have no intention of actually moving to another part of the country for any old job, but it keeps the 3 things a week tally up. Also, some jobs are advertised in more than one site or agency, they count as no-one is going to bother to check, and there is no actual proof they are the same job - easy hit. The form they give you to write in is pathetic - I started out keeping a thorough and useful job search log in my own format, electronic of course, and printed it out. No, not good enough even though it was 10 times more informative. So I now scribble in the boxes as small and untidy as I can, and I can see the person only glances, doesn't actually READ it. I also try to get lots more than 3 crammed in, as they are even less interested in reading it then. I do have the actual records should I be asked for them. I gather they get fussier after the first six-months, and start expecting you to apply for any old job, moving away from your 'preferred' role. I won't be crossing that bridge. As for their help with CV writing - I was chastised for not having my 2 English GCE O levels (1967!!) on my very decent CV, which has been perused constructively by many and got me many interviews. When I said all advice is that such old and irrelevant information is neither necessary nor recommended, this was tut-tutted. This has not given me any confidence in their competency. As said, they are not interested in helping you get work, only about their system and targets. A friend who is 6 weeks from her state pension age, has been sent on a 3 week "job improver" type course, they know my friend will attend but others wouldn't, and then she will sign off (being retired), thus target met, and tax money wasted.
#10 Posted : 18 August 2012 02:14:46(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

it can be very hard having to go through the process of signing on, they can make you feel like the wasters that they just let sign on and out they go, i have signed on a couple of times over the years, i last signed on for about 3 months when the recession hit in 2008, i hit the agencies and even applied for my taxi badge which they wouldnt help fund even though i was on 60 something pounds a week and had a pay for a medical, crb and badge application itself. there was a program on the other day called dispatchers (channel 4 i think) in which they sent 2 people undercover to claim benefits and ask advice for job hunting, 1 man put his shopping list on the list of jobs he had applied for and got away with it and the other showed them job letters which he had put that he didnt want a job and wanted to stay on benefits. he even pulled up outside in a painters and decorators van with overalls on and just told them he was painting a room in his house. the best 1 was that the job centre themselves had over 100 jobs available and not 1 of them was on there website but was on the civil service site, the reporter interviewed the director of job centre plus, you could see the colour disappear in her face and she gave the usual customer service answer that she would look into it. there are some good people there who do like to help, but an awful lot just look at you as if your a drain on society and are just there for form filling, it seems that you are better not working and having a few kids and claiming what you can, when i drove a taxi i struggled to make a living but it was better than signing on and some of my fellow drivers claimed for everything because they had a rented property and i had to move back into my parents house for a while. i just about had a weeks caravan holiday and they had cars, sky tv and at least 2 foreign holidays a year, yes i did report a couple of them and 1 was prosecuted that i know of. sorry for going off the subject, rant over. i will say though make sure you attend the meetings/seminars/return to work things that they tell you about because they will not hesitate to stop your money, be careful taking on short term temporary work as they dont like you signing off and back on again, they use to say you couldnt sign back on for i think it was 6-12 weeks depening on circumstances, bit of a bugger when going from one agency to another for work. i think they also say you have to be willing to travel for up to 90 minutes to a place of work, if you tell them you have car, that can be some serious mileage, tell them that if you have a car it is broken you have use of a shared car and you would have to get the bus, it came in handy for me as i live in a small village in north wales and the buses are few and far between, 90 minutes on a bus is alot less distance than 90 minutes in a car. good luck with your job hunting
#11 Posted : 21 August 2012 21:27:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Only me, as promised a bit of feedback as to where I am – or not as the case may be. On Friday I had my first of my fortnightly appointments at the Jobcentre Plus to ‘sign on’ this consisted of me driving 12 miles there, waiting for about 5 minutes, then being seen by an advisor who asked me what I had been doing in terms of trying to find work. I told her that I had been for an interview and that I was not holding out much hope for getting the job as I felt the organisation wanted someone that lived closer to the site, I had to sign a piece of paper and was out within about 2 minutes of seeing this person. I protested that the whole exercise seemed to be a bit pointless and not very eco friendly (24 mile round trip for approx 2 minute appointment), to which she replied that they hope to have an on line system up and running within five years – exasperated I trudged out muttering something about not being unemployed in 5 weeks never mind five years (I do hope so!). Friday evening I had a long conversation with someone about a consultancy role and starting up on my own – I have not followed up on this yet as I am not sure this is right for me – I do like the idea of being an ‘employed’ consultant but not necessarily working for myself. There were other ‘options’ discussed but again I am a little unsure, more thinking time is needed. I had a bit of a break from job searching over the weekend (DSE assessment needed on desk/chair at home) to give my neck/shoulders a break! Yesterday was pretty uneventful applied for a couple of jobs, which as they are through agencies I am not holding my breath for a response (sorry CynicalStu is back), however today I had an interview with an organisation that need someone in urgently - early next week early!! - for a 6-8 week role; while they organise the paperwork etc to employ a full time H&S person – they are talking about the person that gets the temp role will be in a good position to take on the full time role (obviously subject to performance) so here is hoping on that front – I will know by Thursday as the HR person is away on holiday on Friday. I also took a phone call from another job that I have applied for – result is a telephone interview on Thursday pm. I also have a face to face interview on Thursday so what with my Jobcentre plus interview with my ‘personal advisor’ (or whatever they called themselves) tomorrow, the middle of the week is pretty busy. Take care and I will keep you posted. Stuart
#12 Posted : 24 August 2012 15:06:36(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

24/8/12 The interview I attended on Tuesday I thought went OK, the organisation is in a pretty bad way in terms of H&S – 600 employees working 4 on 4 off conti shifts with no H,S&E support whatsoever. I felt that they were looking for someone to go in there and lead the workforce which I would have been able and happy to do. The interviewers told me that they wanted someone to start next Tuesday (28th) which would have fitted with me, and as such they would feedback by Thursday at the latest. When Thursday late afternoon arrived with no feedback I called the recruitment agency, only to be told ‘Sorry I should have called you back but was so busy yesterday I forgot all about it!! Then I was told that 'they are not taking you or the other interviewee forward as they want someone to go in a kick the place into shape and they don’t think your management style is appropriate’ Thanks mate!! Wednesday involved my interview at the jobcentre – this was not as bad as I was expecting, the lady who I dealt with seemed to be fairly genuine and did try to help, but all of the stuff that she was suggesting I am already doing, the only thing that I did get from it was to try the local careers centre for some further support, I have an appointment next Tuesday. Thursday was another interview, this went OK nothing special, I don’t really hold out much hope as I let myself down on one of the competency questions in relation to the changes/new asbestos regs. As we had no asbestos at my last place this is something that had slipped off my radar so to speak. So what I will do there, is brush up on the reg’s/changes and then email the people concerned to tell them that I feel I have brought myself up to date with this and have used the interview and this experience as a good example of CPD. Maybe this will go some way to showing them that I am keen etc? On the way home from this interview I took a call from a local company that I had approached in reference to an engineering job that they are advertising for – I have an interview arranged for 2nd week in September. Maybe time to ‘go back to my roots’ – I would on the face of it probably take the job, local company, good money, good local reputation, but not a full time H&S role, although there is some elements of H&S. Today has been taken up by following up on a lead from last week, sending a copy of my CV and a specifically tailored cover letter to the person concerned, as well as calling a couple of recruiters about jobs that I have seen advertised – which miraculously seem to have just closed for applications!! Life is not good, but it is better than that of a close friend of my wife who has breast cancer – sort of brings things into focus a little!! Have a good weekend Stuart
John M  
#13 Posted : 24 August 2012 15:35:19(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
John M

Excellent posting Stuart. It will all come good for you one day. Yesterday, I said goodbye to 46 contractors including 2 H&S chaps as our site winds ready for complete hand over to the client. Most of the fitters,welders electricians,CMIs and riggers are off to new pastures in early September. The two H&S chaps will be signing on unless they return to a "tool" role . Sure enough evidence that this game has run its course. Jon
#14 Posted : 24 August 2012 19:14:13(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Stuart have you considered getting onto the books of recruitment agencies? I worked for four years in interim roles and within that time only had three weeks without work. The rates are higher than in standard employment but no sick pay, holiday pay - but at the moment I don't imagine what you do as long as you keep busy. I could not send the details you asked for before as I realised that there was a copyright issue, so sorry about that, but if you want I can give you some of the agencies that had successfully placed me in the past. Can be lucrative - bloke working at the Trust I work with is on £375 a day. Highest I have heard of was £1200 a day, two days a week, again for a high level project manager in a different Trust. PM me if you want. In the meantime, you will get another job - so keep calm and carry on.
#15 Posted : 24 August 2012 19:50:27(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Final update for the week. Thank you Martin I have PM'd you. After applying for several jobs this pm - I checked my inbox and lo and behold one of the employers wants to interview me (well checking my availability at least) next week - all within a couple of hours. This was a direct application to the employer not through an agency. I also took a phone call from an agency about the jobs I had applied for last night, the majority (3/4) are going nowhere for one reason or another, however the recruiter is hopeful of getting me an interview with the one organisation - feedback on Tuesday hopefully. I am also waiting for the link for some on line 'tests' that I will be required to complete for another job that I have been passed through the first stage for; I was promised these today but after chasing the agency twice they still have not appeared in my inbox. I have also chased up on a job that I was interviewed for a month+ ago now - no feedback so guess that is dead in the water. That's what really gets to me as I have said before the lack of feedback - I am a grown man and can take rejection - please give me honest and constructive feedback so that if I can I will change things. Dont tell me everything is fine if it is not!! Take care and enjoy the extended weekend. Stuart
#16 Posted : 24 August 2012 19:59:56(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

JSA doesn't go very far, but any benefits are based on the governments belief that you and your wife can survive on £52.98 each per week, but the good news is that your children get £62.33 each per week plus a £17.40 family premium. A total of £248.01 per week. Just over £1000 per month. As you said due to your wife's income you et no other help, but watch out, after 28 weeks they stop your JSA payments. Any income is included to make this up including child benefit, tax credits and even my Disability Living Allowance. You're right about the jobcentre being a depressing place of little help to very few people and the advisors unqualified to give guidance to more experienced job seekers As for Agengies I find the jobs don't really exist but are just CV gathering As they say keep trying and good luck Nigel
#17 Posted : 26 August 2012 08:50:54(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Stuie sorry to hear about your unemployment, I was hoping after your up coming interviews last time we spoke that you had managed to secure a new job. I know how you feel to some degree with the job hunting, although Im far from as qualified/ experienced as you. I am still commuting from Norwich to Oxford for work and feel I am personnally funding 'Shells' christmas parties and bonus's as it is costing a fortune in fuel. I have been looking for work locally for over a year now but other than qualifications through the fire service I have very little to offer. I have just passed my General Cert and Fire safety&risk management cert, registered on a job site and applied for a few lower paid positions, got a call from a recruiter and did'nt I just feel a tool! Every vacancy I can find is asking for an experienced Health and Safety officer/fire safety officer, so even despite my shiny new NEBOSH qualifications(which im chuffed with as I have never been very academic and have probably spelt that wrong), First aid instructor qualifications and trying in vain to set up a small business it has still been a flop...I didn't even win the £140m on the euromillions the other week...I had plans for that money too...:(. I will offer my words of support and hope something comes up for you soon. Let me know what area you are in and ill keep an eye out for jobs and give you a shout if I see anything...it helps pass my 17 hour shifts at work so you will be doing me a favour..;) All the best to you Stui Kindest Regards Richard
#18 Posted : 27 August 2012 11:55:46(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Stuie, hi. Did you claim your travel expenses when you met with the job adviser (you can't for ordinary sign on or if appointments are together). You have to ask - they don't usually offer. The new "90 minute travel" rule is new and so has yet to be challenged, but without access to your own car, it's dead in the water. Walk or bus (direct bus here goes only 4 miles, so 90 minutes includes connection time - therefore radius in this neck of wooods about 10 miles max). They can't make you 'get on your bike' if you can't ride one. Also, how would this be translated to realistic travel times in peak hours in a busy city. It can take 90 minutes to travel half-way round the M60. Good luck - you are making progress. Interim / temp jobs would give you a fantastic CV within very short space of time.
#19 Posted : 28 August 2012 11:36:01(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hey Stuie, Best of luck with the job hunt, at least you are talking about it, granted even though through the computer, you are still voicing everything and not keeping it all to yourself, and possibly driving yourself mad. Stick with the journey, something will come up that is perfect for you, you dont really want a role laike the last one do you. Going out on your own would be a good thing if all else failed, you are well able for it from your CV, and you are probably risk assessing it all too much. I started a job in Nov, and found out in April I'm pregnant, so I will be off for a year, and look like I'll have no job to return to (as I will want part time hours), so my job hunt will begin again next Nov/ Dec and I would imagine that will be a long journey.
#20 Posted : 28 August 2012 12:22:53(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Have you tried the HSE???
#21 Posted : 28 August 2012 13:02:23(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Stuie I have PM'd you cheers Martin
#22 Posted : 28 August 2012 14:49:24(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

The issue of mothers in H&S roles is a whole new topic. I have yet to find a part time health and safety role advertised or one that fits in with childcare responsibilites. While the children were at nursery this was much easier than when they are at school due to the extended hours nurseries work, but then of course you have to pay. It cost me £1000 a month for preschool childcare which meant I was actually working for £300 a month (4 days a week for local government). I'm not moaning and I did love the job I was in however its has been next to impossible to achieve a good work life balance in the private sector as a mum and a health and safety specialist.
#23 Posted : 28 August 2012 14:53:55(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

thompson26125 wrote:
The issue of mothers in H&S roles is a whole new topic. I have yet to find a part time health and safety role advertised or one that fits in with childcare responsibilites. While the children were at nursery this was much easier than when they are at school due to the extended hours nurseries work, but then of course you have to pay. It cost me £1000 a month for preschool childcare which meant I was actually working for £300 a month (4 days a week for local government). I'm not moaning and I did love the job I was in however its has been next to impossible to achieve a good work life balance in the private sector as a mum and a health and safety specialist.
I have been really lucky in gaining 2 part time roles (or at least what construction class as part tme hours!!), I do love my job hence why I have stuck at it, but like you say its hard going to have a good work/ home balance, and we are the ones at a loss owing to being worn out.
#24 Posted : 28 August 2012 15:23:51(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Lawlee45239 wrote:
thompson26125 wrote:
The issue of mothers in H&S roles is a whole new topic. I have yet to find a part time health and safety role advertised or one that fits in with childcare responsibilites. While the children were at nursery this was much easier than when they are at school due to the extended hours nurseries work, but then of course you have to pay. It cost me £1000 a month for preschool childcare which meant I was actually working for £300 a month (4 days a week for local government). I'm not moaning and I did love the job I was in however its has been next to impossible to achieve a good work life balance in the private sector as a mum and a health and safety specialist.
I have been really lucky in gaining 2 part time roles (or at least what construction class as part tme hours!!), I do love my job hence why I have stuck at it, but like you say its hard going to have a good work/ home balance, and we are the ones at a loss owing to being worn out.
Please start another thread rather than muck up Stuie's.
#25 Posted : 28 August 2012 16:14:58(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Stu, Why not try some short term contract work as already suggested? Feel free to contact me and I will be happy to supply you with agency contacts etc. R
#26 Posted : 28 August 2012 20:04:55(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

29/8/12 I hope that you all had a great weekend and that you are happy to be back in work today – don’t knock it - I would swap with you any day of the week at the moment. Can you please try and stick to the idea behind the thread if you have any comments can you keep them relevant please? The idea was/is for me to tell you how I am finding the whole job hunting process, with a view to trying to assist others in the same boat as me, by sharing the ups and downs and pitfalls that I may stumble across along the way. Thanks. I had a quiet weekend on the application front started to broaden my horizons a little by applying for jobs that can/will utilise my engineering background more and not concentrate solely on the H&S – which on the face of it seems to be a bit of a waste of my degree and CMIOSH status, but needs must and with so many of us looking for work – many much more experienced and higher qualified than I am – and in the hunt for the few jobs that there are I am forced to look elsewhere. I had a phone call today from an agency offering me an interview for an interim/temporary role that they have on their books – interview is tomorrow with a second round on Thursday if I am successful tomorrow. That means a 200 mile round trip tomorrow and possibly another on Thursday all for the chance of a temporary role. To give you some idea this will cost me about £22 each day in diesel alone, which when you are only bringing in £72/week JSA makes a darn big hole in your weekly budget! This also means I have postponed my careers advice meeting that was planned for tomorrow – I will take any help I can get at the minute. What with ‘signing on’ on Friday what seemed like a quiet week may well turn out to be busy after all. Whilst sat at the computer earlier I had an email ping through – another interview next week for a job that I had applied for a couple of weeks ago that I had given up hope for – in a University but again it is a 200 mile (everywhere seems to be 100 miles from home!!) round trip, at least I had the opportunity to select the time of the interview so I don’t have to rush there first thing. Another ‘job’ that I have been meaning to do (which may come in useful for the keeping Job Centre ‘happy’) is to compile a list etc of the interviews that I have had recently. After doing this I was quite surprised to find that I have had or have planned 12 interviews since the 2nd of July, five of which have gone nowhere in terms of job offers, four I am waiting for further feedback from and three are planned within the next two weeks. Also today I have completed some on line tests that I have had to complete as a part of the recruitment process for another job which I have passed through the initial sift by the agency, there was a literacy and numeracy test. I hope that I get through these as I gather the pass mark is only about 40% I will be gutted if I don’t pass – mind you the numeracy test was mind boggling and I had to guess at the last three answers as I nearly ran out of time. This role will be a fast moving one (telephone interviews this week) as they are looking according to the agency at making an offer on the 7th of Sept the day after the face to face interviews. Other tasks involved calling agencies that I have had no feedback from, mostly to hear the same thing – ‘we have not had any feedback from the client yet’ or ‘they have closed the role’ or such like. See also my comment on the SHP4 Jobs thread on the forum. Take care and thank you to those that have PM’d me for various reasons and with offers of support and assistance etc – very much appreciated. Stuart
#27 Posted : 29 August 2012 09:59:57(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hi stuie You may be able to get help with the travel costs, they can only say no. If it’s a bit late this time, may be worth trying the next time. Not used it myself as, but all redundancy money is now gone, so may not have a choice. https://www.gov.uk/help-costs-job-interview The other thing I have been looking at is doing some more training, with JS+ funding ( I hope), the PTLLS training for me, except in Wales it is just called Preparing to teach ( which I am assured by the college is the same thing / better if anything). This being funded by the job centre was not the easiest thing to arrange considering it was their initial idea. It has taken months so far and yesterday I still had to commit to paying if the job centre does not, as it was the last enrolment day yesterday. It will be nice to be out of the house and the qualification should be useful. If you say to your adviser that you have noticed “X” requirement in job ads, but you don’t have “X” they will consider funding it. It is also something to say to potential employers what you have been doing with your time. I think this will only work for relatively small courses. Worth thinking about! Happy hunting.
#28 Posted : 29 August 2012 19:17:58(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

stuie pm'd you again cheers martin
#29 Posted : 30 August 2012 07:58:39(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Email sent, as promised.
#30 Posted : 03 September 2012 15:17:48(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Its dire out there there are a few jobs here hsejobs.proboards.com and on the SHP online.
#31 Posted : 03 September 2012 22:18:29(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

3rd Sept 2012 Well, good news at last I have an offer of a job, it is only a temp role at present but there is some thought that it may turn permanent (fortunately for me but sad for the present incumbent who is off sick – I really do hope that he is ok in the long term). I got the role through one of the more established (IMHO) recruitment agencies and will be starting on Friday. I have explained to the employer that I want and need a permanent role going forward (unless I can be guaranteed more interim work – is there any guarantee in life?). I still have interviews lined up for the coming week (one today which looks like going to second stage) one tomorrow and a third (assessment day) on Thursday, with my final confirmed interview next Tuesday; thankfully and pragmatically the employer is understanding about this. I have chased up some of the organisations (agencies again) that have not got back to me – the majority of which said that they thought a colleague was going to do this – but didn’t. One was about a second stage interview that I had not heard back from – I did not get the job as they took on someone who had just been made redundant from a local competitor – the agency knew this early last week but did not call me THANKS!! If there are any recruiters out there reading this – PLEASE feedback to people it is so frustrating to have to keep chasing you for simple basic feedback. I understand that once I have been rejected for whatever reason you have little or no interest in me – but the same can be said for me – I now have a tinted view of recruiters which is not good for your business. My fortnightly excursion on Friday to sign on went without noteworthy events – the lady that I saw was happy that I had met the criteria for continued payment of my £71/wk – its a bit like doing an NVQ – having to provide (or at least write down) evidence of my quest for a new role. The interview today followed the ‘competency questions (STAR)’ format – I found this quite demanding having to think of a good relevant example of my work – the interviewer thought that I could do better (she gave me some feedback on a couple of the questions at the end) and thought that I would get on well with the recruiting manager – maybe that is why she says that she will put me through to the next stage (TBC) and has given me a few little pointers as to where I need to strengthen up my answers – any further advice from anyone would be gratefully received as this type of questioning has been my downfall in the past. On a lighter note as I had the news about the job last Thursday we went to the Welsh Food Fair at the weekend and ate too much and spent far too much – we had a great day though and ‘celebrated’ all together as a family- as they say - all work and no play.......... On the subject of work – for the last month I have viewed my ‘job’ as one where I NEED to find work, I have given it a lot of time and attention, I have run up a significant phone bill, and have had a sore back and shoulders from being sat in front of the screen for so long, I have kept the major oil companies in profit with my diesel purchases going to interviews, and now at least I have something (albeit not exactly what I desire) to show for my toil. I will not give up on this quest for long term (that is what I want really) stability and if there is such a thing these days job security. If you are in a job – cherish the good bits (like a regular pay packet) and try and change the not so good bits so that they are not quite so bad. Hindsight is a wonderful thing!! Thank you again for all of your support etc. Stuart
#32 Posted : 04 September 2012 08:25:51(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Well Done Stuie - hope it all goes well and thank you for keeping us up to date. Bit concerned about your comments regarding your sore back and shoulders - can I refer you to the DSE Regs??!!!!!!! All the best in the future SW
Andrew W Walker  
#33 Posted : 04 September 2012 08:35:26(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Andrew W Walker

Good luck Stuie- hope it all works out good for you. Andy
#34 Posted : 04 September 2012 08:47:48(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Stuie Good Luck
#35 Posted : 04 September 2012 09:39:52(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Congrats Stuie - I was in a similar poisition about 3 years ago when the crash first began to really bite. It was not nice at all. While I tend to agree with your view of agencies in general, I think that the one that I managed to get my current job through was excellent - she kept me informed throughout; on my initial telephone interview with her, she gave me some really good and informative pointers, and also phoned me on my first day to wich me luck! Fingers crossed that either the interim role will become permanent, or, that one of the forthcoming interviews leads to a permanent full time offer which you are happy with. Good luck.
#36 Posted : 04 September 2012 10:36:46(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Well done Stuie, really pleased you've found something (albeit temp), hope it all comes good for you with a permanent offer :) Alan
Safe Hanz  
#37 Posted : 04 September 2012 14:27:33(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Safe Hanz

Thanks Stuie. Have enjoyed reading your blog as I soon hope to go looking for a H&S role mysef (fortunately, touch wood, I will be able to do it while still employed) Good luck in your new position.
#38 Posted : 04 September 2012 15:45:14(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Excellent news Stuie, well done. Shows others looking for a position that it can be done in the current climate.
#39 Posted : 07 September 2012 21:37:10(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

7th Sept 2012 What a week!! I had an interview on Monday with a multinational company, I don’t think the interview went well, although the recruiter said she would put me through to see the recruiting manager – no phone call or email has arrived at the time of writing so I can only assume that I was right and that I am not going to progress further. Time will tell. Tuesday – interview with a prominent education establishment – another 200 mile round trip for just over a half hour interview. This threw me completely as I was expecting at least one further stage to the process; however they were/are going to appoint on the basis of my application form, CV and a 40 minute interview. This compared to some of the other recruitment processes seems to be a very simple process. On the way home the alternator packed up on my car leaving me stranded some 70 miles from home – that air was blue as I have not had the car long and it has only done c37k miles!!! Five hour later (12 hours out on road) I am delivered home after abandoning the car at the garage. Wednesday involved a trip on the bus to my Careers Wales meeting – which to be fair was a bit of a waste of time and effort – the person that I saw could not offer me any further advice as to how to improve my chance of employment – my CV appears to be fine (it is getting me interviews), I did however ask to see someone about interview (competency – STAR) practice as this was the type I encountered on Monday (in the past too) and felt that I did not do well with at all. I have a meeting next Friday for this but may well cancel?? Thursday – interview with another multi-national – which involved enduring public transport again (car not fixed!). There were three of us in the running; one further person did not turn up – fine for me! We had on-line mathematical and verbal reasoning tests, an interview, 10 minute presentation, a site tour and a group exercise (based on the moon and a spaceship – if you have done this you will know what I am referring to)! I felt that it had gone ok but did not want to raise my hopes. I got home (after leaving the house at 06.00) at 20.15 tired and grumpy. Today involved getting up at 04.30 to travel (M6 was slow but at least it was moving) to the interim role that I have secured, the morning went well - I think I could work for the organisation but just not long term there (they have other sites which may just be a possibility in the future??). Whilst ‘at work’ I got a call from the agency dealing with the Co that I interviewed for on Thursday – they want me (only me) to complete one further set of on line tests and then go back in on Thursday of next week. I have emailed the recruiter to see why the goal posts have moved (last Thursday was supposed to be final decision day) and also to tell her that the link to the tests that was supposed to be emailed to me has not arrived. Sorry for waffling on a bit – maybe Stella has had her wicked celebratory way with me as I am mighty relieved to be in work again even if the contract is only for 3 months. One final word of thanks to those that have offered me other opportunities, – THANK YOU – you know who you are. Maybe freelance is for me after all? Also and the good wishes on the forum - this shows that after all generally we as a profession do care about others - after all why would we put up with what we do? Thank you. Have a great weekend and don’t get sunstroke or a dose of D&V from the medium to rare chicken off the barbie!!! Stuart
#40 Posted : 15 September 2012 15:07:50(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

15th September Hi sorry for the lack of postings. I have started my temporary role at an automotive parts manufacturer (body panels) which involves me travelling almost 200 miles each day, to get into and from work, I get up at 04.15 in order to be at my desk by 07.30 – but at least there is an early finish on a Friday; I have not done a full week yet but at least it covers the diesel costs of going to interviews. Other news – still having interviews come through – which puts me in a bit of an awkward situation with my employers as I need time off for them and being a contractor if I am not there I don’t get paid. Last week involved two interviews one for a maintenance manager’s role and one second stage interview for an EHS manager’s role. The engineering role will be good (going back to my roots) as it is local (12 miles) and the employers have a very reputation in the area – money is not bad either!! The EHS role is for a large multinational organisation, I was the only person from the interviews the previous week that they wanted to see again on Thursday, not having heard back from them I am not holding my breath. This role is over 100 miles each way from home but the money is better (approx 30%). I did not get the role at the education establishment, someone with more experience got that role, I have not heard back from the ‘other’ multinational that I interviewed for last week – the HR person was going on holiday so maybe when she gets back? I have two interviews lined for next week now – both with consultancies – which is something I have been interested in for some time now but have not, had the opportunity to move in that field – yet?? I have just completed application forms for a part time (22.5hrs) H&S adviser's role – I need a permanent role so would consider this – maybe supplemented by working part time elsewhere. As I am fully aware of the organisation (personal reasons) I know the present incumbent is full time – but apparently he is leaving the organisation in such a good place that he can be replaced by a part time person as there will not be much for them to do!!! This role and the engineering manager’s role show to me that it is not necessarily what you know but who you know – I have had information/support from people that work in both of these organisations. Another plus is that I don’t have to sign on – it was relatively easy to sign off one phone call was all it took – almost as if they could not wait to stop paying me. Which incidentally I had a letter through a couple of days after signing off asking me to justify why I had ‘left to pursue other interests’ which is what my previous employer had said when the DWP had written to them – THANKS. I was given the chance to put my side of the argument over which I would not have been able to do if I had been fired apparently - hopefully no one else will find themselves in the situation I did - but a bit of insider knowledge if you do. Take care and thanks for the support. Stuart
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