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#1 Posted : 07 August 2003 18:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Lesley McDonald
I want to change careers and move into Health and Safety . I have just completed Nebosh General certificate and hopefully I will be starting the Nebosh diploma in September . The only worry I have is that even if I pass the Diploma what do i do with regard to experience ?? I am currently the leader of the Department Safety Action Team within my present Company ( arranging and chairing meetings , taking and issuing minutes and I am starting to perform Risk Assessments and Manual Handling Assessments) but what else do I need to be doing ? Any useful suggestions ? My current role is do to fininsh in December of this year .
#2 Posted : 07 August 2003 20:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Linda Crossland-Clarke
Accident reporting is always a starter, as it will naturally lead to other things... accident investigation, reviewing risk assessments, implementing control measures, consultation with employees, scheduling necessary training etc.
#3 Posted : 08 August 2003 10:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jane Blunt
Another thing you could get involved with is inspections. You could develop checklists - a useful thing to have, since checklists establish what you actually looked for. The intellectual effort in compiling a checklist helps to concentrate the mind on what is an acceptable standard.

#4 Posted : 13 August 2003 09:51:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Lesley V McDonald
Thanks Jane.
I do actually perform inspections and audits and i am also a member of the ergonomic improvement team ( assessing and actioning any problems/ issues ).
As my current role is due to expire in December what would be the best move forward to progress my new career ?
#5 Posted : 13 August 2003 11:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jason Gould
Do a teaching course.

7307 or similar. This will help both for future employment and possible courses you may ant to look at delivering yourself.

I did 7307 Micro teach 10 week p/t course.
Learned a lot.

Best of luck what ever you do.

I too am finding it hard to get employment related to safety but will just hang in there.

#6 Posted : 19 August 2003 15:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard Lunn
Hello Lesley

As you have completed your General Certificate, I would personnaly recomend that you concentrate on landing your first full time H&S job and get some experience under your belt. This will help you in gaining the diploma. You should be able to apply for affiliate membership of IOSH now.
Your first job may not be that well paid but we all have to start somewhere.

I am coming up for TechSP status in October after completing the equivalent to 2 years full time experience. I have, only now decided the time is right to do the diploma.
This method has worked for me, as I am now the group H&S manager looking after several different companies.

Good luck with your career, take your time and you will get there in the end.

Richard Lunn

#7 Posted : 29 August 2003 12:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Gordon Thelwell
Hello Lesley,

I was in exactly the same position as you a few years ago. I used to be a pipe fitter but decided to use my head instead of my back! I approached my local authority and asked if i could job shadow with their central health and safety unit. One opportunity lead to another as i was actually in the health and safety environment and met the people i needed to face to face.

Also, find if there are any IOSH meetings in your area or other local safety associations. I also found that conducting volunteer work for charities was a good learning experience and for a good cause.

Jolly good luck in the future!

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