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#1 Posted : 29 August 2003 12:39:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Gordon Thelwell
We here at The Rack Group Ltd (Barnsley - South Yorkshire) are seeking to employ a competent person who is prepared to work nationally/Ireland inspecting Warehouse Storage Systems. The ideal candidate will be working towards or have their NEBOSH Gen Cert. Some work involves nights out (Average 1 night per week) All training will be given and career latitude is encouraged.


#2 Posted : 31 August 2003 16:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Keith Robinson
Dear Sir,
My Name is Keith Robinson and I am currently taking the NEBOSH Certificate and will be taking the exam in early December.
I am 55 years old and was until August 2002 employed with BAE SYSTEMS in Saudi Arabia for 22 years. Prior to this i served in the Royal Air Force for 12 years in the Supply and Accounting Branch.
If you are interested i can send my Current CV to you via the email system.
The working away and the nights out do not worry me in the least as you can see working away for such a long time i am used to that by now.
Hoping to hear from you in the near future
#3 Posted : 31 August 2003 17:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Keith Robinson
Dear Sir
My name is Keoth robinson and i have already sent you a message via this notice board, what i have omitted to do is to give you my home and email address which are as follows:

10 Church Road
East Riding

Please accept my apologies for the omission
#4 Posted : 01 September 2003 21:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Adrian Clifton
Hi Gordon.

My name is Adrian Clifton and hold Corporate status of the institution. I have 23 years experience in logistics operations with a large pharmaceutical retailer including 18 years in an H & S role.
I can be contacted by e-mail at adrian.clifton@ntlworld.com to arrange a chat.


Adrian Clifton MIOSH
#5 Posted : 05 September 2003 19:46:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Dear sir, My name is Paul Unwin. I have held the NEBOSH General Certificate for 10 years.
During which time I have worked in industrial, wholesale / distribution and transport operations, some of which involved the use of racking which required periodic checking. Currently, I work away from home 70% of the year, so have no problem with nights away. If you consider the above may match your profile for this position, please E-mail me at paul.unwin@o2.co.uk
regards. PAUL UNWIN
#6 Posted : 09 September 2003 16:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Gordon Thelwell
Dear all,

First of all we wish to express our appreciation for all your interest in this vacancy. I must say that the calibre of applicants has been very impressive indeed. So much so that the salary bracket we had in mind would not do justice for the skills and abilities you all have.
I have no doubt that you will all find success in the future.

Many thanks to all who showed interest.


#7 Posted : 10 September 2003 10:03:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nicholas Isherwood
Dear Gordon

I have held the Nebosh Certificate for five years and I am currently studying Part 1 of The Nebosh Diploma. After reading the responses you received I would be interested in knowing what sort of salary you had in mind for this position. I am based in Lancashire but dont let that worry you I may be prepared to het my passport out

Nick Isherwood
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