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#1 Posted : 09 February 2004 15:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Llewellyn

CATCH 22: Experience Required for Jobs/ trying to start in the industy

THE FACTS: Qualified with NEBOSH general cert and working towards Dipolma One, 2 years experience in low risk hospitality sector.

WHATS NEEDED: A JOB: i am 25 with reletively little experience BUT i want and need a good job oppetunity with the right company that will enable me to learn and live.

THE PROBLEM: nearly all the avenues of seraching for a health and safety job seem to lead to the same point, the neccesity of 4 years experience or a better background of health and safety.

The soloution......... all suestions welcome and job oppertunities welcomed more!

Please help me debate this topic.
Paul Llewellyn

#2 Posted : 09 February 2004 16:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jim Walker

where do you live?
#3 Posted : 09 February 2004 16:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Chris Abbott
Here's my suggestion - I've made it a few times before.

I was in your position too, and this is what I did.


Simply - that's what I did. Principle People where the lucky agency to put me forward for the job I am now in.. ;)

But seriously, Check your CV, make sure it has everything you've ever done in safety (well not everything, but that information is critical. I had a bad CV that said nothing about my achievements... Re-work your CV - Talk tot he Agency staff.. When I did they said.. "You didn't put that on your CV, I've got a client looking for..." Trust me, they know what they want!

Be bold, cold call, phone, internet searches, get your CV copied, covering letter, references, etc etc.. Send out a "Give me a job in Health & Safety" letter to all local companies.. (Actually, this work, but a little late for me - sent one to Medway Council) - after I got this job, they wrote to me and asked me to come in for an interview...

Next thing to do.. If you are not working, then volunteer to help out in local schools, colleges etc etc to get experiences!


Hope this helps,


ps.. Best of luck mate!
#4 Posted : 09 February 2004 16:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Peter Lee

the old chestnut, no experience equals no job, no job equals no experience.

My take on it is that with Health and Safety's profile being raised more people are interested in the profession, fewer jobs more applicants.

Dare I say it but I think you have a remote chance of finding employment in Health and Safety with only the NEBOSH Certificate, this is a qualification aimed at supervisors and managers not full time Health and Safety practitioners.

With the advent of more routes to qualification, BSC, MSC, NTU Dip, NVQ, you really are up against it without this level of qualification or without experience.

Please don't let this put you off, I hope you prove me wrong.

Just as an aside I got my job in Health and Safety through a colleague on the Diploma course, its not often what you know......

The very best of luck mate.
#5 Posted : 09 February 2004 16:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Leadbetter

You may increase your chances of success by reading what you have typed before sending anything. A poor eye for detail, like bad spelling, will count against you.

#6 Posted : 09 February 2004 20:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Miller
Ouch! that's a bit harsh Paul. Suppose the person has a learning difficulty or may be dyslexic or similar, worth thinking about before one jumps in with both feet!

As said on a previous thread, Not every one has had a good education. I myself was one of those who was robbed of knowledge at school because I was not interested in the click (rugby, cricket, football etc) Teachers made people like us sit at the back of the class and do lines. It has taken me 30 years to get an education and even now I sometimes still struggle.

Poor education does not mean that one is doomed forever!

Mike Miller MCIOB AIMBM soon to be MIOSH
#7 Posted : 10 February 2004 08:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Chris Abbott

I honestly thought that we had moved past this sort of reactive messaging... I'm dyslexic and have to type everything into outlook first - and spell check it - so that I don't upset people who think I'm stupid, because I can't spell!

Anyway - back to the original "thred" <--- :p

GOOD LUCK - GOOD HUNTING - And don't get put off!

#8 Posted : 10 February 2004 09:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Leadbetter
I know enough about dyslexia to know that it does not equate to stupidity. Nothing in my original posting made any assumptions about Paul but I made the self-evident observation that his spelling was poor. If this is perceived by readers as lack of attention to detail (or lack of intelligence), it will inhibit his ability to get the job he desires.
Well done to Chris for overcoming his problem with a little ingenuity.

#9 Posted : 10 February 2004 10:12:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Chris Abbott
Actually Paul, you do make a good point - presentation is everything....
#10 Posted : 09 March 2004 13:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Sean Harvey

I am currently handling a junior construction position based around the North West.

Could you be a little more specific about where you live and want to work?

#11 Posted : 10 March 2004 13:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Anders
Have Emailed you Direct Hope this is of interest to you
#12 Posted : 10 March 2004 16:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ian Lynch
I must admit I am very dissapointed with the some responces you have recived these forums are ment to be amongst firends not with the intention of been critical.

Your situation is the same as many trying to enter a new field

But the easiest way to achive what u want is proably the hardest-From The Bottom Up.

It is very disheartening to enter a company and have to work under some one that you can clearly do a better job then but life is like that.

I found that construction was the was to go with sites getting bigger and work loads increasing construction Safety officers are finding it harder to fulfill their roles and this is providing a great oppertunity for junior positions to gain experiance.

Another this is you have to pul your head on the block. safety statements are a greaty means of experiance and help fill a cv. Get out there and start producing some quality safety statements if you feel you are not ready for this may be you are not ready for the industry. But I have no doubt that u are ready

So get out ther start filling your CV

And Best of Luck
#13 Posted : 10 March 2004 18:46:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Allaway
I could not help but notice the spelling above. I do believe that the modern H&S Officer has his/her work cut out trying to persuade management to either spend that extra time/money or to invest. A well staffed letter or document that has no grammatical errors may not ultimately change the boards decision but it may give the H&S 'man' that little extra credibility.
Just an obseration gents..
#14 Posted : 10 March 2004 18:51:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By allan wood
try looking at the thread posted by dave anders recently, position up for grabs in south manchester.
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