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#1 Posted : 31 March 2004 15:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Helen Smiddy
Hi all.
I wonder if anybody could give me some advice?
I have been working in construction for a few years now, and have gained both the NEBOSH General, and Construction Certificate. I have TechSP status, and the company I work for are encouraging me to work towards MIOSH.
I am trying to decide between the Dip 2, or NVQ 4, as both allow for full Membership of Iosh at present.
I thought the NVQ route would be better, as it would be largely work based, (and is a lot cheaper!) but does anybody know if there are any disadvantages to the NVQ route? Why is it so much cheaper? is there a catch?
I would be gratful for any information.
Many thanks
#2 Posted : 31 March 2004 15:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Helen Smiddy
I meant NVQ level 4. Oops. Sorry
#3 Posted : 31 March 2004 15:52:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alec Wood
Nottingham Trent's diploma is apparently also worth considering, cheaper and much quicker than NEBOSH's.

I am afraid that there appears to be no clear answer to the root of your question though, I am asking a very similar one in the "To Dip or not to Dip" thread.

Good luck

Alec Wood
Samsung Electronics
#4 Posted : 31 March 2004 17:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Linda Crossland-Clarke

The NVQ's aren't always a lot cheaper, its just that some colleges can usually access more funding than a training provider can. A lot of my clients access funding through the Humber Chemical Focus Group which brings the price down for them..

As for your choice between the Dip and the NVQ; some times you have no choice, if your employer won't give you time off for work, revision and exams, then the NVQ can be more flexible. The NVQ concentrates on work based evidence, so it is entirely relavent to you and your career. The Dip gives you chance to come into contact with other safety professionals from a variety of enviroments (providing you are classroom based).
Do you like the classroom style of learing? Does your written English come easy to you? Or would you prefer to photocopy documents you produced at work, talk to your assessor and have him/her observe you in your job? Work can all be done on the PC. You can record yourself talking about your safety knowledge, video training sessions etc. If the latter fills you with horror, then maybe the Dip is a better option!
Best of luck.
#5 Posted : 01 April 2004 09:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Frank Macleod
Hi Helen,

My experience is such that my company put me through the NVQ 4 and then sponsored me for the Diploma. The reason I choose to do both types of qualification is the fact that the NVQ proves competence whilst the Diploma gives you the academic backbone to support your competence. Quite costly to do this but you may wish to consider a Career Development loan, if your company can't cover the costs. Your other option might be to consider a HSE Degree with one of the universities offering distance learning. What ever you decide good luck for the future.

Frank Macleod
#6 Posted : 01 April 2004 10:17:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert K Lewis
I think many people regard NVQs as an easier route because they seem to be less academically rigorous. This is not necessarily the case as candidates do still need to prove underpinning knowledge. The structure proposed for the AGM vote is shown in this month's SHP on page 53 and as you will see there is proposed an open book exam before there can be a professional interview for corporate membership when using the NVQ route.

The other drawback with the NVQ can be it's sector specificity although there are ways of overcoming this.

Any route you now choose is going to be judged under the new structure, so I will continue to bang the drum to get all those wishing to progress or maintain their current status to register for CPD if they have not done so already.

#7 Posted : 09 April 2004 12:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Shields
Helen, SHEilds Ltd. is located in North East England we have many clients on board in this region however we have lots of further candidates utilizing our eLearning delivery of this qualification (these include other regions of the UK, Egypt, Gambia, Spain, United Arab Emirates etc.)

General facts and figures regarding the NVQ 4 we offer can be found on our website:


SHEilds Ltd. is committed to offering the most flexible and practical solutions to your learning and successful completion of your portfolio. Systems currently in place include –

• NVQ eLearning and on-line progress tracking for use by both candidates and assessors

• web downloads including unit sections, guides, glossaries, examples of acceptable evidence and the initial candidate information pack (the how to do it - guide)

• discussion forums and bulletin boards for candidates

• and FREE access to shepro.co.uk (the ultimate safety resource website) which has sources of information to cover all the domain knowledge requirements.

To start potential candidates off on the right track, we have devised a 'competence analysis' tool, this gives an initial indication as to how much work may be required on your behalf, feedback is instantly given in a percentage format.

To undertake this competence analysis visit:-


As this will be your first time here you will be asked to create an account (user name, password etc.)

Please Note. This is only a taster website. The full eLearning section for enrolled candidates is within shepro.co.uk.

Should you require any further information please contact our NVQ manager - Mike Watson on Tel: 01482 348353, Mobile: 07967 471208.

Alternately email me directly,

Regards and good luck with your continued professional development.

Mike Shields
#8 Posted : 09 April 2004 12:40:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Rachel Moschke
Hi all, just caught this forum and wanted to let you know that I am finding the NVQ route really suits me. I am doing my NVQ4 through shields safety Hi Mike, their e-learning is really fantastic.

I recommend having a chat with Mike Watson 01482 348353, really nice guy he will talk you through all you need to know.

Good luck

#9 Posted : 15 April 2004 15:17:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Barry Tovey
Hi Helen, I took the NVQ 4 route which gained me MIOSH status. It was hard work, for me anyway. I think that the old argument regarding not actually covering pure law is the sticking point. It depends on your course director and the amount of time they allow you to go to seminars and the like.
You do reference the legislation aspect but only to support your evidence. You do not study it.
This doesn't mean you cannot attend further courses on this if finance allows. Or to use you experience to resolve such issues with a lot of reference and help from the wealth of material available.
Theres lots to it good luck
#10 Posted : 06 May 2004 10:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Terry Lilley
I have just completed nvq 4 to the new standard (13 units as opposed to 10 in the old standard) and can recommend this route. The work involved is quite time demanding but as you already work in construction H&S you ought to find that nvq 4 would suit your needs as it is work & experience orientated rather than academic. Good luck!!
#11 Posted : 10 May 2004 09:46:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tim Corbett
Go for the diploma. Unless you are already in a full time position.

The NVQ4 will not give you MIOSH status if you are in a partime position and the NVQ won't get you that full time position.
A bitter lesson dearly learnt.

#12 Posted : 11 May 2004 12:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David Horenr

If you have an ability to remember information under pressure, then take the NEBOSH route.

However, as an H&S Professional would be extremely unwise to rely on memory under pressure, take the NVQ4 route, develop policy and complete your units in real time; I did

#13 Posted : 11 May 2004 12:34:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David Horenr

If you have an ability to remember information under pressure, then take the NEBOSH route.

However, as an H&S Professional would be extremely unwise to rely on memory under pressure, take the NVQ4 route, develop policy and complete your units in real time; I did

#14 Posted : 18 May 2004 13:30:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Gavin

I have put my staff through both NVQ and Diploma routes to achieve Corporate status. Most organisations do not differentiate between the 2. They are merely options to achieve a recognised level of competecny. All that said, many adverts pecify Diploma or full member of IOSH - a long term objective if you wish to move up the HSE ladder. Be focussed upon your goals and your personal preference for study - they are markedly different in approach.

Good luck
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