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#1 Posted : 24 June 2004 15:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alec Wood
What is going on with the public sector recruitment policies?

I have applied for a few jobs in the public sector recently, and all seem to be fixated on previous public sector experience. One person specification from neighbouring health authority even had "currently employed by a local health authority" as an essential qualification. I am led to believe that this is not permitted under the rules within which they operate, so I pointed it out. They sent a letter to all applicants claiming it was a typo and should have been put in the "desirable" column, but my cynical side believes I just got an insight into their real hidden recruitment policy. This was for a junior role by the way, not a manager where such experience would be vital.

Similarly councils are specifying council officers admin qualifications as "vital" to keep the private sector boys out.

I appreciate that the public service operates under well defined specific procedures that may not be fully known to an outsider, and can never be altered or adapted to suit the individual, but surely exactly the same is true of almost every large corporation.

Unless you know someone on the inside it seems impossible to even get an interview in the public sector in these parts.

Our entire workforce was dumped on the jobs market recently, and many applied without success to the local authorities, until one of my colleagues got a job in the local health board as an administrator through her sister - suddenly some of our guys started getting interviews there, then jobs!

Anyone got any tips how to get a foot in the door without a relative on the inside - other than by taking a sledgehammer to it!

Alec Wood
Samsung Electronics
#2 Posted : 25 June 2004 08:52:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Murphy

I can only write about local authority recruitment. We are committed to equalities and that includes equality of opportunity. The recruitment processes we use are auditable and transparent and always include more than one person (normally 3) on the selection and interview panel to ensure openness transparency and honesty. (The panel record in writing the answers an applicant gives to the interview question, signs it and these are kept for five years).

I do not understand what you mean by "Similarly councils are specifying council officers admin qualifications as "vital" to keep the private sector boys out". In the job adverts I see for safety staff (In the SP) they quote safety qualification requirement and only those. In more senior posts we might seek someone who has experience of working in a multi-disciplinary organisation (for fairly obvious reasons).

LA job applications include a person specification. The majority of applications I have seen fail to see this is an essential tool for ensuring they get across the first hurdle - onto the shortlist! (The interview is normally based on the PS too). Despite clear instructions to applicants they fail to describe how they meet each of the criteria identified in the person spec. (Co-incidentally the most frequent failure is the criteria about applying equal opportunities in the job).

We have just appointed a safety adviser in my Council who was not a practising safety professional but he was in open competition with people who were (He was a safety rep' at IKEA)! I hope you can see from this example that we do not discriminate, we appoint the right person for the job.

Keep on trying and remember, meet the person spec criteria and you will get an interview then its down to interview technique, personality and charm.

Good luck.

#3 Posted : 25 June 2004 09:25:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Peter Lee
Alec, I can bear testimony to the previous respondent, I got my first Health and Safety post at a Local Authority without working in Health and Safety, I was a Trade Union Safety Representative.

I was up against Consultants, Safety Managers, and even my lecturer from college at the interview.

Bottom line is if you fit the bill you will get the job.

As previously stated the application form is the most vital hurdle, ensure your person spec fits the job criteria.

Good Luck with the job search.
#4 Posted : 25 June 2004 11:39:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alec Wood
Thanks guys,

I try to look at the person spec as a real measure of what is required. If I don't fit it then generally I would not apply. I would regard it as disrespectfull to them to waste their time.

Locally, Middlesbrough, Hartlepool and County Durham local authorities have all advertised H&S jobs recently. Most have been open and transparent as you say, but Co Durham's had as "essential" in the person spec a local authority administration certificate. The job function provided gave no hint of the job being anything other than the standard safety officer tasks with their usual amount of admin.

This ad was followed by one from Hartlepool advertising several vacancies from Safety Officer to Toilet Cleaner. Every single one of them ended with a line specifying that consideration will only be given to candidates who can demonstrate current familiarity with local authority working practices and procedures.

The public sector has long had a "jobs for the boys" reputation which they have worked steadily to rid themselves of over several years. It seems that the ones in this area have given up trying.

Alec Wood
#5 Posted : 25 June 2004 11:57:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Zyggy Turek
Alec, Just to put a spin on this, when I applied for my first post within a Council they were actively seeking somebody who did not have LA experience. They were looking for somebody with an alternative view on life.

The last two Advisers I recruited had no specific LA H&S experience.

I am also shortlisting this afternoon for a new post & I can confirm that the vast majority of applicants do not have LA experience & will all be assessed in the first instance against the Person Spec.

I am still surprised that many applicants choose to ignore the Person Spec. which makes it very difficult as an employer to gain an informed opinion.

For this particular post, LA experience is in the "Desirable" column.
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