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#1 Posted : 03 August 2004 16:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert Paterson

Hi All

This is not an advert for a register but a thread to guage interest in setting up one.

My thoughts have been generated by my own experience in the past and the many requests for employment of persons wishing to get into Health and Safety.

I wonder how many would be interested in setting up a database of persons wishing to seek a step into the world of Safety through a work experience programme. I am sure there are many small companies who could use such a service.

This database would need to be secure to prevent abuse of data protection. Has anyone got any ideas on this?

If enough interest is generated then I am sure IOSH would take it on board. I am bascically looking for interest from people who have recently gained qualifications and also employers who might want to give someone a chance to use the knowledge gained.

I maybe opening myself up for a lot of flak, but as I know from the past if we don't try we won't succeed and surely we are in the business to help each other from time to time.

By the way I don't work for IOSH.

Kind Regards

Robert Paterson (I can be contacted directly if that is preferred)
#2 Posted : 03 August 2004 17:09:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By K Wardale
Hi Robert,

I think your idea is a good one and would help individuals have a taster at different h & s roles before deciding which one suited them. I would definetly be up for it particularly if it gave me an opportunity to move into a more specialised field and have enhanced career prospects.

Kind Regards,

#3 Posted : 03 August 2004 18:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Terry Hyslop
Robert, like the other correspondent I believe a register of people interested in either entering,moving jobs in or seeking to specialise in the H&S sector is a very good idea. I agree it will take a lot of work but I believe the end result would be rewarding for yourself and others
Good luck
#4 Posted : 09 August 2004 16:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Johnston
I think this is a fantastic idea.

Speaking from an individual perspective and not a company perspective, I would be very excited to have my name on a database that could help get on that first rung of the ladder. Especially through IOSH and not the average job agency (I mean no disrespect to those job agencies in the slightest as I use agencies daily in my search for employment).

Robert, I really hope this idea takes off and a great big thank you to you for trying to push it forward.

As for the security of the database, I'm sure as large a task as it is, there are many servers/companies out there with the knowledge and technology to have security measures suitable. Not to mention a well written and researched privacy policy/disclaimer.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing how much interest this thread generates.

Very best regards,

#5 Posted : 09 August 2004 18:38:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neil Hancock

I think it would be great. I just did my degree and it’s a nightmare getting work experience even if it is unpaid. I don’t think IOSH do enough personally for people in my boat - After all, we will be future members.

I think it is time that more was down for new graduates.
#6 Posted : 12 August 2004 12:26:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert Paterson
Hi to everyone

I would like to record my thanks to all who have responded so far to this thread and the other threads on this subject.

A wee bit dismayed that not many people have responded as I would have thought that a register for work experience would have given a chance to a lot of people who would like to enter the health and safety world.

Is there any company managers who would be interested in being apart of a register.

IOSH is one of the leading institutions in Health and Safety and I'm sure if given enough interest from members and also other professionals outside the institute they would take this idea on board and expand on it.

Thanks George for pushing this idea at the CSC meetings. It is now up to the rest of us to keep this idea alive for future generations of Health and Safety professionals.

Kind Regards

Robert Paterson
#7 Posted : 12 August 2004 12:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Michael Armstrong
I also think this is a great idea, I am a safety rep who has passed the certificate and am now working towards the NTU diploma. I am not having too many problems with the academic side but will always struggle to get employment until I have what IOSH class as experience.

I would be available for any H&S work,unpaid in own time etc if it allowed me to gain such experience.

Keep up the good work and I hope this gets off the ground - count me in!!.

Best Regards Michael
#8 Posted : 13 August 2004 10:26:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mark Jarman

As other respondents have indicated, this would be a great idea for the benefit of all safety professionals, from people interested in entering the profession, through the newly qualified to experienced practitioners. I seem to recall that in the catering profession, some chefs do work without pay for short periods in top restaurants in order to get more experience and develop their skills.

As you have suggested, it would be great if IOSH could take this idea on board and offer some sort of structure and guidance, both for those offering and taking up the places. Perhaps the development of such a scheme could be rewarded with CPD points, and companies offering placements could be entered into an annual award for the scheme of the highest quality.

The only problem that I can see at this stage is the availability of placements. For various reasons, including resources, workload and internal politics, I have a doubt that companies would make a sufficient number of places available to make the scheme the success that it should be. I typify this last point - I would love to go out in my own time and gain experience in new fields, however, I doubt that I would be able to offer anything in return at my workplace.

Having said all of that, it is a great idea and I hope that it gets off the ground. I would certainly be willing to contribute to setting up such a scheme in any way that I can.


#9 Posted : 23 August 2004 12:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert Paterson
Wondering if anyone else would like to contribute to this thread.

The responses are very encouraging so far but I think we would need a lot more before this idea could flourish.

I see more and more people coming on the forum looking to progress or even break into full time Health and Safety but lacking the experience of the job.

Fostering Health and Safety in a way where we can pass on our experience must look good for the future of the Institution and I think that setting up a database for work experience could be one way of achieving that.

Well if you support such an idea then can I ask that you respond to this thread and show IOSH that this idea should be taken up and explored in such a way as to lead the way in achieving a better health and safety culture.

I fear that if not enough support is generated then this idea would die and another opportunity to improve the standard of health and safety training would be lost.


Robert Paterson
#10 Posted : 23 August 2004 12:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By brian green
This is a great idea and needs pushing forward, i wonder if this would be open to misuse from certain employers using free labour rather than employing someone, apologies for being negative but there are some out there who would attempt to misuse this register. Anything to increase the chances for up and coming practitioners is a good idea, deteremination and hard work will get them there eventually, hope you are successfull in the register, if you require help from other practitioners i would only be to happy to help with spare time i have available

best regards

Brian Green M.I.O.S.H.
applying for rsp
#11 Posted : 23 August 2004 14:26:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David Raymond
Hi Robert,

I speak to a growing number of candidates who have decided to enter the Health and Safety industry and have completed the NEBOSH certificate, and are now looking for that 'first step' into a full time role. However they always come up against the catch22 scenario of having a qualification, but with no real experience to speak of.
So when speaking to people in this situation, it would be exceptionally beneficial to offer an avenue to give that much needed experience.


Dave Raymond
#12 Posted : 23 August 2004 16:19:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mark Jarman
I agree with Brian that some companies may use a scheme such as this to try and get free labour. That is why believe it is important that such a scheme should have the backing of IOSH with a formal structure.

It is disappointing to note that so few have contributed to this thread - I am sure there are many out there who would gladly participate.

#13 Posted : 24 August 2004 15:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Stephen Nicol
Dear Robert

I think it is a brilliant idea. I gained my NEBOSH Certificate last year, and am currently working towards the NEBOSH Diploma Part 1, which I am due to complete in December. However, despite my qualifications, companies do not seem to want to take me on as I have limited experience, so I am in a catch 22 situation - no job without the experience, no experience without the job! I keep trying, hoping to find a company which is willing to give a person like me the opportunity, but the answer is always the same! I would most definitely be interested in having my name on this kind of database.

Kind regards,

Steve Nicol
#14 Posted : 25 August 2004 12:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By colin j fraser
I think this is an excellent idea, I have found myself in a similar situation to most people trying to get on the health and safety ladder. I am just awaiting my results from Dip 1 and have applied to numerous vacancies but to no avail as I have little H&S experience!

Come on IOSH give this one youre backing and allow new members to gain the experience needed for a full time health and safety position.

#15 Posted : 25 August 2004 15:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin Ffitch
All the replies so far have been positive, and whilst I don't want to appear negative I want to put a different view.

In my opinion employers are looking for candidates that demonstrate initiative and who are able to promote themselves. Work experience is a great way of doing this.

However, rather than set up a database I would recommend that candidates proactively seek out industries that they are interested in, target specific companies, find out who the EHS manager is and send them a letter & CV that gives good reason why the company should be interested in them for work experience.

Put together a CD-ROM with examples of your work (whether H&S related or not), and more details about yourself.

Yes, it takes time. Yes, it costs more, but if you want the job you've got to have an edge. Putting yourself on a database and waiting for a call is not going to work.

I am speaking from hard learnt experience. When I graduated I wrote 120 letters. The rejection letters were soul destroying but I got a couple of interviews, gained experience and with a little luck find myself 10 years later in a corporate position for a FTSE100 company.

Certainly try a database but companies want the candidates that try that little bit harder.
#16 Posted : 25 August 2004 15:50:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Stephen Nicol
In response to Martin Ffitch's e-mail, whilst I do agree that it is a good idea to approach a company direct, I would also add that it does not always work! I have sent out hundreds of letters with CVs detailing my previous experience and giving details of my current studies to various companies, all to no avail. I visit the Worktrain and various other employment websites on a daily basis, downloading any position which looks remotely attainable. I then contact the companies, and make it plain that I will work for them on a trial basis for a reduced wage - in fact, that I will work for them for nothing if needs be - all, again, to no avail! Companies want people with experience - that much is clear - but, until there is a recognised system whereby people studying towards their H&S qualifications can be "placed" within a company to physically gain that experience, then companies will continue to reject people like me!

Another thought though - with courses like plumbing or joinery, the colleges that offer these courses also link their students up with companies where they can gain "work experience". Would it not be an idea for the colleges which offer H&S courses to do the same? Otherwise, this country is going to be full of people who are qualified, but who are not employable because of their lack of experience!

Steve Nicol
#17 Posted : 26 August 2004 19:29:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alan Smith
I have just passed the Gen cert having decided that Health & Safety is of interest to me. Not having any work experience means that I cannot get a foothold on the career ladder.

Most of my fellow students on the course have experience in being responsible for H&S in their workplace. They simply did not have the required knowledge. How strange then that people without qualification have jobs in H&S and others (like me) have the qualification but cannot enter into the workplace?

Your idea seems somewhat too logical and hints strongly of common sense.

Anyone in Dorset looking to find someone with similat attributes, please call. I am looking for work until this idea kicks off. excellent idea.

Kind regards..Alan Smith
#18 Posted : 27 August 2004 11:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Michael

I think your idea is brilliant and, as already said, will take a lot of work but would help a great number of people i think.

Perhaps i'm biased as due to the Management of Health & Safety being reviewed, my current post will no longer exist and my contract is at risk. I am currently working towards my NEBOSH qualification and am looking for new employment and would be willing to undertake any support role available. If anyone can help then dont hesitate to contact me on 07881 554194. Many thanks
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