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#1 Posted : 07 January 2005 08:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard Guy
Does anyone know what way IOSH are changing the membership structure, I am now eligible for Tech SP, but I know they are changing the structure etc...

#2 Posted : 13 January 2005 13:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Pearce
I contacted the membership department this morning reference the forthcoming changes as I am wanting to achieve corporate status in the future. They believe the new level 4 NEBOSH diploma will not met the academic requirement for the corporate grade (or its replacement). They also said that said that the NEBOSH Dip2 may meet the requirements. I also read in another thread that a grade of TechIOSH will be introduced with the academic requirement of the NEBOSH cert. This only my interpretation of things so dont put money on it
#3 Posted : 13 January 2005 15:18:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jason Gould
I have recently spoke to some helpful people from IOSH and here is what has been advised to me. Remember your own circumstances will be different.

I currently am TechSp and have postponed dip2 till December instead of July.

When our membership structure changes later this year your category will change from TechSP to TechIOSH and because you have delayed taking your examinations until December you will not be able to advance your membership status until you have completed a two year IPD programme followed by a peer review.

CPD will become mandatory to retain either TechIOSH or MIOSH but it is currently voluntary.

So I ask about CPD and the Voluntry Scheme,

I would recommend that you register with the IOSH CPD scheme. The scheme currently runs in 2 year cycles starting January and July. You will have to gain 20 points over the 2 years in order to complete the cycle successfully. You won't have to worry about money, as far as the IOSH CPD scheme is concerned, as the NEBOSH Dip 2 is worth 20 points. You are already effectively carrying out CPD and it is just a matter of formally registering that fact with ourselves.

Hope this helps anyone who missed the Banana boat.
#4 Posted : 13 January 2005 15:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Darryl Jones
At the moment i have completed my NEBOSH General certificate, have been doing a H&S role for over two years and just about to start a NVQ4, so that means at the moment i can join at the Techsp level but in July it will change to TechIOSH as long as i continue my study or CPD points.
Doe's this sound correct ????.

#5 Posted : 13 January 2005 16:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Peter Lee
Currently you cannot enter TechSP with NEBOSH Certificate.

NEBOSH certificate and 10 years experience for TechIOSH after July.
#6 Posted : 13 January 2005 21:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jonathan Gray
I am nearly finished an MSSc in Occupational H&S at QUB and I am registered for CPD.

I will compleate the post grad cert in July this year and submit my dissertation in 2006, in order to graduate MSSc in 2006 (July-Sept), should I pass.

I have no idea how this will effect my application for Corpoate Membership, or will I be at the Graduate level under the new membership grades?

John Gray
#7 Posted : 14 January 2005 15:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ian Cook
As I understand it, the new NEBOSH Level 4 Diploma WILL meet the academic requirement for the corporate grade (MIOSH).

Am I wrong here?!
#8 Posted : 14 January 2005 15:21:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Pearce
I managed to dig out the IOSH CPD booklet last night and according to the chart in the front of it the new dip4 will give entry to the new charted stus grade. Suject to an open examination, CPD and peer review. My appologies if I've upset anyone who is/about to start the Dip4 course.
#9 Posted : 17 January 2005 15:17:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Hazel Harvey
Having read the thread I hope the following answers your individual questions. If you have any doubts regarding your personal staqtus our Membership department will be happy to help.
Anyone passing an accredited qualification before 1st July 2005 will be allowed to enter IOSH under the current arrangements. If you have reached the PGD stage of an MSc or MSSc programme you can apply with a letter from the university confirming this level. The NEBOSH Dip level 4 will be accepted as meeting the academic requirements for corporate (chartered) membership but may require a further programme of IPD before this is given. The first session of exams for the level4 Dip is after the 1st July deadline but the issue of allowing the people passing this exam to use the current rules is being debated next week by the PAC so it is possible that for this one session of exams that the IPD may not be required.
Current NEBOSH Cert. holders will be able to progress to TechIOSH on demonstration of 5 years in a role in health and safety which can be before the qualification is obtained. The 'new' NEBOSH Cert was first examined in Dec. 2002. For holders of the NEBOSH Cert obtained before this date who are either Associate or Affiliate members of IOSH joining before the 1st July 2005 and who can demonstrate 10 years experience they will also be eligible for TechIOSH. All TechSP will be transferred to TechIOSH but will need to register for CPD within 1 year to maintain TechIOSH. AllTechIOSH irrespective of route of entry will need to do this.
Currently TechSP is still open for NEBOSH Dip 1 and other accredited qualification holders but not people who hold the NEBOSH Cert.(either version).
#10 Posted : 17 January 2005 15:50:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By jason telford
At the moment i have completed my NEBOSH General certificate, have been doing a H&S role for over two years and just about to complete Nottingham Trent diploma (dipshem)the question is will the diploma still offer MIOSH status.
#11 Posted : 17 January 2005 16:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Hazel Harvey
If you have completed by the 1st July even if you have not received your results (and I think you will have)you will be admitted to either MIOSH or Grad IOSH depending on your experience. In both cases you will then need to complete a 2 year CPD cycle before progressing to CMIOSH. If you have not completed before this date you will need to undertake an IPD programme to develop a skills based portfolio and undertake a professional interview. The qualification is still recognised.
#12 Posted : 17 January 2005 16:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Joan Rance
I am currently undertaking NVQ Level 4 in Occupational Health and Safety. I am hoping to complete by the end of April/May. Will I be eligible for membership of MIOSH without taking the open examination if I complete by these dates even though I may not have the result before July.

#13 Posted : 20 January 2005 12:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Hazel Harvey
#14 Posted : 20 January 2005 23:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jonathan Gray

Many thanks for the reply.
Answered my question.
I'm gone from this bit !!!

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