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#1 Posted : 16 February 2005 10:19:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Website Content Co-ordinator
Over recent weeks there have been several incidents of misuse on the careers forum by agencies.

Our moderating team work hard to make sure the careers forum is a commercial free area. In addition to this, we have clear guidelines for users and would hope our forum members would adhere to these.

This forum is for the benefit of health and safety practitioners and those working within these areas to use for bettering and enhancing their careers.

It is not an advertisement board for agencies.

We do appreciate that agency advertisement is necessary, therefore we recommend you contact Ben Shepherd at SHPonline.co.uk, tel: 0207 560 4240, email: bshepherd@cmpinformation.com, who will happy to help with any recruitment advertisement enquires for the SHP website.

Thank you for your cooperation, if anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me on the details below.

Kind regards

Louise Seal

Website Content Co-ordinator

#2 Posted : 16 February 2005 11:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Allen
This statement and the discussion which initiated it puts me in a quandary. As an independent consultant I am sometimes offered work of a part –time or temporary nature which I cannot handle myself. I have therefore “advertised” it on this site. I know that other consultants sometimes have spare time and are looking for an opportunity to fill it. The work concerned would not support the cost of an advertisement in a commercial publication yet it would appear to have been in breach of the acceptable use guidelines.

Another thought. If I post a technical query on this site and someone gives me the answer free of charge I am also gaining commercially because otherwise I would have to pay someone for that information. Where do we draw the line?
#3 Posted : 16 February 2005 13:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jim-F
Oh come on, you know what is required on this forum. and what has been happening lately is not acceptable. I have found temporary work through this site and hopefully for others that will continue but Xact are trying to recruit from this site as it costs nothing, check how many jobs they advertised on here in a very short space of time at no cost to them.

#4 Posted : 16 February 2005 13:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tom Clark
Yeah - Look below 10 in a row is the 'William lawlor' website?

I think Louise is on to it!

#5 Posted : 16 February 2005 13:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Peter Lee
I'm all for rules but where are the demarcation lines, agencies cannot advertise but employers can?

Just scroll down the careers forum and look for job "advertisements".

Heres a direct lift from the acceptable use guidelines:

Users must not use the forums for any commercial purpose (including the advertising of jobs, goods and services).

Just for the record I am neither a consultant nor employer but I feel that rules which are applied only in certain circumstances which are unfair.

#6 Posted : 18 February 2005 11:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Rob T
If this site helps our members or potential members get a job - who cares whether there's been a minor breach of the rules. I know that most people read the "Practitioner" back to front (same thing).

I'm not after a job at the moment but it's good to see some of what's out there and if there was something brilliant (£200,000 Safety Manager in a wine-tasting firm? - I'm suddenly available!) I may be tempted.
#7 Posted : 18 February 2005 12:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By peter gotch
Hi both,

Quote from the preamble to "Careers Forum" to supplement the AUGs....

"Individuals, but not agencies, may post ........ notification of opportunities in occupational safety and health."

So the demarcation lines are fairly clear!

Regards, Peter
#8 Posted : 21 February 2005 10:03:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David Raymond
Hi All,

From an agencies point of view I can fully understand the rulings that forbid us from advertising on this Forum. As we make a profit out of the placement of Health and Safety practitioners into any business, be it on a contract or permanent basis.

But how do you draw the line with a H&S consultancy advertising on the forum, as they also make a profit from this forum.

Seems a bit one sided to me.

#9 Posted : 14 October 2005 17:18:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Simon Ayee
Further to a posting in a recent thread regarding removing the thread due to acceptable use guideline 2 but the thread seems to be an advert from an employer not an agency.

It seems that the purpose of the forum may not be clear to all users as the preamble that Peter Gotch mentions above seems to have been removed.

Are job adverts acceptable or not? Perhaps some clarification by IOSH moderators would be helpful?
#10 Posted : 15 October 2005 01:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neville
I am neither an agency nor an employer, but due to misfortune, have received a redundancy notice, which has now passed.

Rather than place several notices on here, as most people do, I chose to reply to my own message with a 'refresh' notice for which I received a re-buff message from a moderator. I apologised and stated that I would not do such a 'naughty thing' again. Unaware of the rules, which I must not have read, I thought it was fair game.

The practice of placing several notices of job search, from the same source, seems to go on with gay abandon. Check this forum !!!!!! But the moderator has not acted upon this fact.

I am still searching for employment and am a serious contender, with a lot to offer and much diversity, (stacks of maturity too!)

Am I to place loads of single 'ads.', like lots of others seem to do all the time, (without the moderator acting), or just place a refresh notice on my own thread?

Yours in sin, acting logically and possibly breaking the rules in the process.

Please come to some sort of logical decission or I will do what all the others seem to be doing and act within the rules that others seem to get away with.

Concernedly yours,

#11 Posted : 17 October 2005 08:45:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David Raymond
Further to this thread...

We've recently opened a new division in our business to cater for a particular client to provide a consultancy service (very much like the old Sypol), but we are still operating a recruitment agency division and frequently advertise in SHP. But when we advertised for our consultancy business on the forum, these postings were removed???

Following a rather long call from a moderator explaining the reasons. It appears that the guidelines apply to us, because our name is too well known just for recruitment! Interesting I never read that in the guidelines, but I geuss it is their website so they can change the rules as they see fit.

#12 Posted : 17 October 2005 11:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham
Ok so the bit everyone is picking up on is

Users must not use the forums for any commercial purpose (including the advertising of jobs, goods and services), or operate surveys, contests or chain letters, or promote causes or campaigns. Course providers and product / service suppliers must only give basic contact details in response to a request for information about specific courses and / or products.

So when employed you contract is either worded as 'of service' (employes persons) or for service (self employed persons). If you post information regarding your own availability you are advertising that you which to engage in a contract 'of service' or 'for service' as you may be picked up either by a recruitment consultant or by an employer or by a H&S consultancy... so regardless of whether or not they "advertise" the job or select candidates based on the information provided, either a financial gain or saving will have been made assuming that the contract either 'of' or 'for' service as been entered into thus making the post unacceptable for use under the rule noted above.

1. What can you post on this forum.

2. Instead of copmplaining why not make some suggestions to IOSH, for example how difficult would if be for recruiters to pay a subscription to IOSH for accessing a database of registered talent and a 1 off fee to those who may only require periodic use of such a service.

3. Or change the forum name Careers Forum is clear cut to me, I would be coming in here to look for employment being advertised by employers or agencies

#13 Posted : 17 October 2005 12:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert K Lewis
I am now very confused as a total pedant. If individuals only can post then strictly the agencies are not doing anything wrong as it is an INDIVIDUAL who is posting unless they use a group email name such as enquiries@etc. etc.

Also it does seem that nobody can actually advertise any post as they could be gaining commercially from such a posting. The only permissable act, it appears, is for individuals to advertise their presence on the market.

I would far rather the whole thing be more transparent and for agencies to pay a fixed charge for placing a thread.

#14 Posted : 19 October 2005 12:10:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Simon Ayee
Any response from the moderators?

#15 Posted : 21 October 2005 09:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Web Manager

We’re aware there’s a recurring issue with individual postings and we’ll be looking for a way to resolve it. However, in the meantime, we need to stay with the Acceptable Use Guidelines. The moderating team are doing a fantastic job, mostly unseen, and they need your support.

Those with businesses, whether large or single traders, that recruit people on behalf of others should n't be using the Careers Forum for this purpose.

But we do appreciate that agency advertisement is necessary, therefore we recommend you contact Bryn McGeever who is the new contact for SHP online on bmcgeever@cmpinformation.com and 020 7560 4227. He’ll be happy to help with any recruitment advertisement enquires for the SHP website.

Best regards

Angela Wheatcroft
#16 Posted : 21 October 2005 11:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Peter Taylor14
The bottom line on this is that organisations whose primary task is recruiting should not advertise on this forun for free, but place their adverts in the SHP and pay for the priviledge. However safety consultants, etc, that require temp staff and whose primary function is not recruitment should be free to tell other safety practitioners of positions available.
I cannot for the life of me think why anyone would want to work for an agency.
#17 Posted : 21 October 2005 11:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert Paterson
Hi Peter14

Sometimes the only way into Health and Safety positions is through agencies. The last two positions I have been offered were through agencies.

Robert Paterson
#18 Posted : 21 October 2005 13:45:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Karen Flanagan
As a recruitment professional I wanted to put my view across. I know those of you suspicious of agencies' intentions (of which there seem to be many) will think that what follows is some disguised advert for the company I work for, but I consider myself as part of the Health and Safety Industry and therefore would like to get my point across.

In particular, to the gentlemen who can't fathom why some would work with an agency. I fully respect that a number of members may have had bad experiences with agencies. I am also confident that many of you will agree that there are the good and the bad in most professions and industries.

I work as a Recruitment Consultant for a specialist Recruitment Consultancy who have been in business for nearly 20 years, are quality assured ISO9001:2000, Investors in People and were even awarded "World Class" recognition from the DTi.

For 10 of those I have had the privilege of working with them, and I have had the pleasure of helping many vastly experienced and highly professional H&S Managers, Officers etc. with their career progression into some of the top companies in the UK. What some of you may not be aware of, is that, when undertaking an assignment, it is very often exclusive and not available through any other source than myself. Our clients value our profession because we can save them time and money. As an Executive Search Consultant, we will identify and source the best candidate for the job not just those who are looking for a new job. Our business is about building relationships, between ourselves and our clients/candidates, and between our clients and our candidates. I don't want harp on but when we did in the past post a position it was purely because we knew that many of you would be interested and not to save money on advertising elsewhere, we advertise monthly in SHP and similar publications. I am very proud to be part of the recruitment industry and this is backed up by the many referrals from happy candidates and clients who I have worked with in the past. To finish, we wouldn’t be in business after all these years if our clients and candidates did not value and respect the service we provide.
#19 Posted : 21 October 2005 13:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Peter Taylor14
self justification is no recommendation!!
#20 Posted : 21 October 2005 14:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Karen Flanagan
Your are abolutely correct, but faced with ignorance it seemed my only option. Many will agree that education on such matters can only lead to enlightment and improvement.
#21 Posted : 22 October 2005 09:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Watson
Firstly I want to flag up self-interest as a course provider. However I think the thread is a valid one for others and myself. I often have last minute vacancies for courses that are going at advantageous prices, and working on the airline principle of once the planes gone the revenue is lost, I sometimes discount to fill. To run an advert in SHP or anywhere is just not practical, nor can it happen quickly enough. Therefore a forum such as IOSHs would be very helpful in this regard, users would have the choice on whether or not to come on the course or to find out further information. I am more than happy to pay something for this privilege, but no one has asked. The same principle is true for agencies. They are advertising safety jobs in a safety environment. They often have to fill positions quickly, and a forum such as this is helpful, given its immediacy. I am sure, like me, they would pay for that privilege.

IOSH exists for its membership, and I think that the board are losing site of what its members want. If further revenues could be gained from sources such as this we need to look at it, it may contain our own fees. It cannot be overly onerous to create a “Vacancies and course places” thread, with paid for use that would solve this issue overnight.


#22 Posted : 22 October 2005 13:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martyn Hendrie
As a consultant (who has not used the forum to recruit) I think the web master put it in a nutshell when they said.

"Those with businesses, whether large or single traders, that recruit people on behalf of others should n't be using the Careers Forum for this purpose."

The key words being "on behalf of others".

A consultant may like any other employer wish, or need, to recruit the services of others (whether for a long or short term) In both cases the employer makes a profit from the use of "the others" services within their business. (Presumable those engaged/employed are happy as they are being suitably recompenced for their services)

What I think is not acceptable is for the forum to be used simply to drum up a list of candidates to be supplied for a position in a third parties business.

I don't know whether or not the forum guidelines consider this acceptable but if not I think they should.
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