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#1 Posted : 29 June 2005 14:03:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By justine graham I am leaving the army in Dec after serving for 14 years in the Royal Signals. I going for a career change and want to go into H&S. I'm booked on a NEBOSH cse in oct. I will be working towards my diploma which i will hopefully be doing the middle of next year. As i've no experience in this field i am looking for advice of what i could do to help myself, Also i am looking to do work experience after the cse around Nov,Dec, Jan time. If any one has any advice or would offer work experience preferably in the North or Midlands i would be grateful if you would get in touch. Thanks.
#2 Posted : 30 June 2005 09:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By tony wiltshire I have recently completed the NEBOSH certificate course and am starting the Diploma later this year. I have found that the HSE website - www.hse.gov.uk is a very valuable source of information. they provide numerous free leaflets relating to all aspects of H&S. Also subscribe to a magazine called Safety & Health Practitioner (SHP). These should really help! Good luck in the course - it's not easy but a little background research beforehand will go a long way!
#3 Posted : 06 July 2005 21:09:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Hugh McKnight Justine. Good luck in Dec (or whenever you can get away to start in civvy st!). It may be useful to reflect on any involvement with H&S you have had in recent years and try to list anything which may be helpful when compiling your CV. Don't forget the value of non-H&S related subjects (delivering training, auditing, it skills, first aid, supervisory/management skills etc). All these can add value to your portfolio, and could give you the edge on a job application/interview. I'd also try to use the time till Dec as constructively as possible (personal circumstances & commitments allowing). Is there a H&S Advisor at your unit? If so you could contact him/her and offer to help with anything, such as risk assessments/training etc. It all helps when you are trying to sell yourself to a prospective employer. Many people (including myself) have made the move with relative ease. Good luck....the future is bright.
#4 Posted : 06 July 2005 21:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David Cameron Good luck in December. I left in 94 and completed the NEBOSH Cert and NEBSM Diploma in supervisory management. I would advise fully utilising te career network teh forces has and if at all possible other than a last resort try to avoid the Job Centre as you will find like so many before you that you get sort of sidetracked into teh security or transport areas. As soona s you can join IOSH and get the SHP so that you can then look at the jobs pages and some of the major safety placement companies that operate. Get registered with some of them and let them help you do a lot of the leg work in obtaining suitable employers. When doing your CV use all the right buzz words and remember all your military skills are transferable you just have to get the right buzz word to best describe them in the context of the job your going for. Finaly you might find going straight from te Certificate to te diploma without work experience in between a little bit daunting you might like to take te University route via Post Grad Certificate or Masters degree which could take up to three years distance learning and may work out cheaper than the Diploma route. Start looking now for possible suitable employers and research the area you wish to live in prior to leaving. This might help to make contact prior to discharge and you may even be allowed to do the work experience release in army time or when on your gardening leave prior to release. Once again good luck
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