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#1 Posted : 30 August 2005 11:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By NISHA
Are there specific requirements which I would need to become a health and safety trainer? I am currently working as a health and safety officer at a local authority.
#2 Posted : 30 August 2005 13:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tony Broad

I think the answer depends on who you are going to train. If you are going to train "in house" students then apart from your H&S quals a certificate in training delivery would appear sufficient. CIEH do a very good 4 day course which gives you a good start in training delivery.

If you are thinking of "out sourcing " your skills then most adult colleges require their Tutors to have the CIEH certificate to start off then progress to doing the CertEd ( well the college I work part time for does and it appears a national requirement )

To deliver training as a consultancy both IOSH and CIEH have certain requirements which you can get from their respective websites

hope this helps
#3 Posted : 31 August 2005 08:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By NISHA
Hi Tony,

Thank you for the information. it is very useful. I have been thinking seriously of persuing this line of work and did not where to begin.


#4 Posted : 05 September 2005 11:25:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Helen Horton
I am about to start some lecturing at our local FE college and they insist on City and Guilds 7302 certificate in learning delivery and if your hours exceed 8 per week the City and Guilds training cert 7407.

It might be worth looking at whether these courses would be useful for you, as I have found that some training companies have these as a pre-requisite for employment.

I am very lucky as the college will fund my course fees as I will be working for them.
#5 Posted : 06 September 2005 11:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Frederick Falade
I currently hold an MSC. in Occupational Health and safety Management.
My earlier degree are in statistics and Computer Science.
The only experience l have is that l an a health and safety rep. in the company l am currently working as a Computer Technician.

Do l fall in the requirements for this job?
My contact email is
#6 Posted : 13 September 2005 10:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neville

I currently work in engineering as a health, safety and training officer. Previously, I taught H&S courses to the unemployed (mass unemployment situations too), which were examinable by the RSPH. The only training qualification I have is Level 3 Learning and Development with the CIPD. I am thinking of now doing level 4.

How does this qualification equate with those mentioned in this discussion?

PS. Also got the Manual Handling Instructional Techniques course under my belt (IOSH), if that counts for anything.

Interested in any responses to this one.

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