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#1 Posted : 29 September 2005 12:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By joedukeries Hi all, i have posted continious ads on this forum, to try and get new employement to further my health and safety carear, i have had numourous calls, and have sent my cv left right and centre, but no one appears to get back to me. my ad is as follows:- Hello employers, i am 21 years old, and am currently working as Assistant Health & Safety Manager for a midland based construction company. i have 5 years construction experience, 2 of which are in Health & Safety. I have the NEBOSH Construction Certificate, IOSH Managing Safely Certificate, and various other qualifications in health and safety. i also have 3 years on site experience,and city and guilds in Plumbing and Heating, and City & Guilds Qualifications in Maths, Communication, and I.T. i am looking for a new job in Health and Safety to gain more experience and aim to get better prospects. i am based in the midlands, and am willing to travel. if any employers are interested, please contact me on:- 07977420805 01623 660931 jodie_mills8@hotmail.com best regards Mr Jodie Mills can anyone offer advice for to enable me to get new employement, asap. best regards joe
#2 Posted : 29 September 2005 14:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Frank Hallett Hi Joe You have my sympathy - trying to get responses can be extremely disheartening. Please be slightly consolled by the knowledge that this is not a personal phenomenon but one that we all experience on occassion. As you have asked for responses, I trust that you won't be offended by my observations. Incidentally, I'm probably no more successful than you in getting positive responses and my comments are based very much on personal experience rather than any expertise in this area. Input from a good HR guru would be invaluable I think; even if it disagrees with my own highly personal views. First, may I suggest that, from the information presented on your posting, you could benefit from some discussion with one of the many agencies that specialise in presenting a CV in the best possible light. I'm sure that there are several other positive qualities that you could incorporate to make you far more attractive [from an HR point of view] than you have mentioned here. Second, are you really focussing on the range of possible job descriptions for which you can demonstrate a close competence match? Only you can judge the answer to that - and only then if you're brutally honest with yourself. Also, your age is probably not helping [sorry - but it it is a relevant issue, especially in relation to management positions in construction] although it's the one "Catch 22" that you can literally grow out off; and I'm interested in the 5years construction experience as that means you started at 16 if you're 21 now. The IOSH Managing Safely Cert won't cut any ice with a good, competent employer unless presented in a way that demonstrates that you have the capability and drive to go out and improve yourself independantly of an employers expressed need. The same applies to the NEBOSH Cons Cert incidentally, although such qualifications continue to be given a far greater status that either NEBOSH or IOSH actually consider applicable. The remainder of your listed skills would need to show relevance for a potential employer to give them serious consideration. Please don't feel bad about my, or anyone elses observations, as they will be offered with the best intent. Incidentally, I consider that you have taken an extremely brave calculated risk in putting this post up. Frank Hallett
#3 Posted : 29 September 2005 15:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By ITK Joe, firstly well done on your NEBOSH construction cert, no mean feat, although I agree with the previous respondent regarding the IOSH certificate. Secondly as there are generally very few assistant type posts advertised (usually someone from within who shows an interest fill these kinds of posts). I would suggest you look at furthering your qualifications with a move towards one of the many IOSH acredited diplomas or NVQ, with your ultimate aim being to attain MIOSH/CMIOSH. I see your age and enthusiasm as an advantage, not a hinderence. Good Luck, keep plugging away and it will happen!!
#4 Posted : 29 September 2005 15:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nick Higginson Joe Don't mention your age, youth can work against you in this job (I speak from experience). It is also useful to say what you intend to achieve in future - do you intend to further your qualifications? Regards Nick
#5 Posted : 29 September 2005 16:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Charley Farley-Trelawney Joe You WILL be tomorrows H&S professional, it's just a case of 'if at first you don't succeed try try and try again', for if you truly want this as your chosen profession it WILL happen. Many of us have been there, and can identify with where you are! Take care, and all the best to you, it'll happen. Charles
#6 Posted : 29 September 2005 17:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By joedukeries thanks all for the advice, i am very grateful. best regards joe
#7 Posted : 30 September 2005 16:14:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By DM2005 Dear Joe, I totally sympathise with you mate. I have a degree (BSc Pharmaceutical Science) 2years H&S experience, NEBOSH Cert plus various other qualifications, but unfortunately it seems every man and his dog has the same if not much better. I currently work for a Facilities Management contractor in Manchester at a very well known cereal manufacturer (clue: cockadoodledoo!!!). The contract was put out to tender and the decision by our client was made today, unfortunately it didn't go in our favour, so in a months time I could be getting statutory redudancy of about 20 quid and regular trips down the job centre unless someone, somewhere offers me a job (or interview would be nice to start!). This is unlikely since the only H&S positions available seem to be in the South or West Midlands, with very few in the North West where there aare loads of H&S candidates crying out for positions!!!! Hope you (and I) find something soon... Dan
#8 Posted : 30 September 2005 16:25:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neville I fully agree with you Dan, there seems to be more than a black spot in the North West, bye and large, for H&S positions. (Must be a dangerous place to work !!!) Not the case in Leeds and due South from there. I am in contact with a couple of agencies who also back that comment up. My redundancy notice runs out next Friday too.
#9 Posted : 30 September 2005 16:31:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By DM2005 Hi Neville, I've been following your progress on the discussion forum for the past week or so, and was hoping I wouldn't be going down the same route as yourself. Oh well - I just keep telling myself it's character building... I've seen loads of jobs in London who want just a NEBOSH cert, as a H&S consultant and are willing to pay £30K plus!!!!!!! Can you imagine the amount of applicants if the same was offered in NW!!!!!
#10 Posted : 30 September 2005 17:39:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard Stewart The situation in the North West re no of people seeking work is purely one of supply and demand. I cannot ever recall (as a H&S specialist) making a single placement in the NW. Roles seems to normally be filled by word of mouth - the necessity to run expensive ad campaigns or to use agencies does not appear to be there. Richard Stewart Anders Elite
#11 Posted : 30 September 2005 17:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nikki Browett Is that why I get stupid amounts of texts from you lot for jobs in London when I live in Yorkshire and I have said that I won't move and that I'm looking for jobs in Yorkshire. There are jobs in the NW. I believe some have been advertised on this site. It may be a shock...prepare yourself....but there is life outside of London!
#12 Posted : 30 September 2005 18:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By DM2005 Hi Nikki, You should count yourself lucky, I get no texts/e-mails at all - I obviously don't match the 'criteria'.
#13 Posted : 01 October 2005 06:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Terence R Bannon Joe give me a call or e-mail on Monday, 0121 483 6386 / terence.bannon@fgould.com. I cannot promise, but my company is talking about taking on a trainee Planning Supervisor terry
#14 Posted : 01 October 2005 09:58:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David P. Johnson Joe, I'm in pretty much the same boat - and the big thing I've noticed is a lot of prejudice around age. At least by this time next year the age discrimination legislation will be in place. Best of luck. David
#15 Posted : 01 October 2005 12:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Laurence Davis Anyone looking for a consultant post whether full time, part time or as an associate should contact me, I have a growing H&S consultancy with several large contracts to fill in Manchester, Birmingham, the South west and London. We can't promise anything but we are always on the lookout for sensible safety professionals to work from home, particularly with construction and facilities mangement experiance. Posts usually require a good deal of travelling but are fully supported with on the job and formal CPD. Joe, I agree with the other responses at 21 the older workforce may feel agieved at being told what to do by a ounfg whippersnapper but I don't care how old you are or how young as long as you know health and saefty law/guidence and can communicate it well that would make you the best person for the job contact me on Tel; 01453-845108 fax; 0870 0941122 E mail; laurence@safetycrossroad.com Web; www.safetycrossroad.com
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