Rank: Guest
Posted By I Longthorne I am CFIOSH with over 25 years experience as a Safety Professional, predominently in Construction including extensive overseas experience.
I am planning my return to the UK on 20th March 06, as such I am seeking a new position.If in the UK I would prefer a North West location,However I would consider also short term overseas assignments.
If anyone is interested and would like a copy of my CV please let me know.
Best Regards to All Ian Longthorne.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Sean Harvey Ian,
Can you call me?
Sean Harvey 01702 710570
Rank: Guest
Posted By Michael J. Pennington Is this by chance my old friend, Ian, the Churchill Fellow? If so, I would very much like to hear from you again. Lost you somewhere in southeast Asia. I wrote a couple of times to the address I was given, but there no response. Your friend, "Mike" Michael J. Pennington 1630 Linbrook Drive San Diego, California 92111 Phone: (858) 342-6291
Rank: Guest
Posted By I Longthorne I am now back in the UK and immediately available, if anyone is interested please contact me on 07952 223481. Best Regards Ian Longthorne
Rank: Guest
Posted By Patrick Burns CMIOSH - SpDipEM - MIQA Interesting subject heading. I suppose after October we wont be able to make such postings on the forum as they wont be PC anymore. Life's going to become a bit drab I think.
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