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#1 Posted : 08 February 2006 14:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Anna Blukacz
Dear all,
Recently I've completed NEBOSH General Certificate course which apparently should help me with getting a new career in Health and Safety. It's somehow hard to believe in that as all the vacancies I found require at least 1 year Health and Safety experience. I only recently started to be involved with Risk Assessments, DSE and Manual Handling but that's apparently not enough.
Is there any companies out there who are willing to invest in newly qualified people who are eager to learn and waiting for the breakthrough in their Health and Safety career?
I look forward to all your comments.
Kind Regards,
#2 Posted : 08 February 2006 22:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By steve dowse

im in the same boat as you,its hard to get anywhere,ive not long ago passed
my nebosh gen cert.was thinking of trying to learn more,maybe some sort of
iosh course? whats your plan?
#3 Posted : 09 February 2006 13:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Anna Blukacz
Hi Steve, I'm trying to get some work straight away and for all of you out there looking for some entry work within Health and Safety I've some leads to places who apparently might be able to help:
Good luck and keep in touch. would be nice to know what luck you had.
All the best,

#4 Posted : 09 February 2006 15:09:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard Stewart
Where are you based - I have roles in Hertfordshire/ N.London as well as Birmingham that may well interest you
Richard Stewart
Anders Elite
#5 Posted : 09 February 2006 15:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Min Tat
Hi Richard, I'm also a fresh graduate in MSc in Safety with Environmental Management. I'm wondering if you got any junior post of health & Safety and/or Environmental management? I'm based in Scotland but willing to relocate and travelling. Thanks.
#6 Posted : 27 February 2006 09:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Anna Blukacz
Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone who responded. It's good to know that us "Juniors" can stick together and help each other with advice.
At last NEBOSH results are out and knowing that I've passed made me even more eager to get into Health and Safety. So if there is anyone out there looking for an entry Health and Safety person please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you. Anna
#7 Posted : 27 February 2006 14:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Layla Remy

Have you managed to find something yet? I've also been looking for a junior position in health and safety and have been discouraged by many agencies and adverts. I have a degree in Health and Safety and am a member of IOSH/GradIOSH. I am looking to gain experience in the field. Let me know what happens.

Good luck
#8 Posted : 28 February 2006 17:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By daves smeaton
I`ve also just recently passed my Nebosh,and your all quite right,how difficult is it to find a vacancy in H&S at any level.
Any how keep trying and let us all know if any one of us is sucessful in finding that job.
#9 Posted : 28 February 2006 21:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Geoff Dale
I was in the same boat as you last year after passing the Nebosh Gen Cert.
After 2 months I was lucky enough to get a temporary contract which turned into a permanent role. I found the job on the www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk site.
Not through agencies or safety mags. (After 'search' Select factory /process option, then health & safety).

Good Luck.
#10 Posted : 28 February 2006 23:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Becks
Hi All,

Same boat again I'm afraid. I have passed the Cert in Occ H&S and start the second year of he foundation degree in September. Although I have five years experience as a union safety rep at branch and area level, this doesn't seem to count. I have now moved into the tutoring area and passed the tutor course at level 3. I am still really hoping to find a job in health and safety or maybe training but like a lot of us, the jobs just aren't there!! Any advise guys??

#11 Posted : 01 March 2006 15:58:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By daves smeaton
I have found a website called jobsite.co.uk,I found 23 H&S jobs in my area of Lancashire,
give it a try and good luck.
#12 Posted : 01 March 2006 21:18:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Anna Blukacz
Hi Daves,
Thanks for the idea. I've tried jobsite.c.uk and out of 202 health and safety jobs in London there was 1 junior vacancy which required a minimum of 2 years experience. So who does deal with an entry positions without experience?

#13 Posted : 02 March 2006 08:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tony Croasdale
Hi Anna,
I know exactly what you're going through!
I'm the site H&S Manager for a muli-national industrial services provider and we're based on Petro-Chem and Power Generating sites.
Last year I took the bull by the horns and decided that enthusiasm was almost as good as that "1 year" experience.
I employed 2 trainee H&S advisors to assist me in my duties. One had only just completed his NEBOSH and the second is booked on to it in May.
These positions that that you have seen and have asked for one year experience, give them a call and explain your circumstances and you never know, they might start thinking on the same wave length as me!!!

Tony C
#14 Posted : 02 March 2006 15:17:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Glyn Atkinson
One problem with no practical experience but maybe moving across from another sector is that most firms do not want to pay more than a very junior rate for the "starter" in health and safety of any age, and we all have bills to pay. I have used the free learnig opportunity tack to help people to start up.

I have been fortunate in being able to give chances to two starters in my company over the last two years, and helped to advance their qualifications while learning about the various aspects of H&S from a standing start.

Both have now moved on due to redundancy situations, but have managed to immediately secure better paying jobs from their enhanced qualifications gained while here.

It was a pay to learn scenario that paid off in the long run for them.
#15 Posted : 03 March 2006 02:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jonathan Sandler CMIOSH
This is a subject that IOSH is looking into, its the catch 22 situation, how can i get a job if I can not get the expireance etc..
One of the best ways of getting into work could be through your nearest regional IOSH group, joining them, networking at the monthly meetings, joining the member closed forum, seeing what posted on there.
Agencies will be hard for the newly qualified H&S person, sometimes it might be worthwhile doing some voulantry work to get some expearance. LAs, Central goverment, just a thought.
#16 Posted : 03 March 2006 06:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Lynne Davis
I went through this situation 3 years ago getting both General and Construction certificates after completing the APS exam on the advice of husband. He said I should be able to get job! Also started last year to study Dip II. Will sound negative but I can't be bothered trying anymore as got nowhere trying to find an opening. As for joining a local branch, mine has afternoon sessions. There are only so many half day holidays you can take to go along to a meeting. In my new organisation the H & S Officer has a RoSPA qualification. Any ideas?
#17 Posted : 03 March 2006 06:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Stu Haysman
Hi Anna,

Don't give up hope!

I've just landed my first 'proper' H+S job after a year of looking and like many others I've been on the emotional rollercoaster for the whole time, wondering if my studies were worth it (yes they were!). Now I'm not looking back.

Follow the common advice - gain as much experience in your current position as possible (it all counts and helps to improve your CV), apply for as many jobs as possible (it's all good experience) and just keep plugging away (you will probably need a tenacious attitude in H+S anyway......!!!!).

Best of Luck

#18 Posted : 03 March 2006 08:21:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Anna Blukacz
To all of you...

It's unbelievable how many of us are on the same boat, but it's very nice to hear that there are still people who are willing to take a chance on us and employ us. What I've learnt from this experience is that giving up is the last thing you should do. As a Recruitment Consultant I've learnt how to be persistent and keep trying and that's what I intend to do. There might be a bit of light at the end of the tunnel as I may possibly have my first telephone interview for a Health and Safety Consultant -so keep your fingers crossed. I know I will find something soon (even without much experience) and to all of you out there...STAY POSITIVE!!! It will pay off.

#19 Posted : 03 March 2006 18:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Asha Matovu

I am keeping fingers crossed for you and wish you the best. Whatever the outcome, you will always feel stronger because you learn from it. I am exactly in the same boat as you and I will not rest until someone says yes. Like they say enthusiasm can be just as good as the experience they are asking for.
#20 Posted : 03 March 2006 20:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neil Denning
Hi Anna, I was in the same situation as you just completed Nebosh Gen Cert, realised it wasn't enough and now just about to graduate with hons degree in occupational health and safety at Leeds Met Uni. For anyone interested please contact them 01132 832600 or contact Tim Briggs IOSH yorkshire branch chairman.
#21 Posted : 04 March 2006 19:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David
Until recently I was Group SHE Manager for a chemical and polymer manufacturing company with manufacturing sites in the North East and North West. I have now moved within the Company to be Global Operations Manager, but the new SHE Manager is looking for somebody who wants to get into SHE - the role to be filled is based in South Yorkshire, and will initially involve the successful applicant in mainly SHE Admin tasks, but, depending on the person, will gradually be expanded to include other SHE activities. We have taken on a number of people into the SHE department in the last 5 years, varying from degree qualified chemists with no SHE qualifications to fully qualified SHE professionals. This is a new venture for us, but we think it will be worthwhile both for us and the successful applicant. If you are interested, I will send him your details if you let me have them.
#22 Posted : 04 March 2006 20:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bill Fisher

You suggest interested people let you have their details but you dont give them an address or e-mail link.

Your e-mail link is locked. Please rectify this ommission.

Bill Fisher

#23 Posted : 04 March 2006 22:19:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Kevin B. Jones
Hello Anna

I emphasise with your position. I would like to say it gets easier however I have over eight years experience, a nebosh diploma part one, a list of training as long as your arm and it doesn’t get any easier.

All I can say is stick with it, you are in the right profession, you will make a difference.

Regards, Kevin
Kevin Jones BSc (Hons) Tech IOSH AIEMA
Safety & Environmental Consultant
Email: kevin.jones@safetyadviser.co.uk

#24 Posted : 05 March 2006 02:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Min Tat
Hi David,

I'm very interested in the position you mentioned. It would be great if you could contact me at: wmtat@lycos.com. Thanks.

#25 Posted : 05 March 2006 14:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By David
sorry, my email address was hidden. it should now be available. I will forward anybody's details on to our SHE Manager.
#26 Posted : 05 March 2006 14:37:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Anne Parish
Trainee's, or just qualified, with ability and ambition, living in East London or the Chelmsford area, looking for a new challenge working with a safety consultancy that will demand and expect 100% commitment, then forward your cv and full details to anne@logicshesolutions.co.uk
#27 Posted : 05 March 2006 21:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Kevin B. Jones
Hello Anna

I emphasise with your position. I would like to say it gets better however with over eight years experience, a nebosh diploma part one, a list of training as long as your arm and it doesn’t get any easier.

All I can say is stick with it, you are in the right profession, you will make a difference. Regards, Kevin.
#28 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Darren Cobb
Good luck to all those who are hunting for the next move in to H&S. If anyone is in the midlands we may be able to help. I have started a thread elsewhere but in summary.

Our business has grown and we now require an H&S advisor (ideally with an interest in Quality & Environment) to work with our HSEQ Manager.

The role will attract £18-22K with car and benefits package, its an ideal position for someone who wants to develop in to a H&S role as we will support training and expect the successful candidates career progression to include an increasing amount of management responsibility.

Our business is a medium sized refurbishment and new build contractor based to the north of Birmingham.

Please drop me an e-mail Darren.cobb@shaylorconstruction.co.uk if you are interested in receiving further information. I can send out a advert and role description.

Regards Darren
#29 Posted : 08 March 2006 11:05:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Iain Tomlins
It is nice to know there are others in the same boat. I have recently completed the NEBOSH Gen Cert after receiving much advice saying 'You'll get a start in QHSE with it'. Several months later and with a pile of letters 'Sorry your application has been unsuccessful' I am still looking.

Could anyone advise of a firm in Aberdeenshire looking to give a start to an enthusiastic, hard working and reliable Gen. Cert. holder in the QHSE field?

#30 Posted : 08 March 2006 13:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By sonshine
Sadly there are not many out there. i was lucky to find one last year but that fell through due to changes in the company blah, blah. it seems everyone wants experience but not prpared to sacrifice their precious time to invest in us. i was in the same position last year and am now with the Dip1 but less than a year of exp. and not finding a lot in my area. i have been told numerous times by several agencies that if i was prepared to move a bit further south i would be in with a better chance. but i'm not in position to do that what with young children etc. so you're not alone, all i can say is just hang in there for now, which is what i'm having to do again. it's a new year after all and new budgets will be coming through for companies so they will be looking for more people, especially down south with the olympics and all...
i got in to the back of SHP and sent my CV to loads of the agencies listed in there, as well as other more local ones.

so don't be discouraged, keep your head up!
#31 Posted : 08 March 2006 20:08:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Lynne Davis
So what work do people take until they are successful?
#32 Posted : 08 March 2006 20:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By sonshine
if i knew what other work to take i would help, but i can't offer that i'm afraid. unfortunately i can't do what i used to, which paid a lot more too.....try and utilise the skills you have and make sure you have unemployment protection on your mortgage etc
#33 Posted : 09 March 2006 19:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Christopher Kelly
Same as everybody else - having been employed in a role closely related to health and safety, took the decision to jump into it full-time - had lots of specific h&s knowledge and good general H&S knowledge built up over 19 years, lots of other H&S courses in construction, general engineering have done all my H&S certs but didn't have the diploma, Now have v good grades in dip1 and well on way to dip2, however still found it difficult to get a job with a reputable company, before getting dip1 results, although numerous offers from dodgy companies. Last year got a permanent position with an engineering company. They needed a h&s manager but not enough work to justify a full-time position, so they combined the role (seems to be common practice)with personnel and some general management. In my experience it seems to be Personnel people who are given H&S responsibilities but often don't have the right experience. In my case I am doing the H&S well (touch-wood) and learning on the personnel side of things (fairly easy to pick up the basics). I am working long hours but really feel I have got my teeth into something and am enjoying getting results in improving safety. My saleability in future is being massively broadened due to additional roles (am HSE Manager, Planning and Construction Stage Supervisor on special contracts). I would say be prepared to be flexible, sell the full range of your abilities but be careful about taking on a responsible H&S role if you don't have the experience - very dangerous, especially if you get involved with a dodgy firm - trust me there are a lot of them out there! If you are young be prepared to travel - although old, I worked in Ireland last year and built up my experience of European legislation / different standards, working with Poles, Russians, Irish etc. You can't beat having lots of experience on your CV. Another word of advice - forget the agencies - they are all a total waste of space (except Hays who are good but do have a tendency to send you to the wrong address etc - very annoying ! and a guy called Dan Bird at a small firm somewhere in Notts / Leics - sorry cannot remember name of the firm) most of the others don't know anything about h&s and your experience isn't taken into account. Best place for jobs are direct adverts on the IOSH website and in SHP. Most of the people at agencies I am sorry to say are bluffers and just want people on their books so they have a selection to put in front of their client when a job comes up. Also - make sure your CV communicates your skills concisely - my experience was very wide and I found employers looking at my last 2 jobs (transport and general manager), assuming that I had no H&S knowledge because they didn't look at my previous knowledge which was almost purely H&S. I had to constantly beat it into people that working in transport actually gave me useful experience in an area of h&s which is one of the biggest killers.
#34 Posted : 09 March 2006 19:29:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Lynne Davis
Emminently sensible advice from Christopher and should be able to help Anna in in very positive way. Good luck!
#35 Posted : 04 April 2006 19:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Anna Blukacz
To all of you out there!

First of all let me say thank you for all the responses and advice I got from you. After taking everything on board I've managed to have already 2 interviews and I have another 2 set up. So don't loose hope. Everything can happen, even if you don't have much experience.

Good luck to me and everyone out there looking for their break.
#36 Posted : 05 April 2006 12:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Caro M
We are looking to recruit for a QHSE position. Enthusiasm and willingness to learn 'on the job' is as important as qualifications. NEBOSH preferred although would consider supporting someone through this. Location is South West Scotland. If interested please email me.
#37 Posted : 06 April 2006 20:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By rks
Hi all,

Just jumping into the link to give all the new starters a bit of hope. I have just landed my first full time position, even before getting my dip 1 results, with a multi national company. It seems that some people actually understand that sometimes enthusiasm can be more of an attribute than experience.
To all those still looking don't give up it will come

#38 Posted : 06 April 2006 21:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By stevehaigh
To gain experience why not offer your services free to small local businesses on a informal set up. One of them might offer you employment
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