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Overseas Training Consultans required
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Posted By Robert Kingston We are a major International oil & gas company working to UK Health & Safety standards in West Africa. It is our intention to train our local Health, Safety & Environment advisors to meet these standards. Initially we intend to bring them up to speed by putting them through the IOSH Managing Safely module, then the NEBOSH General Certificate and then review further training. All the candidates are educated to a degree standard of higher education. English being their mother tongue
I would like UK based consultants that are accredited to deliver the IOSH Managing Safely module to contact me with an expression of interest. Given the number of candidates it will require more than one visit for the Managing Safely and several visits for the NEBOSH General Certificate. Other bespoke training will also be required to expatriates. Fees (Paid in GBP) will not be an issue as time is of the essence.
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Posted By Robert Kingston Hi John, what specifically do you want to know. I have said what I want/need
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Posted By Thomas Heselden We are Safety Aware and we are accredited training providers for NEBOSH, IOSH, Clint/Contractor National Safety Passport. CITB SMSTS and other courses. Could you please contact us through our office on 01634 817505 or view our website We would like to be of assistance to you. Look forward to hearing from you.
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Posted By Margaret Jukes Hello Robert, I am the operations director for CHSS Gulf please look at our web site www.chssgulf.comWe are based in Knowlege Village Dubai and offer IOSH and NEBOSH training courses including the International General Certfiicate and the Diploma. We also design and deliver in house training courses and have 40 principal HSE consultants. I would like to discuss your training requirements please can you contact me. Thanks. Margaret.
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Posted By Martin R. Bessant The moderating team wishes to remind companies responding to this thread that only basic contact information should be posted and not an advertisement for your services. You might find it better to contact the originator direct by clicking on their name below the thread title and sending them a direct message using the email link.
Martin Bessant - Lead Moderator.
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Posted By Alan Capstick Hi. My apologies for what may be a late response. I am a self employed Health and Safety consultant educated to diploma level. I am also an accredited Managing Safely course provided having delivered the course on numerous occassions. Please contact me if you require to take this further on or leave a message on here. Regards
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Posted By Margaret Jukes Hello Robert Please can you contact me regarding this training on We are able to carry out this woork for you. Thanks. Margaret.
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Posted By Bob Thompson CMIOSH I am capeable of providing training to fill all your requirements Please contact me for a chat.
Regards Bob Thompson 0794 6648207
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