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#1 Posted : 14 March 2006 10:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nina
Hi everyone,
My story is a bit strange! I started level 3 back in February of this year and have been working hard on my course, my tutor and internal assessor had a meeting after I left College on Saturday and have now told me that they want to put me in for level 4 instead as it appears I'm working at that level anyway! it's a bit daunting really as I only started H&S to make sure that I could cope with everything my job as Office Manager threw at me!

So if I pass this, what qualification can I hope to get from it? I've been told many different things so thought I'd ask here.

Also what sort of position within Health and Safety could I apply for and hope to get with this kind of qualification?

I was also told that I'd have letters after my name too, I'm finding this all a bit daunting to be honest, and am doubting myself that I'm good enough to pass this course :O(

any help or advice would be gratefully received!

#2 Posted : 14 March 2006 11:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Linda Crossland-Clarke

The NVQ 4 is equivalent to the old NEBOSH Diploma part 2 or the New Diploma Level 4. Holders of the OCR NVQ Level 4 can have the letters Dip.RSA after their name, though I am not sure of your awarding body, so this may not hold true with C&G.

With regards to passing or failing an NVQ. This doesn't happen, as it is work based, so your assessor would just say you are not yet competence to the specified level you are working towards.

It seems a bit strange you being put in for the higher level NVQ. In theory you should have been registered for the NVQ 3 (which costs money), you have been working towards this, so have covered the criteria for it - so tell them you want this certificate and then get your NVQ 3 cross referenced into the NVQ 4. That way you end up with 2 certificates!



SHE Knows.
#3 Posted : 14 March 2006 11:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nina
thank you for your input.

Unfortunately it's not as simple as cross ref the 2, if I did that I'd have to pay to enter twice and as my boss is paying for it, I have to go with the level 4, he wouldn't pay for one then the other.

when I started I had interviews with the internal assessors and it was discussed then that he thought I may be more than capable of doing level 4 but wanted to see my portfolio, having seen this he has said that with the information I had already in my file, and with some extra work I could gain level 4, please remember here I'm only going on what i'm being told by someone who is qualified and has been an assessor for years and so am not able to argue the point.

I hope this makes it clearer

thanks again

#4 Posted : 14 March 2006 12:03:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By AJM
I have just finished my NVQ 4 in health and safety last September and very enjoyable it was too. Did I just say i enjoyed my work there i must be going mad.

I got a health and safety Managers job in a month of completion and have not looked back. But there is one thing extra i think you should of mentioned Linda, yes you have to prove competence over an unspecified time BUT when i did mine i was told the work could not be any more than two years old.

#5 Posted : 14 March 2006 12:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By J Knight
As well as the letters Linda mentions you can also apply for IOSH membership as a Graduate member with an NVQ4; this would entitle you to use the letters GradIOSH. Two year's post qualification CPD and a peer review would then entitle you to Chartered Status as CMIOSH. There is information about the membership structure of IOSH on this page.

You could also join the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management; I think NVQ4 would entitle you to full membership with the designation MIIRSM,

#6 Posted : 14 March 2006 12:12:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Linda Crossland-Clarke

I can see your Boss's point of view, and your Assessor will know the standards so can see how cour capabilities fit into this. If He/She thinks your capable, then go for it. Its a valued qualification and well worth having under your belt.

All the best, go forth and keep smiling!


SHE Knows

#7 Posted : 14 March 2006 12:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nina
thanks everyone for the advice, this is the best information I've had so far! can you imagine how scary i'm finding all of this? I guess not!
I basically came into my current job which is not totally H&S, did a Government funded H&S course, and the next minute i'm doing an NVQ at quite a high level!

Ok so next question!! when I pass, what sort of job could I hope to obtain and with what salary?

#8 Posted : 14 March 2006 13:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
Have a look at the Thread posting "Salary Ranges for H&S practitioners" - there is a fair old debate going on just now.

#9 Posted : 14 March 2006 16:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By J Knight
Also on jobs and salary take a look at http://www.shpmags.com/jobs.asp

#10 Posted : 20 March 2006 15:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Kev S
Hi Linda,
I to had the position of Health & safety Manager! pushed on me, with little more than a CITB day course or two as training. As you will be aware this type of training is totally insuficent for such an important position. I then insisted (with the help of our insurers) that I did the NEBOSH General Certificate, which I did not find easy at all, but due to the effort I put in I got a credit. This inspired me as I always regarded myself as a hands on person, as opposed to a bright individual! I am now 70% of the way through my NVQ level 4 and I am really enjoying it! (the challenge!) there are eliments that I had never even heard of let alone understood when I started the NVQ, but all comes clear! trust me! I also doubted my abilities, Regulations! Legislations! you will never know them all, and you will never know everything about health and safety, and there should be no shame in that. IOSH and the HSE are always there to help with questions and problems that will arise. It's not how much you know it's recognising the difference between what you do know from what you don't know. Good Luck it's a good proffesional qualification to have (so I am told!). If you are not already a member of IOSH I would recommend you join, the SHP magazine is very good, and there are lots of vacancies in the back.
#11 Posted : 20 March 2006 15:38:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Kev S
Sorry Nina, I called you Linda!
#12 Posted : 20 March 2006 15:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nina
Hi Kev,

That's ok I'll let you off! :O) and thanks for the response, it's good to hear that you've been in the same place as I have! and have almost come out the other side!

I go to College on Saturday to find out what's instore for me, it's daunting but i'll get there, i've put in so much hard work already!

What I am finding hard though is asserting my knowledge now in the job I do, for example, Iknow we need a driving at work policy, but one of the Directors doesn't see the need! I have now written one and hope that once he sees it he'll agree to it being part of our Health and Safety within the company!
#13 Posted : 21 March 2006 10:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Kev S
Hi Nina,
I know exactly how you feel I have the same problems implementing new policies and procedures as the director and the contracts manager often looks upon them as an unnecessary extra burdon of work. This often up until recently really got me down, all the hard work you put in being rejected. Often work, because, of their disapproval you had conducted at home in an evening. The way I now look upon things is "it is my job to inform the director of health & safety legislation, recommend changes and improvements " so I do in writing whether it be in memo form, formal letter, or report, I always keep a copy for myself. If the director then chooses to ignore my advice and an incident occures then at least I have some paperwork that identifies the fact that I informed him prior to the incident. Should you feel that you are being ignored on a serious issue then a call (anonymus if you like) to the HSE may be an option. I have fellow health and safety colleauges who have been in the same position, and changed companies because of directors failing to take on board recommendations. I was defending our company against a claim in court "that was quite an experience" I learned from it that you really do need to tell your employees everything, example if you have HGV drivers tell them how they must access and egress their lorries, you can't fail to give them enough information, because you can rest-assure that the smallest detail that you miss will be picked up on in court. A point to remember is most directors have had health and safety pushed upon them in the form of demands from insurers and legislations and a number of them would place health and safety second to profitering. Health & Safety will eventually weed out companies (cowboys outfits) that fail to comply. And remember each day that you are doing this job you are gaining experience to take with you to that company that will recognise your professional qualification, respect your advice and pay you accordingly. Does anyone know of such a company?
#14 Posted : 21 March 2006 14:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Stuart Henderson
Good humour Kev. Thanks for bringing a smile.
Nina, You'll do fine. More than worth it!
#15 Posted : 21 March 2006 14:52:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nina
well I have written a policy that I know my boss didn't really want to have! I have emailed it to him and in a very polite way have said I know you're not happy but the law says we have to have it! I have done what is expected of me the rest is up to you......... :)

College on Saturday we'll see what my new tutor thinks of my file so far!!!
#16 Posted : 21 March 2006 14:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Joe Ridley
Hi there,

I too have went down the route of NVQ 4 and found it be rewarding. What I found particularly good was it made you think about how things worked in your environment and also you looking at issues you may have missed.I learned a lot while doing this and the assessor I had was very good and was able to guide me successfully through the whole process. Now I am aiming to attain chartered status next June.

I was also glad to hear of your experiences Kev, it's reassuring to know others out there are having similar problems to mine. The company I am working for is currently restructuring with my role in safety being somewhat diminshed to the point I am not sure if this is a joke or a test (Strange when they paid for all my training to get qualified...but should I complain?...no). It is that bad. So what I have done is prepare a report for our Chief Exec pointing out where our company will be failing to meet legislative requirements and impressed upon them to retain the services of myself in an active, prominent H&S role. Hopefully this will do the trick...otherwise the back pages of SHP will seriously considered.

Like you said keep yourself right, if it hits the fan, then I have did my bit.

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