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Posted By Andrew1 I am another hopeful looking for my first full time move in to Health & Safety and one area where possible entry level positions keep appearing are local councils.
Trouble is the selection criteria for local authority seems to always insist on approaching current employers before interview.
This is currently putting me at a distinct disadvantage because I do not wish to appear to my current bosses as disloyal needlesly. Quite happy to supply any reference prior to official job offer, but unlikely to get the opportunity. Any advice appreciated.
Rank: Guest
Posted By HOWARD SHELDON Hi Andrew , I am very surprised at what you say , you don`t say what type of councils you have had that kind of experience with whether they are Met Boroughs , County Councils , Country boroughs etc . I have not come across any application forms like that . Can I suggest a direct chat with the personel department or the General Manager of the section involved they may not fully appreciate the difficulties such a request poses .
Kind regards
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Posted By Alice Hi, I'm also surprised at this. Most local authority application forms include a box by each referee for you to tick if you do not wish for them to be contacted prior to interview. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you specified on your application form or, as Howard suggests, speak to the personnel / HR department. I wouldn't have thought it'd be a problem. All the best with your step up the ladder...
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Posted By Stupendous Man I do know that most local authorities will seek references prior to giving a firm job offer. From experience, they will only ask for references where they are looking to appoint the candidate, they will not approach referees simply because you are on a short-list.
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Posted By David Beddow I have to disagree with the above points. I have just applied for a Safety job with a local council. There was nothing on the application that stops a potential local authority council asking for refrences. Prior to me attending the interview the council requested information from my two named refrences. I did not know this until they asked me about the postion I have applied for, this as you can appreciate put me in an awkward postion.
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Posted By AlB I have had this happen to me in the private sector, when I was shortlisted for a job. A few days after my first interview, my boss (also the Director of the business) approached me saying he'd been asked for a reference from this company. I hadn't informed him that I was looking for work so you can guess at my discomfort when he told me this.
I telephoned the company which I had applied to and discussed my dissatisfaction at the incident. They did not seem to understand that the way they had approached my employer could have compromised my current job. They mearly said "well, they may now think you want another job and decide to offer you more money or something". I was asked for a final interview with this company but lost out to a more experienced (older) person, but I would have turned the work down had I been offered it - I wouldn't want to work in a business that do not consider their employees (or prospective employees) with any respect.
I'm a relatively senior position within the business, and my position could well have been compromised had I a less understanding employer. My blood still boils thinking about it.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Andrew1 Howard, This was Met Borough and County Borough. I have spoken to the HR department which you suggested. I was told they would not contact references until a job offer was made. I will now forward my application, and prey they stick to that statement. Thanks for your help and all that replied.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Adrian Clifton Andrew
Beware. Local Authorities are the subject of a Government review as a result of the Gershon efficiencies drive. Some Authorities are already out-sourcing services and, I believe, many more will follow. Some are opting for 'shared services'with other Authorities, cutting down the number of staff. Very troubled times ahead, tread carefully.
Adrain (No it is not a spelling mistake but a personal perception of how my services are viewed from a financial status)
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