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Posted By stevie potts Ok guys,who is hiding all the H&S vacancies? I cant seem to find any vacancies in the North East of England.I have my NEBOSH General Cert and IOSH Managing Safely,as well as a few years experience,yet nothing is happening.Surely somebody out there needs a keen and hard working individual who wants to learn more and progress in the H&S field.I am not afraid to travel as this is only to be expected.If anyone has something please get in touch at sppotts22@blueyonder.co.uk. Cheers ( and hurry up! )
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Posted By Becks Hi
I had the same trouble and decided to go into trade union education through the TUC. I have received vast amounts of tutor training at no expenses to myself and am now enjoying tutoring union reps on union learning and health & safety. Would recommend it to anyone. If you need any details let me know and I'll give you a contact number.
Good Luck Becks
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Posted By cfraser Stevie, It is difficult to get that first break in H&S, I have been trying for quite some time just dont give up, keep applying to positions. Would youre current employer pay for further education/courses in H&S or would you be able to pay for others yourself? It is unfortunate that you live in the grim north the same as I, where opportunities seem very thin on the ground!!! Keep your chin up and dont get dis-heartened keep applying to as many positions as you can,
good luck,
Rank: Guest
Posted By stevie potts Thanks for the advice people,i'll keep on applying!
Rank: Guest
Posted By JAI First you need to be working towards chartered status
All vacancies ask for this now
Plus trawl through the internet
Just seen 4 jobs for health and safety in the north east 2 x council 1 x nexus 1 x fire brigade
Try typing in sector 1 in google and search health and safety
Rank: Guest
Posted By Linda Crossland-Clarke Hi
If you can't upskill at your employers expense, consider registering with the tax office as a sole trader (£2.10 ish a week for NI contributions). You don't have to trade, but you could pay for your own education and off set the cost against tax. Also as as an SME you may be able to access part funding to contribute towards your course.
SHE Knows
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Posted By phil Has anyone answered the question you asked steve?
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Posted By stevie potts Not really mate.Ive had a few responses but nothing concrete.Although there haven't been any jobs at all in the Tyne & Wear area.Ive found its mainly agencies who reply to these forums,some are very good whereas others ask for your CV and you never hear from them again! Let me know if you find things differently.Good luck in finding what you are after.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Bill Bircham Steve,
A question for you, do you get involved in local IOSH / other Org Safety Groups? These are great for getting the inside track on many jobs that, for a variety of reasons don’t get advertised. Secondly, often well established H&S Peeps get asked by Agencies for recommendations. It costs nothing but your time, keeps you up to date (helps for CPD) , keeps your enthusiasm levels high, and you just never know. . . .
Good luck
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Posted By stevie potts Bill, i must adnit i haven't gone down that road yet.
Rank: Guest
Posted By JAI Steve you say there are no jobs in the north east
If you look you will see two councils are recruiting, or does the issue lie with your qualifications as these jobs ask that you are chartered or working towards it
Rank: Guest
Posted By Descarte All jobs (well nearly) now are asking for CMIOSH but not all know what it is or how you get it. Not having CMIOSH I have never had any problems getting a new job or temporary contract of which I have had 4 in the last 4-5 years always moving onto bigger andb etter things, all interesting and rewarding positions.
Ambition, knowledge, outgoing, confident and experience are what employers are after IMO not letters after your name
Keep trying, gain experience evenif it is in a lower position as this will count more than qualifications in some ways
Rank: Guest
Posted By Baron Munchausen Hi Steve
The work is out there!!!
You just have to be seen to be counted and have the audacity to say I can do that!!!
From what I have seen within the H&S industry as long as you can walk the walk and talk the talk you can go far even without CMISOH or Tech IOSH – I know of “consultants” on £30k + salaries with the same qualifications that you have, not even, with previous experience.
Follow Descarte’s Advice
-The Baron-
Rank: Guest
Posted By GavinR Hi Steve,
I know it is very hard to get a position whenyour starting out in H&S. I'm based in N. Ireland and its near impossible. Maybe 1 job every couple of months and then they are asking for 3-5 years experience before they would consider you. I'm gradosh with Bsc(Hons)SHEM and working in planning supervision until i can move back into H&S role but the North East must be similar to N.I with regard to H&S jobs. Just thought i'd let you know your not the only one in this position but fingers crossed eh!
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Posted By Descarte Another point you could look in to is doing a bit of extra corricular activity, by which I mean COSHH, DSE, Manual handling assessor training. The first can be done for 75 quid on a half day course and others are a bit more expensive, obviously costs more for IOSH certified courses, even the environmental management diploma only costs 650 quid.
I actually started in the environmental consultancy side of things, which demand a lot lower set of qualifications than a H+S consultancy would even in a junior role, from there I branched in to occupational health/hygiene due to similiarities in monitoring and techniques for various dusts, gases, fumes, noise light etc.
Be brave, apply for every job, when I first started after uni I could apply for 50 positions, get 3 interviews and out of those 3 I would like and hopefully get 1.
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Posted By stevie potts You are right about CMIOSH,i haven't got it,and a lot of vacancies are demanding this.It does put you off applying for those posts even though i am confident i could handle the role.Like you say,i've got to keep on applying,the law of averages say something will come up.Thanks for the advice,its very much appreciated.
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Posted By JAI Steve
go to jobcentre plus and search
North East Health and Safety Consultant required
£20 per hour 12-20 hours per week
it's a start and gets you foot in the door
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Posted By Paul Adams Steve, You have mail. Regards Paul
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Posted By Salus jai, is there a reference number for this role?
Rank: Guest
Posted By JAI Salus www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk search health and safety ( ref DAE 48899) you are required to call Maurice Hammond 01698 844402
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