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#41 Posted : 05 May 2006 14:25:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Kevin Walker Hi, just to continue on with this thread, strangely enough I can relate to most of these things that have happened to others and myself. Especially after applying for many jobs over the years. Well rounded skills..... My special favourite was when as part of the interview the senior H&S person gave me a scenario of an incident that has happened in that particular workplace. I got about 2 minutes to think about what they had a few days to do. I gave my answer based on what I thought I would have done and the looks I got back from the H&S person were vicious. Then I realised that they hadn't considered that option and my comments about may happen next if you did it the other way were exactly what happened. I think someone felt stupid and it was not me. At that stage I know I'd blown it. Worse still I still have more stories, like the H&S consultant at the interview who asked the most stupid questions I've ever heard. But you can never tell what to expect when you go to interviews, the old addage that you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you is still true. great its friday. kevin
#42 Posted : 05 May 2006 16:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Josephine Erina - I think it's not necessarily fair to blame an agency for your bad interview experiences (though of course they should have read your CV properly), but did it not occur to you to read the job spec before you agreed to go to interview? What sort of person attends an interview without finding out what the job is about?
#43 Posted : 05 May 2006 16:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jasonjg I went to an interview for a telphone advisor and was asked a number of questions based on scenarios. 1. Bouncers holding a man in night club (did ok on that one) 2. FLT License requirement as factory inspector was coming (I said no absolute law but before I could continue about what was to be in place, (which was get a license unless I could fund a in-house program just as good as acop requirements) was scorned and mocked by a Rod Stewart look alike idiot who claimed there is a requirement for a license in law and then went on to show how good he could stand his ground (here is me thinking "is this part of the test, should I argue like in the apprentice?". At that point I lost interest in the job but was humored by the interview. 3. Asked about what first step would be if a injury claim letter arrived at my desk. (I said ring my insurance company, again scorned and somewhat mocked because I never immediately said investigate the incident. I was probably wrong on that one as I have never yet dealt with investigating claims. 4. Forgot the last question and did not care at that point and they knew it. What I took from the interview 1. Don't become Some 50+ yr old safety bloke trying to have hair like Rod Stewart who was one of the biggest plonkers I had met in my life. The others were ok, not a bad word about them at all. I was fully aware and made them fully aware in the beginning and CV that I was interested in a development role so why invite me in the first place grrrr. At roughly the same time, I had a interview somewhere else and found the whole interview, the company and the people very sincere and it was a great learning experience. Was actually given some great tips for the future and told not to change my personality for the role and that I would do a good job after initial inexperience period had passed. I got the job offer 7 weeks later but had to refuse, as already had some contract work at that time which paid well and was closer to home. Slight mistake on my part IMHO but hindsight is a good learning tool as I kick myself. I do admit to sometimes under selling myself and being too eager to get on the ladder and therefore have been offered some silly rates of pay i.e. £13000 whilst studying dip 2. I think I have been a bit of a Hansel from the apprentice and need to be not so nice lol. This summer I will go Job Hunting with eyes wide open As many of you say, and I am sure it will happen one day, I will get their in the end.
#44 Posted : 05 May 2006 18:03:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Brett Day My pet hates: 1. Agencies who lie to both employer and employee. 2. No feedback or come back, they just ignore you and hope you go away, had this with one company up in Norfolk who at the interview said "If you have any questions or want feedback contact me" and then gave me thier direct number. They didn't contact the agency and when I phoned them they ignored my polite message and gave the agency a rollicking - If you don't want people to contact you don't give out contact details. 3. Gives salary & package but fail to mention verbally or in writing any 'conditions' until after you join. Joined one company that offered a company car and had stated at interview that I had problems with unroadworthy cars with current employer was told "We won't mess you about with cars." Didn't tell me that I'd have to be there six months to get a car, but still expected me to travel around the M25 area. was there only as long as it took me to get another role. 4. Sheer general rudeness of prospective and actual employers. Yet they expect potential employees to be positive about employers that are a complete shower. 5. As for the God knows how many interviews what a waste of time, I've often found that the first is how wonderfull we are, the second is the 'technical' assessment then the third is HR sticking it's oar in. Quite frankly we will find out just how good a company is when we join, so could do the technical first and then the HR second - that scrubs of 1 interview straight away or better still have one interview with HR and someone to assess my cometance. 6. Ask to see my work (which I don't mind) but then harp on about confidentiality? And ask to see it in an electronic format (one prospective employer asked specifically that it not be copy protected, rather than copy protected or in hardcopy), when I refused and asked if they intended copying my documentation I never heard from them. I've found that the best companies I've worked for have only had one interview and have done as little as possible to waste my time, the companies that I've got out of PDQ have gone down the 'how many interviews can we get this person to go through before he/she gets hacked off?' route. Talking to friends in other industries, for many of whom a single, long interview is often the norm. On an up note I was warned about my current employer is in a rubbish part of the market (It was couched more strongly than that), the pay wasn't good and I could do much better elsewhere. Having said that I dropped 5k, but I no longer have to commute into London, I'm set up to work from home, company car was there on the day they expetced me to start travelling and is a lot less hassle. Would rather be reasonably paid and happy, than fantastically paid and hacked off.
#45 Posted : 05 May 2006 18:09:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Brett Day One other point, application forms, have seen some that say DO NOT ATTACH CV OR OTHER FORMS yet they have half an inch for job details and qualifications. Have a sheet with my quals and dates that gets attached - is it lazy, given that I can't get it on the form? I would say not.
#46 Posted : 06 May 2006 07:37:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave West What angers me is that when i applied for the position i have now my company wanted three references, if after three months of your probation they have not recieved them you are not taken on. YET! i have been told that my company do not and will not give references no matter how good an employee you are! As for intreviews my boss said that he knows within the first 30 seconds if the person is right for the job and all the rest of the time is spent backing up and confirming his first opinion
#47 Posted : 11 May 2006 19:29:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By jackie I too can relate to many of these posts. A complete frustration of mine is the 'so called' Health & Safety Recruitment Agencies (many of which feature in SHP)that prior to initial registration will try to absolutely everything to convince you to sign up with them on the assurance that they will find you work (that one would hope should match your CV/experience/aspirations/location/salary/sector with a prospective employer)..I must be sooo lucky to be registered with just about every Health & Safety Recruitment Agency within the UK, BUT not to be so fortunate to have been contacted with any hope, possiblity, or sniff of a contract..oh the joy! However, i did have a voicemail message followed by an email from one particular agency that wanted to know 1) What stage was i at in my health & safety career? As they hadn't heard from ME for quite some time. (My phone calls & emails were clearly not enough in the way of making contact) 2) Could i contact them AGAIN if i'm still interested in any contracts that they may have. I have two years experience in health & safety - one year gained in enforcement at Local Authority level, and the other within the NHS. I have a degree in Environmental Health and a post grad qualification in safety, health & environmental management. I have GradOSH and i'm currently working towards CMIOSH via the completion of a CPD cycle. Does anyone know HOW i could get some contract/freelance work without the continous frustration of chasing agencies..unless of course there is one single agency out there that offers both a professional service AND FOLLOWS THROUGH with its promises??
#48 Posted : 11 May 2006 20:51:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By phil worse still, some of them are SPONSORED by the Health and Safety organisations.......
#49 Posted : 11 May 2006 21:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bill Fisher This "rant" has had 2642 viewings, 47 responses and has been running since 2nd May. The Moderators consider that it has run its course and have locked it.
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