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Posted By Robert Weiland Yesterday my friend went for a interview H/S position 300 people. He noticed the Manager directly responsible for Health and Safety was very abrupt in the interview, swearing and calling the HSE and everyone else remotely involved with Health and Safety all the names under the sun.
Your job is to keep them off my back, I don't want to be spending profits on pointeless stuff etc etc.
About ten minutes in my mate thought there's no point in accepting this job with the attitudes as they are but carried on the interview for expereince.
When he got to ask a question, scenario went like this
Why did this post become vacant ? Manager: Cause the lad who had it before couldn't keep it together pill popper, Prozac and all that.
My mate looked at him and said "Yeah doesn't surprise me really" and he got up and left.
Strange thing is he got invited back for a second interview. I'm begging him to go just to hear what happens.
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Posted By Jasonjg I know it is not funny really especially knowing he wasted his time getting ready. I had similar incident with a actual H&S consultant a number of years ago. Statements like IOSH are this and that, Nebosh is a waste of time etc etc. I felt really low as I was aspiring to achieve all that he slated. I later found out I knew his step brother and he proceeded to tell me about his half bro's uneventfull and limted quals.
On a funny side, that manager may want to offer him something stronger than prozac to keep him longer.
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Posted By Amy Upton Make sure you keep us updated
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Posted By Alexander Falconer Robert
Your mate seem's to have a good head on him, tell him from me, well done for sticking to his guns.
Encourage him to go for his second interview, got a sneaky feeling that the guy wants your mate to do the job (do it at an inflated salary, with certain conditions & benefits like car, fuel card, budgetary responsibilities, etc, etc)
If the guy thinks the package is too much, then your mate will not be too bothered, who wants to work for someone who thinks he is above H&S and the law. Again, if the guy is prepared to accept and offer a package with stipulated criteria, then half the battle is won.
Life then becomes that much easier, believe me, been there and done it (still there, with the respect and full support of my MD too)
As Forrest Gump would say "Life is like a box of chocolates" don't know what to expect until you take that bite!
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Posted By Christopher Kelly I have just finished working for a guy just like that - previous 3 H&SOs had repeated arguments with him. Within 1/2 week of the previous guy leaving he had a go at me because I advised him not to block one of the 2 fire escapes with a hog-roast for the Christmas do. Any time he didn't like what he was hearing he would start slagging off the h&s profession, I tried to take it slowly, persuade him, coach, use economic arguments etc but he just responded with threats. Kept being told "I don't expect to have the same subject brought up twice", making clear that if I did I would be out of a job. In your first year there isn't much you can do - they can just get rid of you and - guess what - he did!
This despite the fact that I made clear in the interview that I did not wish to work for a disreputable employer, having had to give evidence against a previous employer in prosecution by the HSE.
You're better off working for a reputable firm (may not be able to afford to implement everything you say but at least encourages you to identify the risks so that they are aware of them and can identify controls as far as they are able / gradually) or on the other side of the fence for a consultancy / enforcement body.
If all H&S people took a stand against people like this then they wouldn't have a way round it - too many family owned firms take on a H&S person to get them out of a hole, then make their life difficult so they leave. The consultancy I work for now budget to lose 30%+ of their 1st year clients who are the sort of firms who just want an impressive looking piece of paper which will get the HSE off their back, but have no intention of following it through to actually make the workplace safe.
Don't waste your time on them - some of these people are malicious - the guy will probably be out when you get there and you have just had a wasted journey - we all have better things to do, it's not worth the risk!
After some of the people I have dealt with / worked for I can assure you that there really are people out there who don't give a **** if others live or die - roll on corporate manslaughter bill ! As soon as there is an accident they will hire the most expensive barrister who will pass the blame onto the health and safety person.
Oh - by the way no-one accuse me of being a nit-picker - the issues I raised with my last employer were serious - when you are dealing with a poor sod (only 21) who is walking like an old man because of being forced to work his whole shift bent over in a cold factory there comes a point when you have to start being a bit forceful ! (manual handling was by no means the most serious issue facing this firm).
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Posted By Fer 20 thousand of 'Thank you' for this brilliant and clarifying answer.
I found some of those situations too close to what i'm living. i work for a 200-employee company with 3 sites and i am the only H&S person. Even having all the qualifications and a clear planning of what we have to do, i found myself without support from my Director and with 0 minutes from the managers to carry out Risk Assessment, implement actions etc. They are always 'too busy'.
The funniest thing is that my Director stopped the contract with our only Consultant and his goal is not to hire anyone. So here I am looking for a technical database or similar where the company may register as such, instead of registering myself as Tech or Graduate IOSH (because they think that would benefit only to me!!) and taking more and more legal responsibility.
Sorry but I did need to discharge my frustation in somewhere. at least most you undertand me!
By the way, does anybody know any technical database my company could use as H&S background and suppport? i need some money figures but i hope it won't be cheaper than register myself as a IOSH member.
Thanks to all of you
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