Rank: Guest
Posted By Alison Melrose Just had an automated response from IOSH team to the "Free Speech and Democracy" thread. Come on here to read it and the moderators have pulled the thread completely!?
Now pulling offensive responses to a thread is understandable but when it's constructive criticism [I asked why it would take so long for IOSH /SHP to produce a website that companies could be invoiced for listing jobs on] then I feel this is overstepping the mark..
As several have commented, this is a forum for IOSH members wishing to discuss health and safety issues and whether they agree or disagree with IOSH, we should be allowed discuss these without Big Brother interfering and censoring everything said.
Now I'm sure this one will be pulled in due course as well (and no doubt a black mark placed against my name for future reference!) but it saddens me that IOSH feel that their members cannot discuss openly with other members on this site issues that may potentially affect them.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Martin R. Bessant Following a decision by IOSH to fully comply with the Acceptable Use Guidelines, a decision was made to stop permitting Job Adverts on the Careers Forum. Comments made about the changes are breaching the same guidelines and people are invited to raise their concerns with the WEBTEAM@IOSH.CO.UK. The Thread mentioned has been moved into the members only section of the website as it only affects members of IOSH. Martin Bessant - Lead Moderator.
Rank: Guest
Posted By steve e ashton Whereabaouts in the members forums please Martin? I have looked but not found....
Rank: Guest
Posted By 9-Ship 3rd thread removed - my Free Speech & Democracy thread was a perfectly fair observation/thread no offensive language or personal attacks
This is totally unjustified censorship of members opinions and views
Just who are these political commissars - (spelling??) Uncle Jo Stalin would have been proud of them
Rank: Guest
Posted By PST Martin
Please can you inform me when is this going to be in force ?
Rank: Guest
Posted By 9-Ship The Membership forum that covers membership issues only has a link to the contacts page for the great and the good of IOSH.
So just how do you access the membership forum?? Or am I missing something
Rank: Guest
Posted By Jane Blunt Your thread on free speech and democracy has been moved to the Internal Business Forum. You have been sent e-mails notifying you of this, and the reasons for the removal of your earlier posting - please contact webteam@iosh.co.uk urgently if you have not received them. The members-only forums, of which the Internal Business Forum is one, are accessible to all IOSH members of all grades. Jane
Rank: Guest
Posted By Philby' as posted on members forum....
Hmmm, going to be slightly controversial here...and is in respect of something I posted a bit back on the open forum...and I don't wish to offend or stop the debate/s....
I think the issue has rightly been moved to the members only forum, its alright showing our 'Friday Side' (we are not all boring fa#ts), but we dont want to look as if we are internally warring...
I am generally pretty laid back and have been known to 'lose it' on the forums afore now, but I realised that sometimes when typing I become a bit vitriolic without thinking...yes, lets not be heavy handed with the moderating, but lets also be more moderate in our language.
Here endeth the lesson
Rank: Guest
Posted By Neal Clark 9-Ship,
The Internal Business forum can be accessed by first logging into the discussion forums, and then selecting 'members forums' in the section links panel on the right of your screen.
On the next screen you will be given a description of the available members forums. Just click 'join here' next to the appropriate forum and fill out the short application form.
Please note that we are required to verfiy the membership status of all applications to these forums, and this is a manual process. As a result there may be a short delay in your application and you receiving confirmation that your application was successful.
Once you have received this confirmation, the members forum will be accessible from your 'my forums' list the next time you login.
In answer to your question, the changes to the careers forum will take effect from 4 July 2006.
Many thanks,
Neal Clark, Web Co-ordinator.
Rank: Guest
Posted By PST Thanks Neal
aha 4th of July, is that independence day somewhere!!
All the best
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