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#1 Posted : 02 June 2006 15:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neville
Dear All,

I am not a member of IOSH yet and need convincing that it is really a worthwhile thing to do.

We (myself & wife), already subscribe to the SHP magazine and I also use this website quite often.

Apart from the post nominals (letters after your name),which in my case would be 'Tech IOSH', what else do you get?

As I have read that there are in excess of 30,000 members currently, which accounts for more than £4 million of income from membership annually, what is the 'big beef' on withdrawing the careers forum job ads to the detriment of its members? Surely the advertising rates in the magazine are substantial and sufficient enough to sustain itself (plus the subscribers)! My copy arrived this morning and there would seem to be very little by way of jobs in the North West, at my status. This just goes to reinforce what many of your membership are writing about on here, with reference to pulling the plug on job ads. and it being a lifeline to some.

Still waiting upon my next H&S job, although have many other irons in the fire and not pretentious enough to want to have the post nominals just yet.

Some of the recent, emotive threads posted on here have suggested a strong backlash of opinions from your core members, not least the debacle over Tech IOSH status. Do their opinions count as members?

Yours concernedly,

#2 Posted : 02 June 2006 15:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By ITK
1.Because most Health and Safety jobs ask for you to be a member.

2.You get the SHP "FREE"
#3 Posted : 02 June 2006 15:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By The toecap
There is a golden rule to iosh it seems. And this appears to be. 'who ever owns the gold makes the rules'
#4 Posted : 02 June 2006 16:19:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ruth Doyle
Dear Neville,

Becoming an IOSH member will give you access to a range of services. Here is a current list:

• free technical information service... find the facts and figures that you need quickly, +44 (0)116 257 3199
• free health and safety lawline - help with interpreting legislation and case law, +44 (0)161 242 2771
• free best practice guides... +44 (0)116 257 3116
• free Safety and Health Practitioner the profession's leading monthly magazine
• discounted subscription to our biannual academic journal, Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, +44 (0)116 257 3189
• cutting-edge online Continuing Professional Development programme... free to members, +44 (0)116 257 3239
• more than 80 professional development courses... at discounted rates, +44 (0)116 257 3197
• over 300 free or low cost events... every year, +44 (0)116 257 3195
• member consultation... the chance to have your say on proposed new regulations and legislation
• online discussion forums... for professional issues, careers and study support
• networking active local branches... plus sector-specific groups...
• funding to support research and development...
• free career counselling and performance coaching service, +44 (0)116 257 3198

The money that supports these member benefits comes from two sources: members’ subscriptions, and income from commercial activity. Last year, the split was roughly 35/65, with any surplus from commercial work being reinvested into new member services (such as the R&D or benevolent funds) or services for the general public (wiseup2work is a good example). In fact, for every £100 members paid in subscriptions, IOSH commercial income (including the profitshare we get from the job advertising in SHP) subsidised each member’s fee by £67. If commercial income falls, it directly threatens the level of subsidy IOSH is able to give towards each member’s subscription rate – hence the decision to remove employers advertising from the careers forum.

Members views are included in all IOSH decisions. Through our Council of Management (elected members), Board of Trustees and standing committees (recruited members), and Branches and Specialist Groups (volunteer members), everything we do is checked, approved and driven by members for members and, in line with our charitable status, for the general public. However, Sometimes they, and staff, have to make decisions that are unpopular in the short term, but which ultimately benefit the widest group of members.

In response to the concerns about allowing employers to advertise on this forum for free – IOSH and SHP are working on a new jobs site, with much improved services for members. It will link up all the areas of both sites that relate to jobs and career development, and we hope to have it ready by the end of the year. In the meantime, I encourage you to continue to use the SHP website, and wish you all the very best with your job search.

If you would like to talk to somebody directly about becoming a member, and whether it would help you in your career, please give our membership team a call on 0116 257 3198. They’ll be happy to answer your questions, and address any concerns you might have. Or feel free to contact me directly.

Yours sincerely,
Ruth Doyle
IOSH Director of communications
#5 Posted : 02 June 2006 19:58:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Wilson
Think the beef here is that as you were getting something for nothing which has now been withdrawn, other side of the coin why should my subs go to providing you with a free job section.

Simple answer is that if you are a member you can still access these areas, so join in!
#6 Posted : 02 June 2006 20:39:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neville
Well Dave, talking about something for nothing, IOSH reckon you get your SHP magazine for 'free'whilst I subscribe £79 annually. Perhaps they should charge for it!!!

Whilst this website is free, I shall continue to use it, as I do with most other free sites.

If the web site was closed to non-members, the publicity aspect that it generates would probably erode membership numbers anyway.

#7 Posted : 03 June 2006 11:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John T
I am pleased to see the range of services IOSH offer to members and once I get my exams results through in August I will certainly consider a membership.

On a side note I am happy to see that unlike a lot of organisations you are not using premium rate numbers for your helpines to increase the coffers as that would most certainly stop me from joining.
#8 Posted : 03 June 2006 15:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ian H
I think IOSH membership offers very good value. I am a member of the Chartered Management Institute and the annual membership is £100 plus.

If I didn't need CMIOSH after my name I think I would still pay the fee. There does seem to have been a fair bit of investment in recent years; new website, cpd portal, revised magazine etc.

I would advise people to join IOSH for the benefits it provides.

#9 Posted : 03 June 2006 17:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Wilson
For an extra coiple of spondoolies a month you can join and get the SHP as well!
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