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#1 Posted : 21 June 2006 11:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jim Walker Some recent postings asking for CVs on this site look a bit suspect, please take care. Moderators – time for action I believe. Slightly different subject I had an application form (requested) from a know organisation last week. One question required my NI number. I’ve declined to give it at this stage. Have a nasty feeling that some HR minion is going to reject the application at the first hurdle. Comments.
#2 Posted : 21 June 2006 12:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert K Lewis It really is difficult to know where wisdom ends and paranoia starts nowdays with this issue. There was the case of a driver of a new BMW in w. Yorks who had his plate cloned in Kent. Police pursued a car after an unreported accident damaging a car. They threatened the Yorks guy with arrest until they found the crashed clone car. It is so easy and where does it end. Most employers want an NI number as it is evidence that a person is able to work in this country - at least it was until recent Home Office - DWP information release. I do think that there is a need though to re-assess some of the preliminary questions asked for 1st interviews. Bob
#3 Posted : 21 June 2006 13:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jim Walker Bob, I've no problem with taking along proof to the interview. After all , I've told them I've got various qualifications and as yet they cannot verify, so how is my NI different. The worry is -I've not "ticked the box" in an acceptable manner and have kissed goddbye to a decent job opportunity
#4 Posted : 21 June 2006 17:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard Stewart Jim This is a very interesting point - both Employers and Agencies are now forced to keep an enormous amount of information about all employees and introductions. However often the reason for asking for it on the application form is not because of necessity (at that stage) but because of the difficulty in getting the information later on. Have you lost the opportunity because you did not complete the application fully? Perhaps - really does depend on the company but I would not have thought so. I understand identity theft is a big issue but surely this is also a risk assessment issue - either make sensible precautions or not provide anyone when any info that could lead to identity fraud - therefore no job, no bank account, no mortgage, etc Richard Stewart Anders Elite
#5 Posted : 21 June 2006 22:26:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Wilson Take it you work for anders elite then! Thst 3 pieces of info I have about you! Are we allowed to 'advertise' our company on postings?
#6 Posted : 22 June 2006 08:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin R. Bessant The Moderators have noted this problem but do not feel able to get involved as this is a problem between individuals. We do however suggest that where information is being requested which could be misused, the person should explain their concerns with the company and try and make arrangements which satisfy both parties. This will not be a problem from the 4th July on this forum as all job available adverts will be transfering to the SHP. Martin Bessant - Lead Moderator.
#7 Posted : 22 June 2006 08:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard Stewart Dave When the post relates to Recruitment law / practice - surely it is logical for me to state my background Richard
#8 Posted : 22 June 2006 10:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Wilson I agree mate, however do we have to lsit the companies we work / have worked for or just a line 'Recruitment advisor' for instance I could say I work for BLA BLA asbestos removal company or worked for Bla Bla Airline which is in essence a little free advertisement. However if you are also using your companies email address then that info could be gained but you are not advertsing it if you see what I mean.
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