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What is the going rate for agencies?
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Posted By Arran Linton - Smith One agency has told me that 20% is the norm; however the organisation I work for has a maximum (which it is prepared to pay) of 15%.
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Posted By Richard Stewart I take it you are looking to recruit some people.
I have worked for a number of agencies and standard charge rates vary between 17.5% and 25% depending upon the level of seniority.
Beware of the lowest cost solution - it is all well and good getting some providers on board at 15% but are they going to put as much effort in servicing your role than others on the books that will pay full fee?
Anyhow hope that helps and please do not hestaite to get in touch.
Richard Stewart - Anders Elite
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Posted By Arran Linton - Smith Richard,
All we are looking for is a very basic service.
I.e. who have you currently got on your books that are suitable?
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Posted By John Levey Also be aware of larger agencies who charge higher rates for less effort. You tend to find that the bigger companies will end up sending you quantity but not quality candidates.
John Levey
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Posted By Richard Stewart Arran, Please drop an email to with a pre se of what you are on the lookout for and I will give you an honest appraisal of the relevent applicants. Regards, Richard ps sorry for not PM'ing you for some reason my browser does not let me view email addresses from the site
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Posted By peter j lane Why don't all the recruitment people who look at these threads responde to the question,After all there have been a few threads that the recruiters have answered recently and have justified their position.
Why not go for a national industry agreed rate? Agreed by Peers in our business eg MCG,Industry bodies etc 25% of a 50k post=12.5k x 4 per year-can't be bad-give me a job!!-20k better than mine and ive got 10 years+ in!!
on 12.5% they should be able to afford the phone bill and call you back!!
From my past experiences recruiters earn more than the Safety Bods!!??
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Posted By Arran Linton - Smith Richard,
If you log in, then you browser should let you access the e-mail addresses.
I understand that this has been undertaken to try and reduce the amount of spam you receive.
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Posted By Richard Stewart Peter,
Is your post really relevant to the thread?
Both myself and others have attempted to answer all your questions fully.
The market dectates the fees we charge - any regulation of this I believe would be illegal.
For your information - 4 placements a year would give me a P45 - not £50k in my back pocket. The fee goes to our employer which we get a small cut of personally.
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Posted By Dave Wilson I think it is relevant myself as the 'agency people' use this site as a free tool to advertise their wares so to speak, how many agencies out there have used this info to place people in jobs and the take the cut, do they ever acknowledge this site as the source?
For anyone out there who has posted a job advertisement on here and the amount of emails and calls you get from agencies is unbelievable!! even when you put on it 'NO AGENCIES PLEASE', suppose they are only doing their job.
It costs less to sell your house than it does to use a recruitment agency, however Richard is quite correct its market forces, the folding green stuff and thats how he pays his mortgage.
25% seems an awful lot though, is there any redress if they get it wrong?
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Posted By Richard Stewart Dave,
To clarify most agencies operate on the sliding scale of fees with the norm being around 17.5%. 25% will only be for Director level appointments.
Our clients do have redress as there will be a Guarantee period which is negotiable.
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Posted By Dave Wilson Do agencies actually have ALL the jobs available which they advertise or is this an 'intelligence' gathering exercise to get your details.
I have had agencies phone me up out of the blue offering me Job Interviews even when I am employed and have been for years!
17.5% still seems awfully high for a form filling exercise and getting you an interview!
Go on Richard how many placements have you made last FY? Ballpark figure!
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Posted By Arran Linton - Smith Dave,
I feel that your last question is most unfair and should not form part of this thread.
I simply do not expect Richard to answer it.
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Posted By Richard Stewart Dave,
Employment Agencies are governed by the Conduct of Employment Agencies Regulations 2003 and the Employment Agencies Act 1974 and it is illegal for us to advertise positions which do not exist or we do not have permission to advertise.
I am unable do go into details of my personal performance (even if I wanted to) as I work for a listed company.
I do not really think it is within the boundaries of this forum to discuss the business model of a Recruitment Agency but suffice to say that there have been many companies in this sector who have offered very low fees - 6 months down the line they have not been in business.
Good consultants are not cheap (would you have confidence in an 18 year old straight off the counter at McDonalds?), the successful businesses invest large quantities of money in training, advertising and management.
Anyhow I think I have said enough.
Richard Stewart MREC
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Posted By Dave Wilson Arron I agree bit OTT from moi, apologies Richard, its not going to crop up again anyway as as of monday it will not happen on here.
good point however!! naw not going there!
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Posted By Dave Wilson Arron would have thought that with your background and experience you would be able to sort the wheat from the chaff.
I advertised for a traineee H&S person a couple of years back and stipulated NEBOSH Cert / CV / training etc and was quite specific that if you did not fulfill the criteria I would put your application in the bin, I got over 750 applications ranging from NO qualifications to Persons with H&S Degrees and pestered by at least 6 agencies to place people.
Took me two hours to throw away over 700 by just glancing at the first page!
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Posted By Arran Linton - Smith David, Thank you for your apology. Unfortunately I have had to go the agency route because the first appointment needs to be made quite quickly. Basically we are undertaking a simple shopping exercise and we are not looking for a sole agency that wants to undertake the selection process for us.
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Posted By Steve Croasdale Arran
Are you able to advertise the post on this forum, to see what response you may get prior to spending your ££'s with the agencies?
Just a thought!
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Posted By Gary IMD(UK) Ooh, how I love living in the real world!
Nuff said?!
Take care Y'all!
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Posted By ty It depends on what you want them to do, and whether you have paid them a retainer or not. In the IT sector agency rates are generally around the 20-30% mark but if you're looking at using a headhunter you're probably talking about a retainer and 40% at least. With most medium weight roles you're probably better off using an MSP like easywebrecruitment all most agents do is post adverts on job boards anyway.
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Posted By Helen Gotts Arran, In my experience in recruitment (four years now in HSQE for construction, rail and civil engineering) I have found that many employers value the service of recruitment consultants and agencies precisely for the reasons stated above: 1) We speak to people working for your competitors every day and so are in touch with the current marketplace 2) We take a lot of the graft away from you and your Personnel department in terms of reference checking, ensuring eligibility to work in the UK, and verifying qualifications. 3) There are agencies out there (mentioning no names) that charge as much as 33% for printing CVs from the internet and just emailing them over without so much as qualifying the candidate against the job - hence why you may get calls offering you an interview when you have been off the market for some time. 4) I advertise every month in SHP and I do not charge this cost as an extra onto my clients so they are able to take advantage of our branding for free. This is also the case with Open Days and other ways to attract candidates. 5) In the case of railway recruitment, the costs are significantly higher with the need for sponsorship, medicals and PPE plus recerts and further training.
In summary you have to build a relationship with recruiters you trust, and don't forget that if agencies are on your supplier list then discounts can always be negotiated for more than just one ad hoc contingency vacancy.
I hope this helps, Helen Gotts Senior Consultant Resourcing Solutions Ltd.
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Posted By Frank Fallon we work on a basis with % but cappings at each slary level and always fix fee based on posted salary rather than any subsequent negotiated salary, it works for our clients.
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