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#1 Posted : 14 July 2006 23:26:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By mc77
Is it just my opinion, or does SHP online have a very poor example of a jobsearch facility?

Try looking for a job in Scotland, or Wales. Put that in the location and its likely that nothing will come up. Scroll through a couple of hundred jobs on the pages, and you'll find that (apart from having sore eyes), there are several jobs in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Ayr etc etc. As far as I'm aware these places are still in Scotland.

I very rarely use the facility (apart from now to confirm that its still the same), and prefer to use other much more effective search engines (I also wait till the end of the month to browse the mag for the SHP jobs). Come on SHP...modernise!
#2 Posted : 15 July 2006 10:50:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Gary IMD(UK)
Hi mc,

It's a very good point that you raise. Perhaps what we need is a forum, similar to this, where jobs can be advertised throughout the UK? That way, people who are available for work can let other like-minded people know and people with a vacancy can let people know of the said vacancy? A bit like 'Noel Edmonds Multi-coloured swap shop' perhaps, or am I just showing my age here?!!! You know... I have some money to give, but want a job done in return.. and vice versa!

It might just work, but I suppose it is something for the future? We need some innovators to invent a forum like it... It's beyond my IT capabilities, so if anyone can help, let's get modern!

Take care Y'all!
#3 Posted : 17 July 2006 07:57:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By noiseman
Why not try this site it helped me http://hsejobs.proboards92.com/ and its not a company just a blog.
#4 Posted : 17 July 2006 19:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By mc77
Thanks noiseman,

I've just registered, and although it looks like the site is fairly new, I have a feeling it (or similar sites) could gather momentum, given the demise of the job ads on this forum. As it's a 'no holds barred' page it is unlikely to get locked by over zealous administrators.....oops - did I just say that!!

Another gripe about the SHP job pages - many of them don't even show locations/salary rage etc on the subject line. Without any consistency of information when entering the advert, it's no wonder the search facility can't properly filter jobs.
#5 Posted : 18 July 2006 22:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By mc77
Thanks noiseman,
I've just registered on the site you mentioned (before it disappeared), and although it looks like the site is fairly new, I have a feeling it (or similar sites) could gather momentum, given the demise of the job ads on this forum.

Another gripe about the SHP job pages - many of them don't even show locations/salary rage etc on the subject line. Without any consistency of information when entering the advert, it's no wonder the search facility can't properly filter jobs.

#6 Posted : 18 July 2006 22:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Smurfer

for those that missed the previous post
#7 Posted : 18 July 2006 23:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bill Fisher
The advertisement of third-party sites advertising jobs is a breach of the AUGs as is the reposting of information previously removed by the Moderators.

In the absence of a live e-mail link "Smurfer" should be aware that ignoring the AUGs could result in your access to these Forums being removed.

This Thread is now locked and the original posted information will be pasted to SHP for consideration.
#8 Posted : 18 July 2006 23:46:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bill Fisher
The advertisement of third-party sites advertising jobs is a breach of the AUGs as is the reposting of information previously removed by the Moderators.

In the absence of a live e-mail link "Smurfer" should be aware that ignoring the AUGs could result in your access to these Forums being removed.

#9 Posted : 04 August 2006 11:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By SREdwards
As is the norm with all online forums, the moderators have started to wield their perceived powers with a zest and zeal that they rarely show to nuts and bolts safety management. If they were half as dilligent in posting common sense, workable advice to practicing colleagues as they do to moderating, I'm sure we could collectively make a difference to a few working peoples lives.
That's not to say that good advice isn't being dispensed - becasue there are some amazing members who frequent these boards who have genuinely assisted or intervened in situations raised.

Everyone needs a job. Lots of people have vacancies to fill....I think we can all be clear on that point. There's probably a bloke sat in an office right now, scratching his head because he's had a serious accident occur to an employee, he's been caned by the HSE with enforcement and the threat of legal action - and he need to employ someone. Why not make it easy for him as an organisation? Surely IOSH and the moderators would prefer those jobs to be filled by IOSH members who post on these forums?

#10 Posted : 04 August 2006 11:57:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By bec_batty
SREdwards - Well said!
#11 Posted : 04 August 2006 13:03:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By ITK
I find it be be of very little use for job hunting....invariably 99% of the adverts start with "my client is looking for....."
#12 Posted : 04 August 2006 13:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham
Just to clarify

Glasgow, Edinburgh and Ayr are in still in Scotland. I was in Glasgow this morning, and Edinburgh now, it's cloudy, threatening to rain, and below 20Deg. C, So it's definiately Scotland

#13 Posted : 04 August 2006 13:17:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jim Walker
I agree with the original poster.

Other than adverts in Mag the SHP are hopeless for the job search.
In response to the protectionism that arose due to new rules on this forum, someone did start a site.

My guess is that folks who have been subjected to the blue pencil where trying to help people locate it.
Seems IOSH don't like that either.

A step too far in my humble opinion.
#14 Posted : 05 August 2006 12:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By GJB
I think you have summed the situation up very well Jim. e.mail me direct for more information.
#15 Posted : 07 August 2006 08:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Adams
I have to agree with the above, the search facility does not meet my needs and therefore, does not meet the advertisers' (employers) needs. I have also noted that jobs do not seem to appear in chrono;ogical order, so you can't simply log on and see whats new - you have to wade through the whole lot to see if your ideal role is hiding somewhere down the third page.
Hopefully these comments will be accepted as customer feedback rather than a general whinge and service improved.
#16 Posted : 07 August 2006 18:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Adrian Newton
Dear Forum Users,

Thank you for your feedback on the current SHP Online recruitment module. You will all be delighted to know that we are currently working towards a replacement that will incorporate all of the features you have requested within this thread... and many more besides! We are always keen to receive constructive criticism and good ideas as they help us to improve our products.

Whilst I accept our current recruitment web-site will benefit from enhanced functionality, I think we should not lose sight of the fact that SHP continues to be an incredibly effective way of recruiting health and safety professionals. Our recruitment team will normally place a follow-up call to our clients to check upon the response to their advertisement. Invariably they receive the same feedback: an excellent response, from which they short-listed numerous quality candidates and they could have filled their vacancy many times over.

However we certainly do not believe we can be complacent, so we are embarking on a significant programme of investment. I look forward to being able to give you much more information about these exciting developments in the not too distant future.

Best regards,
Adrian Newton - Publisher SHP
#17 Posted : 07 August 2006 19:09:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By mc77

It's good to hear that there will be improvements. I doubt that clients will give positive feedback, as they just post the ad and sit back until prospective employees contact them. The frustration is on the part of the jobseeker, who needs to trawl through hundreds of ads to find that gem. With an effective search/filter facility the site will be as good as (hopefully better than) other jobseeker sites. Thanks for taking the comments on board.
#18 Posted : 07 August 2006 19:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By mc77
Sorry Adrian....I meant to say I don't doubt that clients give positive feedback.
#19 Posted : 08 August 2006 00:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Brett Day

I did post comments on the thread that you posted, I have had no contact or acknowledgement regards this. It would be nice to get some sort of assurance that we are being listened to, I did make some suggestions regard 'junk' e-mails but these do not seem to have been acknowledged:

"Another option would be to be a bit more discriminating in mailings, for example only sending H&S mailings to those who have subscribed to a H&S product of yours.

If you were to change your website to an opt in, I would imagine that there will be more take up..."

In both of your posts you have 'plugged' SHP, given that others who have plugged thier organisation have had posts taken of as in breach of the AUG's, I feel that your plugs are taking advantage of the unique position as the 'Official' IOSH publication.

At present there are two 'alternative' forums that have sprung up. We are your 'customers' and can chose to take our custom elsewhere.
#20 Posted : 08 August 2006 07:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ron Young
Wouldn't it have been a bit more sensible to effect the changes to the SHP jobsearch before banning advertising on this forum, or am I just a bit cynical.
#21 Posted : 09 August 2006 09:49:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Janette Draper
Agree with you Ron, but its far easier to play God than use any kind of common sense isn't it.
I have little interest in the careers forum now and would love for someone to set up a web forum for us in the same vein as what we had here - I for one would have no objection at paying a fee to join such a service. As already stated the SHP search is rubbish and as with anything to do with SHP or IOSH, speed is not a priority so I can't see anything coming before 2007.
#22 Posted : 09 August 2006 16:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Sheila EJ Keogh
What all the recruitment agencies' websites need to offer also is a facility to search for part time work. There's a surprisingly chunky amount of p/t h&S work around to warrant this facility, but none of the websites I have ever looked at have this as a search option. Please can it be included in to SHPs.
#23 Posted : 09 August 2006 18:37:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Adrian Newton
Hello Forum Users,

I just wanted to say that I do monitor the forums when I can and I certainly take on board the numerous points and suggestions you post - as someone relatively new to the health and safety sector I find the various forums a really useful way to get an understanding of some of the issues you all face on a day-to-day basis. Unfortunately my role means I am often away so please accept my apologies if I don't always respond quickly to postings relating to SHP; I always aim to do so whenever I can.

With regard to the improved site functionality - I can guarantee you that it is a high priority for us and we are currently carrying out the development work required. Like many IT projects, what seems like a relatively simple requirement actually turns out to be an incredibly complex task. As I said before, I do hope to be able to provide you with far more information in the not too distant future, so please bear with me until then.

Best regards,

Adrian Newton - Publisher, SHP
#24 Posted : 09 August 2006 19:09:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Steve99Jones
Perhaps all the recruitment agencies should club together and form a joint website displaying all of their vacancies, and on which IOSH members could advertise their own personal (not corporate) services for free???

Just a suggestion.
#25 Posted : 09 August 2006 20:08:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bill Bircham

Thanks for the guarantee in your last posting, a courageous statement!!!

As someone looking to recruit self starter type H&S people into my business whom I needed to start practically immediately, I found the view to restrict adverts annoying, but as ever, human ingenuity found a way around the issue by going somewhere else.

Personally, although I can fully understand the rationale behind the move to prevent adverts, I had little choice but to move away from the IOSH Forums. It was frustrating in that the agencies I approached could not find me the right person and the timescales for the printed version of the SHP were simply just too long. I shall not comment on the current capability of the online function, others have already done so.

However, I am keen to ensure the continued success of the functionality that was provided by this forum, and would ask that you supply indicative timescales for the changes you are proposing, thus those potentially thinking about 'going to the network of safety professionals' have a timescales in mind.

My personal view would be that for a smaller fee that the agencies or SHP charge, someone, be it yourselves or IOSH, could vet any positions that the proposer wishes to have advertised as a genuine internal positions.

This would allow those in my position to place an ad more cheaply and effectively than going elsewhere, perhaps allowing you or IOSH to capture a market for immediate placements, and I do mean immediate, I'm interviewing next week!

The admin involved is probably quite small and a simple T&C would tie up the legal issues. Perhaps this approach could be thought about further for the benefit of IOSH members, like myself, who use the forums to recruit from when the need arises.

#26 Posted : 09 August 2006 21:38:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By GJB
Thanks Bill,

A well thought and timely response.

I am like-minded, but have had several issues which I am currently dealing with regarding this forum, which I cannot post on here at this time.

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