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#1 Posted : 13 October 2006 02:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Nicholls Hello all, thank you for taking time to read this thread. Today, I have received my 12 weeks statutory redundancy notice, due to my company's imminent closure. My company is/was?? a first tier supplier of automotive components for all the big players - BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, Ford etc, of which I am currently employed as the Works Engineer. I manage a team (20 strong) of maintenance fitters, electricians, and labourers who undertake the planned and unplanned maintenance activities, on a vast range of plant and services in a high volume iron foundry/machine shop environment. As Works Engineer, I not only manage the maintenance department functions, but also the effectiveness of safety critical processes on site e.g. pressure systems, LOLER equipment, LEV, control of legionnella, HV/LV systems to name but a few. In fact any issue regarding safety somehow lands on my desk to resolve :) I smile as when I'm typing this, I can see myself reporting safety issues to my directors in the past, to which they reply "physician, heal thyself" i.e. sort it out yourself Dave! So, I did sort it out myself, the result being that in my 2 years to date as Works Engineer, none of my team has lost any time through ill health or accidents related to work activities, due to my devolopment and management of the dept's SSOW's - something I am extremely proud of, and something I know as far as I am aware, any of my predecessors have ever managed. This achievement is also extended to contractor's working on site of which I also have control. The size of projects I have managed ranges from minor civils works, to plant installations of £500,000. In addition, I am responsible for the majority of environmental issues on site, namely the control of pollution discharges to land, air and water, of which during my time in the role, I significantly contributed to the company gaining ISO14001 accreditation for the first time, not only for pollution control, but also for effective waste and energy minimisation programs. So, now you've heard what I have briefy achieved, let me tell you more about me the person.... I am a time served engineering apprentice, educated to ONC in an mechanical engineering discipline. I hold the NEBOSH Gen. Cert and Diploma in Safety Managemant (DipSM). I have also 99% completed the Diploma in Environmental Management (however, my company pulled the plug on the funding when they got into financial difficulty, so I never actually did the exam) but the study has always proved useful! Whats the catch I hear you say? Well, the answer is that there is no catch. That is unless you dont believe the masses. What do you mean? I here you say? Let me explain.... Well, if you believe the masses, they would say at 29 years old, how could he of achieved all these things? My response to that would be, "its not the age, its the mileage". I can honestly say I have experienced a lot more careerwise, than some people double my age (and potentially, I've got another 40 years left at work - scary!) I firmly believe my age is an asset, not a hinderance! So what are you doing on this forum? I hear you cry. Again, I will explain... Im a firm believer in "you gotta be in it to win it" so I'm thinking that maybe some company out there/here is looking for a good, enthusiastic, resourceful safety engineer like myself to do good job for them, and I can fit the bill. I mean why should I just limit myself to trawling through newspaper ads, and internet pages such as Monster and Totaljobs.com? If you agree, maybe you would like to give me a call on 07913 - 209132 for a chat, or email me on the address link . Ideally, I am looking for a position in the West Midlands, but I could be flexible on location. My CV is currently in production due to the fact that I have only received my notice today, but within a day or so, it will be ready for viewing. References already available. Once again, many thanks for reading this thread. Dave Nicholls PS - If you have read this but cannot offer potential employment, I would appreciate any feedback from any readers on how they think I have pitched myself. Thank You:)
#2 Posted : 13 October 2006 08:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham Good Luck your age will be not issue trust me, and i know it it possible to have many quals at a young age plus the experience It's nice to know that 29 is concidered to be young.... (even if it's not true)
#3 Posted : 13 October 2006 08:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By MetalMan I don't know what the situation for employment is like in your area but after reading your post I should not think you will have trouble finding a position. You are obviously keen, articulate and ambitious and your willing to have a go at ne wprojects etc.You have 12 weeks so just concentrate on getting your CV out to as many places as you can. Nice post mate, if I was after someone I would have you in for interview without a doubt. Good luck.
#4 Posted : 27 October 2006 22:08:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Nicholls It's now 10 weeks and counting.... My CV is now available. Thank you to all that have responded on this forum and directly by email. Further responses are welcomed :)
#5 Posted : 28 October 2006 15:40:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By CW "I have also 99% completed the Diploma in Environmental Management (however, my company pulled the plug on the funding when they got into financial difficulty, so I never actually did the exam)" My only question is why didn't you pay for the final 1% yourself? Other than that, good luck.
#6 Posted : 28 October 2006 18:39:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Nicholls 'Cos my company didnt pay for the final week module either!! And as they didnt pay, there is no official record that I completed the final module. This wasnt discovered until the beginning of the last day of the course when the tutor handed the sheet round that you sign to say you have been on the course, next to your pre-printed name. My name wasnt pre-printed on the sheet and so the financial discrepancy shall we say came to light! In answer to your question, I didnt have the 2 grand to pay for the final module, so never got enter for the exam. Hope I have condensed a long story into a short understandable tale of woe :)
#7 Posted : 09 November 2006 00:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Nicholls Well..were at 9 weeks now and still nothing firm. Thank you to all who have requested my CV - much appreciate your interest. Been to a few interviews..feedback has been great with promises of 2nd interviews to follow from the respective agencies concerned. Still...I dont want to put all my eggs in one basket so to speak, so further opportunities from interested parties are still welcomed. Dave :)
#8 Posted : 09 November 2006 09:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ray Dudfield Dave, try Aberdeen, we used to have one HSE guy for every company, now we have at least one for every offshore unit. I have no safety background but applied internally for a job as safety officer. I now get circa 50k, pension etc, and only work 6 months of the year. Like you I went thru professional training first, marine engineer, which has helped enormously. I'm sure at your age, with hands on experience, you will have no bother, you may have to self fund your offshore survival, but like you say, you have to be in it to win it. If you want to work onshore that is also possible but re-locating would be required, offshore you can carry on at home, we have people living all over the world. Benfits of being offshore are high, yeah you miss Xmas occasionally, but with 6 months a year off I get to spend more time with my kids than most Dad's. Most of the guys I know leave as the kids wake up and get home to supper and fall asleep on the sofa every night. All the best regardless Ray
#9 Posted : 09 November 2006 10:04:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Malcolm MacDonald Hi Ray, I currently work as a health and safety trainer for a logistics company, i have put my 4 weeks notice into my company as i have been offered a permanant contract with Global Santa Fe as a greenhand roustabout. My long term goal is to get into offshore H&S. How long do you think it would take to make the step from drilling back to safety. Obviously every situations different. Cheers Malcolm
#10 Posted : 09 November 2006 10:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ron Young Ray, Prior to me working full time on H&S, I used to work offshore in the early 90's as a Comms Tech but haven't done anything with Oil & Gas since. Do you know of any good addresses to write to or of any vacancies in the H&S field. Grateful for any info. Ron
#11 Posted : 17 November 2006 23:43:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Nicholls Clock's ticking...8 weeks has suddenly turned into 1 week. The administrators are closing my company on November 24th.....so I suppose the same rules apply from my original posting, and being as I havent won the Euromillions tonight.... thanks:)
#12 Posted : 19 November 2006 19:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By alan2603 If this man cannot get a job I think I will give up my wish to go down this route!!!!
#13 Posted : 11 December 2006 09:18:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Nicholls Apart from this being a shameless bump back up to the top of the forum list, I am still available and looking. 2 weeks out of work now since being made redundant - can anybody save me from the endless list of decorating tasks my wife has set me!! Thank you:)
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