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Scaffolding Instructor accreditation
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Posted By Garry Adams
Can any body tell me what qualifications I require to teach special structures in tube and fittings,I have served the Scaffolding Industry since 1972,the roles that I have undertaken have been many and varied from Scaffolding erctor,Offshore Superintendant,Non-bias Statutory Structural inspections and Commissioning Agent...I would like to open an Offshore Scaffolding School in Aberdeen... can anyone advise...Thanks...Fraternal regards,Garry Adams...
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Posted By I McDonald
have you tried CITB at Bircham Newton? They should be able to put you in touch with your local CITB rep who may help.
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Posted By J.D.F
Garry,you have to have at least an Advanced card to begin with.Also you will probably have to be registered with C.I.T.B as an Industry accredited assessor.I have a friend who has set up his own scaffold training school in middlesborough,i will find out more and get back to you.Drop me an e-mail so as i can cotact you. good luck J.D.F
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Posted By Arran Linton - Smith
My experience is that the NASC are quite happy to answer some quite challenging technical questions and give a balanced point of view on an informal basis.
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Posted By michael g
i doubt if there is a definitive answer to this ,suggest you talk to whoever you expect your customers to be ,ask them what their expectations are
are you going to look for business from the contractors ,ie RBG ,Salamis or Capes ?
whats the plan ?
i think its a good idea ,theres a gap when guys are coming from a construction industry background to working offshore for the first time
they need to be taught the differences and assessed
Rank: Guest
Posted By Garry Adams
Hi Michael,
Firstly may I thank you and the other memders for your responce to my request for information regarding,Scaffolding Instructor accreditation.
I recently made contact with the C.I.T.B. College Principal seeking information and guidance with regard to the academic requirements required to allow me to instruct/teach/coach and or mentor novic Scaffold erectors/riggers.
I received a rapid responce, however, I was informed that the Goverment is presently re-engineering the Qualifications required to teach,however ,the powers that be are working along the lines of, Level 2 Arithmatic + English , and 2000 hours teacher training. I was advised to contact C.I.T.B. later in the year.However,I intend to contact the Education Minister direct to get an up-date.
Michael,you are bang on when you say that there is a world of differance between a building site and an off-shore Instalation.For a novice Scaffolder who has never worked off-shore it can be a daunting and Dangerouse experience when they are faced with a Special Structure in tube + fittings. In my humble apioion I think that it is time that the Scaffolding Industry be Hauled into the 21 Centary,as far as I can see little has changed since Master Mariner Hendry J Palmer (one of the founder members of N.A.S.C. came ashore to erect the scaffold for Buckingham palace) R>S.V.P.
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Posted By Garry Adams
Hi Michael g,
sorry for interuption to my communication , had a lunch resume, you mentioned 3 blue chip orginisations,I have worked for these Co's no numerouse occasions along with countless others, as you may know Scaffolders are the nomads of the Construction Industry and are mercinary in nature. the cliant base would include such afore mentioned blue chip service providers,however my sights are set considerably higher I intend to infultrate the largest Facilities Management Orginisation on the Planet. I recently completed an Off-shore assingment with the Orginisation in question,I could not help to notice the lack of sufficient seasoned campainers not only Scaffs but riggers e.c.t.. I have no dout that there is a need to train fresh meat in the osteric world of Off-shore Scaffolding ,in the past it was left to the good will of the vetran/lead hand of the crew to get the novice Scaffolder savied up, is it not time that the Scaffolding Orginisations contributed to the training of the young blood,they make enough profit, how much would it take to operate an Off-shore Scaffolding/rigging school???.I of one would do my bit for the youth of this nation,however I am only one man and have limited resorses,however I have 35 years experiance to offer and have extensive contacts within the Industry. This is a sincere bid to seek out and engage in dialog with the hierarchy of policy makers and to all in sundry concerned with the evolution and furtherness of the Scaffolding Industry. Fraternal regards Garry...Rvip
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Posted By michael g
i didn't call them blue chip organisations ,you did !
i to worked in the scaffolding business ,nearly all of it offshore ,for close on 30 years nearly all of it on the management side
I'm not connected with it any longer(except for a wee project that's more a personal than serious) so i can be 100% objective
go back to first principals ,why are you interested in doing this ?
from what I've read your motivations can be split 2 ways ,you have seen there is a demand based on the shortage of labour and following on from that there could be money to be made from satisfying that demand
secondly you have altruistic motives (see you are not the only one who swallowed a dictionary )
that's to say you want the service to be delivered properly by someone who knows from the inside what its all about instead of the companies or a government sponsored training agency providing an inappropriate course and applying useless standards
based on my years in management i can guarantee that the scaffolding providing companies will not let go of this easily
everybody in our business dreamt that companies like "the biggest asset management company in the world " would give them a job direct instead of having to work for the scaffold companies ,
i can count on one hand the number of guys who got a job with the client and earned the big bucks (not me )
the point is don,t give up the day job on the strength of that ,it suits and it will always suit the blue chip companies to contract out the work to the scaffold providers
despite all of what I've written its still a good idea ,there is a very good pool of labour working in the construction industry that could transfer to offshore but they need ;
vetting ,training and testing to bridge the gap
Rank: Guest
Posted By Garry Adams
Hi Michael g,
Fraternal regards,howz it hingin?,
I called them Blue Chip Co's because they refer to them selfs as Blue chip orginisations, what do you call them?.
I see that you have many years experince with in the Scaffolding Industry (management),although you are no longer connected, you mentioned a (wee project)I would be interested to hear of your work is it research and developement stuff? .I to am working on a (wee project) it is a hand held powered tool (spanner)it has a torque limiter which maintaines the integraty of the structure ect.ect.
anyway you asked ,why am I interesred in doing this.Well , I have many reasons,however in the interest of mutual time management I shall restrict my answers to three reasons.
Firstly, as you have mentioned there is a need for trained and competent Scaffolding Erectors,to replace the aging Oss-shore population.
Secondly,I want to offer training to young offenders and ex-cons.everyone deserves a second chance in life. I want to offer them an alternative to gangsrerism ,stick them on a hanging scaffold and they will get all the adrenaline they can handel.
Lastly ,I do not wish to use this forum to solicit a job,(although I have had lucrative offer via this forum on the 20 Feb for the mid-east)Big Bucks do not impress me,I back-healed a nice wee number with a Major aromatis polycyclic hydro carbin (oops iv jist swollowed that dictionary again) Facilitater so that I could have some time to conduct a feasability study and conduct a cencensouse af appioion as to the viability of opening a Off-shore Scaffolding School.
I had a breif meating with my M.P. I have instructed her to lobby the Education Minister as to the formal Qualifications required for a Scaffolding Istructor,apparently the Government are re-engineering the Qualifications required,sources tell me that the require ments may Be...Level 2 Numerical + Literacy, + 2000 hours Teacher Training.I shall have an answer in due course.
Fraternal regards, Garry...Addendum F.A.O. Gavin ,I be in touch soon Re: Mid-east...
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Posted By j martin
hello there i have picked up on this discussion a bit late , but if you require information about cisrs scaffolding training i might be able to help. i am an accredited instructor for cisrs Part one Part two (NVQ level 2) and Advanced(NVQ level 3)if i can give advice on this matter fire away.
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Posted By Garry Adams
Hi j Martin,
Thanks for your responce, your never to late, in fact your just in time...
I am activly involved in negotiations with the hierarchy of desision maker with the view to create a faculty of Scaffolding; associated Rigging Operations and allied Rope Access tequnices.
In the Interest of discretion I shall mention no names on an open forum without prior permition form the party concerned...However, that said, A Staff representative form NASC is comiming to Aberdeen on a Fact finding mission.
If the faculty is established,a suragot Scaffolding Instructor will have to be press ganged into service untill the Trainee Instructor has shadowed him for a year.
This will be a challenging Post, breaking new ground...I can give you an up-date if your interested, however, for some back ground information please read the thread...
Government Commits to Oil and Gas Academy>
Please give me your responce,any help greatly appreciated, your Industry needs you...
Fraternal regards, Garry...
Rank: Guest
Posted By Garry Adams
Hi j martin,
I have trawled thruogh the arcive and found the post I mentioned. Iv put it one page so you can find it more easily.
Government Committes to Oil and Gas Academy>
Posted on the osh discussion forum, on 23/02/2007. your comments will be most wellcome.
Fraternal regards, Garry...
Rank: Guest
Posted By j martin
Hello again gary, the nasc rep is the right person to talk to for advice on becomming an approved instructor and opening a training centre. You will have to be a patient person if you are looking to open up an accredited nasc training centre. you will also need to get accreditation as a city and guilds nvq assessment centre.this requires NVQ coordinator internal verifier and at least one assessor. If you are looking for carreers advice on becomming an instructor you will need an assessors qualification, an instructional techniques certificate and shadow each course you are going to teach as a minimum. best of luck
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Posted By RP
I teach scaffolding for inspections and erections or system scaffold and 'tube and clip' and have absolutely no formal qualifications apart from industry experience and the earned respect from my clients.
If you are confident that you can instruct to the levels required of your target audience then go for it, but be aware that of the pitfalls of training, it must suit the needs of the client and be solid. You should also ensure you are appropriately insured.
It is always a good idea to back up your experience with some formal qualifications that are suited to your needs.
A 'train the trainer' type course or 'methods of instruction' would perhaps fit the bill...
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Posted By james mc
hi gary
i contacted a friend at citb glasgow and his advise is for you to contact citb and go on an instructors course which in tales you shadowing an instructor for each course and then you will be required to deliver the course and you will be monitored so assitan that you are carrying out the course to the same standards. also to open your own company contact david molley of nasc (london) he should be able to set out the requirements and criteria needed. if you need any more info contact myself on 07737500622
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Posted By Garry Adams
FAO...j martin
Thanks for getting back to me j, I have a meeting with ASET, a subsidury of Aberdeen College on the 27th June, the College has all the provisions layed out in Doc 609 A,thats the requirements required to gain external accreditation for a CITB Training Centre.
However, the faculty would require the services of an accredited instructor to deliver the core CITB curiculim for part 1 and 2 ( a newly established training provider can only deliver parts 1 and 2 during their first year of operation) a trainee will be recruted to shadow for the manditory 1 year, the position will be reviewed annualy.
Furthermore, bolt-on programmes will be created and developed to introduce Novice and Green hand candidaites to the esoteric world of Offshore Scaffolding Structures, the core
status quo Scaffolding Structures taught at CITB Centres and Accredited Training Centres will remain the minimum requirements of competancy. RSVP...
regards, Garry...
Rank: Guest
Posted By Garry Adams
Thanks for your input much appretiated,
Ye there is no substitute for experience, one could have all the Docets and Certs under the Sun, However if you cant surf the steel you might as well use your Certs for a wipe.
Many Pro Scaffs are penalised because they do not hold the appropriate Training credentials, eaven though it is often left to the lead hand to train the novice of the squad.
I recently had a communication with Phil Hope M.P. Parliamentary Under Secretary of State For Skills concerning Industrial Training Accreditation the Minister Said Quote, The re-engineering of Industrial Trainers Qualifications will be launched in September, initial proposals apply to teachers in Further Education, trainers and tutors will be required to achieve QTLS status within 5 years. We expect that QUalified Teachers Learning and Skills (QTLS) will be extended to Work Based Learning Providers in 2008. However, the qualifications structure for these providers has yet to be announced.
This will impact on the Scaffolding Industry Soon...RSVP
regards, Garry...
Rank: Guest
Posted By Garry Adams
FOA, James Mc,
Yo brother Scaff, howz it hangin?,
Ye I know Hillington well, is the bowling club still there, I often had a livation at lunch time there, my old instructor Harry Bell use to give me a ear full for going, aye happy days. Walked the length of paisley Road hut every bar till I got to Queens St Station.
Ye David is coming up to Aberdeen 27th June we are goung to meet wi the boss of Aberdeen ASET.
The concept of establishing a Faculty of Scaffolding; Allied Rigging Operations and Rope Access, was originaly to be a private commercial venture, however it has been shanghied by the Present Government and will include Electrical and Black Trade Faculties.
However that said my Breif is to estsblish Scaff/Rigger/Rope Access Faculty.
I had approached Willie Donnelly quite some time age with a porposal to open a training facility in Peterhead, however for some reason it fellth rough. However that said, It looks like the Academy in Aberdeen may well get the green light.
Endorsements from our Scotish First Minister and Prime Minister are in the bag just need, CITB, ECITB and NASC.
Can you have a wee chin wag wi your mate at CITB hillington tell him the script,I Fone You Soon.RSVP
Fraternal regards, Garry...
Rank: Guest
Posted By RP
Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) is a new award for teachers in the learning and skills sector.
This qualification is expected to take a student up to 5 years to complete...
Definitely not for those who would like to 'Train' within the 'hand on skills' sector...
Check out the learning and skills council
Rank: Guest
Posted By Garry Adams
FAO...R P.
In regard to QTLS, Yes, I agree 5 years is quite an extensive time line, the Minister did not specify the learning out-comes expected after the 5 year period.
I will check-out the Learning and Skills Councl, thanks for that one, I will get back to you soon.
regards, Garry...
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