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#1 Posted : 20 March 2007 11:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By scott gerty I currently hold my basic 3 offshore survival cert and thought that it may have been enough for me to start my career offshore but not had luck in finding work. Is it a must that I have a full medical before that I am eligle to even be considered for any job role and if so how much does it cost? Kind regards, Scott Gerty.
#2 Posted : 20 March 2007 16:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Descarte I am suprised if you have already completed your offshore survival that you have not already passed your offshore medical. The two go hand in hand and with out your offshore medical you would not be eligable to go offshore so the training would not be required. Both an offshore medical and the apporved survival training are pre-requisits to go offshore but not necessarily for interviews etc... Was it an approved RGIT / UKOOA safety and survival course. Have you been looking for work in the North sea, norway or further a field? Most GP's offer the service of providing a offshore medical certficate and costs can vary around 50-£100 More general information can be found here: http://www.arkoh.co.uk/F...tly-Asked-Questions.html
#3 Posted : 23 March 2007 14:39:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By scott gerty hey there descarte, thankyou for your reply. I did my offshore survival at RGIT in Aberdeen on 11/12/06. I am still not yet employed and at that time I seeked out funding for the course by a 'back to work' firm which are partly DSS based. When I did my 3 day training the medical was never included in the £608 price tag and all that were on the course were told that a medical was seperate.
#4 Posted : 23 March 2007 15:37:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Descarte We use the gilbert road medical practice for all our medicals and offshore ones, also in Aberdeen but on the way out to dice. Most people I have known have always gone in to the offshore safety position through a different route even though they were safety trained they had to get their foot in the door by getting some off shore experience in a different field. My advice would be look at all offshore jobs you can and see what if any including safety you may be able to apply for. Get your foot in the offshore door and they either apply for a safety position with that current employer or just keep your ear to the ground re: local offshore safety jobs on the platform you are working. Though they are around and advertised offshore safety positions are hard to come by and fiercly contended :( Not a reason to stop trying however a offshore medical at £50 will help in both your search for an offshore basic and offshore safety position. Good luck! and keep us posted
#5 Posted : 27 March 2007 11:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By scott gerty Well I currently live in the south yorkshire and am struggling to find anywhere that does the offshore medical. Do you know of any links that may help me in my search or of any such medical providers possibly in Hull?
#6 Posted : 10 April 2007 13:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Frank Macleod Having attended the offshore survival course will be enough for attempting to gain employment. Once you get an interview and are considered for employment, the company employing you will send you for a pre-employment medical and drug test as a matter of course. Regards Frank
#7 Posted : 11 April 2007 19:10:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bill ORegan The Web site below gives a list of UKOOA approved doctors who should be able to give you the medical required. Good luck http://www.ukooa.co.uk/issues/health/doctors.cfm
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