Rank: Guest
Posted By NCL
I'm about to become CMIOSH but looking to expand my knowledge base further by extending my qualifications / knowledge base.
Could do with some advice on what area to concentrate on set against what employers / industry would most have call for.
The areas I am considering further qualifications are:
Any thoughts which would be most beneficial?
Rank: Guest
Posted By CFT
Could do with some background to suggest further learning. How long, what you do, what you want from the future, etc.
Rank: Guest
Posted By NCL
Currently a general H&S consultant.
Have a Postgrad in Occ Health and Safety, so could extend to MSc if wanted.
Would stay as consultant in future, maybe self-employed one day. Not sure if I should specialise?
Not bothered by length of course. Part time over a year or two or full time for a week or two.
Need to make my skills as desirable as possible. Hence my choice of four.
Rank: Guest
Posted By CFT
Not certain how long you have been in the club but you could do a lot worse than consider construction as a way forward, it is an ever expanding industry and times at the moment are certainly growth based; who knows what the future holds mind? Any further qualifications are of course always desirable; as I have said before and others before me, 'qualifications do not maketh the man/woman', and you may prefer to look at alternative industries to get further experience in them.
I personally am a fan of NVQ and NVQ 5 is always a further consideration if you thought it beneficial to you.
All the best
Rank: Guest
Posted By Descarte
Institutions such as the Institute of chemical engineers (IChemE) do a number of very useful H+S courses, also how about the fire RA courses, as a consultant I Am sure you can find a hole in the still large market for that?
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