Rank: Guest
Posted By Wayne Davis Hi there
I am potentially doing some work with a new client and have been asked if we can assist them in the undertaking of a Health Impact Assessment.
So an thread out to all you guys to see if there is anyone out there with experience in this particular area?
This is specifically looking at the local health impacts that a large development of housing and “leisure” might have on its current resources. Enviro issues are being dealt with the HIA is “the new kids on the block” and apparently not easy to find people that have successfully done them?
please contact me if you can help.
Many thanks
Wayne Davis
Rank: Guest
Posted By Ian G Hutchings Wayne
I have just emailed you direct to see if I can help.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Gary Dickson Hi,
I have a couple of checklists that can be used as a starting point. Obviously these checklits could be adapted for your purposes. Let me know if you want me to send them to you.
Rank: Guest
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