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A warning to young and health and safety professionals
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Posted By Wayne Harris
I hope this message gets across to everyone when they are looking at overseas jobs, but in particular I want to raise the issue for the benefit of young,or sometimes inexperienced H&S practitioners accepting jobs in Dubai.
I have come across recently a case of a young(very early twenties) safety guy who was offered a job in Dubai for a major high risk construction project as the Health and Safety Manager. Not only was it his first time overseas, but also it would have been his first construction project.
It seems that some agents/companies are recruiting very young people and not telling them what they will be expected to know or do as part of there job role.
So please be aware it might be attractive for young people to work in a location such as Dubai, but it is not an environment for inexperienced people to head up safety on major construction projects. If you want to gain experience try and join a team as a junior member of staff and then you will not only gain experience but be mentored by more experienced expatriate H&S managers.
If in doubt please seek advice from members on this any other forums before you leap into the unknown.
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Rank: Guest
Posted By Elizabeth Reeves
I would highlight this issue for all health and safety practitioners not just young ones.
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Posted By MetalMan
And your point being what? That because he is young and inexperienced he abviously wouldn't have a clue?
Why would a large construction project run the risk of employing someone if they hadn't checked them out to see if they were ok?
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Posted By Geoff Stear
I have seen the safety culture in Dubai at very close quarters and know exactly where the priorities are placed and the value of human life. If you have not, it is like nothing you will have seen before. A younger less experienced person may well be poorly equipped to counter such pressures.
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A warning to young and health and safety professionals
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