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#1 Posted : 09 October 2007 18:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By sarahmyatt Hi all, To all those that are trying so hard to get relevant experience in H&S i know exactly what your going through and often wonder how does one get the experience without being given the chance to in the first place? I have just completed Nebosh Dip and passed Unit A and B, I'm awaiting results of C and D. I self funded this course and the cert in the hope that it would be somewhat easier to gain entry into a field I am passionate about. How wrong and somewhat naive was I! Its the chicken and egg syndrome-you need the experience to get a job but how do you get that experience to begin with? I currently work for a small manufacturing company where I am the assistant H&S officer/quality administrator ( I audit ISO 9001)/ Secretary/ tea maker! I undertake R/A, designed and now are starting to implement the traffic plan, conduct noise surveys, inductions and bang my head against a brick wall with management!! I'm frustrated and really want to get stuck into a H&S role where I can solely focus on developing existing systems and progressing my CPD with IOSH (something not supported where I am at the moment). I network a lot through my connections made on the courses, unfortunately I can't attend branch meetings due to family commitments. I have e-mailed numerous agencies and sought their opinion on my C.V. and recently was shortlisted ( final two candidates) for Head of H&S at Kerrygold manufacturing plant as I have also worked within the food processing industry. The reason I was unsuccessful was that the other candidate had more experience, and round I go again- any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.
#2 Posted : 10 October 2007 09:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Glyn Atkinson Keep plugging away and don't give up ! As time goes on, whatever experience you are gaining now is mounting up and can be altered to update your C/V. Learn from interviews as well to improve your technique - there is no harm in ringing back and asking if there was any improvement that the prospective firm were seeking - the worst is no reply - any feedback is useful, and shows a genuine interest in progressing. Always try to have some basic info to hand about the company, and why you want to work for them - that immediately shows you've taken time and have an interest as well.
#3 Posted : 10 October 2007 09:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By peter gotch Sarah. I would start by making your email address visible, not least as potential employers liable to be in breach of this forum's Acceptable Use Guidelines if they respond on the forum. Regards, Peter
#4 Posted : 10 October 2007 22:31:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By sarahmyatt Thanks guys i have taken your views on board and made my e mail visible, i will def call employers back to get feedback as i think that is a good way to get constructive advice.
#5 Posted : 12 October 2007 07:50:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mark Straker Sarah mail me on this e-mail Mark.Straker@sakhalinenergy.ru or strakerman702@yahoo.co.uk and I will reveal very honestly how most people in any Industry related HSE role find employment and accomplish your goal
#6 Posted : 12 October 2007 09:17:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ian G Hutchings Hi Sarah Perhaps you are trying to make too big a jump in role from where you are now, the Kerrygold job sounds like an example of this. I'm happy to give you an independent view on your CV and approach if you want to email it to me via the link. All the best Ian
#7 Posted : 12 October 2007 12:37:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By IOSH Moderator As part of the current Careers Forum clean up two messages have now been deleted from this thread. Please see: http://www.iosh.co.uk/in...iew&forum=2&thread=31430
#8 Posted : 14 October 2007 23:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By sarah myatt As I have been informed that IOSH moderator as deleted some items I could invite those that posted items to contact me directly so that I may discuss their views with them. My contact e-mail is sez.m2105@tiscali.co.uk. I happen to agree with the other members who have had items deleted and do think it is an infringement on my rights. I can understand that there will be those that abuse the forums but like most things in the present climate why is it that the minority effects the majority! These forums are meant to be-I believe places where professionals and those that are new to IOSH can seek advice and support and express their views.......
#9 Posted : 24 October 2007 12:19:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By jeanne fairbrother Hi Sarah, I too am new to all of this and read your initial posting with a sense of deja vu. I too decided on a career change after running my own business for many years, funded the Certificate and am now funding the Diploma too, but am increasingly aware that I am in need of hands on experience. This is really depressing after finally taking the plunge to change career direction. I am willing to shadow or even volunteer in H&S departments to get this experience but so far nothing has been forthcoming. Good luck with your endeavours. Jeanne
#10 Posted : 12 November 2007 17:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tracey A Sarah, Why not stick with the job you are in at the moment and use it to gain the experience that you require, banging your head against a brick wall with management is just how H&S goes, you might well find it elsewhere too!! I have been in H&S for 7 years and I'm still banging my head at times!! Use your current role to give you what you want and develop it and try and gain new skills along the way!
#11 Posted : 12 November 2007 23:14:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By sarah myatt Thanks Tracy You do have a very valid point and I don't mind banging my head against the wall after all H&S does still scare some people and we are seen as the enemy-this is the case in my present role. Their only concern is with " doing enough to keep them out of prison!" I document everything I do. The H&S manager and I have made a small impact which does increase my knowledge and experience. The main crux is that in my current role H&S is not recognised. Even if I have to do like you and sometimes bang my head against that wall, that's not a problem at least notice has to been taken to put a wall up! At the moment though, potential employers still require full dip I am also going to look into how to gain tech status. In the meantime my workplace assignment should make interesting reading! Many thanks, Sarah
#12 Posted : 13 November 2007 16:45:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Carrell Sarah, I agree with Tracey on this one. I have managed to stick it with my current company for a good few years now putting as many H&S policies, etc. in as possible and was in exactly the same position as you (only thing was my employers weren't that bothered about what I was doing so I've had all sorts of titles!). When the HSE came on site and I was able to "talk the jargon" and get Managers out of Stuck I was recognised (ever so slightly). I have given myself massive amounts of experience by being allowed to "run with it" and it sounds pretty much like you are able to give things a go so try it. However, I still bang my head against a brick wall on a daily basis and have come to the conclusion that most places will be the same as here (so am now going to a job in enforcement!) If you do still look for other jobs; although H&S is not recognised in your R&R's within your current workplace it doesn't mean you're not doing it so put whatever you need in your CV for the job you go for (not lying but show the H&S stuff you do). It appears to me that you do have some experience so start taking credit for it. Good Luck Carr
#13 Posted : 19 November 2007 00:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By sarah myatt Thank you. Very sound advice. I have recently had a couple of interviews and although i wasn't successful has given me interview experience. I will keep plugging away, I now have got the traffic management plan up and running which i am proud of so something is going in! I will keep on learning and hopefully gaining more experience and qualifications to get where I am going. I think in this industry its all about ( sadly) beating your head against the wall! Good luck in enforcement. Regards, sarah.
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