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#1 Posted : 17 October 2007 09:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nicky Mernagh For various personal reasons, the T835 route would be a very efficient way for me to attain GradIOSH, and get started on my IPD. I've recently landed in an EHS officer role, after 12 years as a process engineer and technology development manager/project manager in a large manufacturing company. It is only a 12month cover, so I'd like to progress as far as I can with my new H&S career path, before I need to job hunt. Do you have a view on the value of this module, both in terms of learning what you need to know to do an H&S managament role in the future, and in terms of recognition by employers, when I can write it on my CV? (Have you studied the T835? Would you be prepared to talk with me about it?) You read so much about the NEBOSH diploma, yet the IOSH view is that a first degree would be the gold standard! (And I'm not up for going back to 3 years Bachelors!) For info - T835, Integrated Saefty Health & Environment Management - a postgraduate module at Open University, accredited by IOSH with a relevent first degree as an acceptable qualification for GradIOSH, to start the IPD route to chartership.
#2 Posted : 17 October 2007 12:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By FJ With this window of opportunity you might well find that in the year you can achieve enough relevant experience to get NVQ4- one of the routes towards full Chartered membership (note that it is not the only hurdle to climb). Talk to Membership on 0116 257 3100- they are very helpful.
#3 Posted : 17 October 2007 12:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By 9-Ship I completed T835 about 4years ago, I found it to be a satisfactory course and so much cheaper than the NEBOSH Diploma route. I took this route because I refused to be blackmailed into doing the Dip Pt2, because of its content was very similar to Dip 1 and I also have sufficient engineering qualifications to easily surpass the technical elements of the Diploma modules. However I needed to get CMIOSH status and it was the cheapest option - I also did T862 for environmental issues etc. OU is a good route, still pretty rigorous and you still have to submit assignments and an end of course exam (3hrs). Afet I completed the course, I left some comments on the OU website about this course, the last time I looked, about 6months ago, my comments were still there. Please, students, don't be conned into believing NEBOSH/IOSH is the be all and end all of gaining safety qualifications.
#4 Posted : 17 October 2007 14:31:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By C.J. I took this route towards fulfilling the membership requirements about 3 years ago and I do not regret it, though my circumstances were slightly different from those you have described. I had previously completed a health, safety & environment degree, which was very good but did not fulfil josh’s membership requirements, & I had 3+ years experience in safety, so I completed the course solely to become a member of IOSH rather than to learn what I needed to know to do my job. Employers have no problem with it I have moved jobs since and received various offers, though it seems a bit strange writing’ Post Graduate Module’ on your CV. I only did about ¼-½ of the recommended amount of studying (which I think was quoted as 550 hours) and passed with relative ease (Merit). Though I think a lot of people failed as there was a lot of maths in the course e.g mathematical modelling & noise assessment calculations etc. that did not come up in the exam, which caught a lot of people out who had studied that in depth. For a 5 month course you do learn quite a lot, albeit engineering type safety issues (failure analysis etc), I wouldn’t say it teaches you how to do a job as a H&S manager/advisor as such for that a taught course would probably be better, but the course was perfect for me and I would highly recommended it to anyone who was in a similar position to myself.
#5 Posted : 18 October 2007 08:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nicky Mernagh Any more views/comments really welcomed, but Thankyou! and Wow, great to have broadened my perspective through your experiences. FJ, Thanks for the thought on NVQ-4, I should just check that out again. I was advised by our corporate internal auditor to try and learn from outside our business, if possible, to improve safety culture. I will talk again with Membership, about the whole process. CJ, you've whetted my appetite for techy. my school physics and a few years on capital projects was an advantage for me at NEBOSH Gen Cert. 9-Ship, thanks for answering the career question.The feedback comments from OU students is one of the things still worrying me... any more views on that welcome?
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