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Posted By Andy Wignall
Can someone tell me if the NEBOSH Diploma is equivalent to a BSC in occupational health and safety?
And is it not to much hard work to study the NEBOSH diploma in a year? ( i am near completion of my NEBOSH certificate and I'm not finding it relatively hard)
Rank: Guest
Posted By Claire Rizos
No they are not equivalent. A degree is a 3 year full time course (or sometimes 6 year part-time). Whereas if you applied yourself full time to the Diploma, in theory it would take less than a year.
Therefore outside of our industry a degree would be of higher value than the Diploma.
However, inside our industry the Diploma is very well recognised and provides the depth of information you will normally need to work in H&S and most employers would be happy with either as evidence of a knowledge base.
I know someone currently taking the NEBOSH Diploma and they found it quite challenging to do in a year combined with full time employment. They had like yourself by the sounds of it, sailed through the Certificate.... Good luck anyway,
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
Whilst the above post is correct, it's a bit of a unique situation.
The Diploma is a Post Graduate qualification, thus in theory superceeds a degree (whilst i appreciate this may not be the view of many potential employers).
This is reinforced by the fact you can complete a dissertation at the end of the PG Dip and get a Masters (MSc) which in no doubt is a higher qualification than a BSc.
So in effect it's a higher qualification but (often) uses experience as a prerequisite instead of a Degree.
Rank: Guest
Posted By jason preston
This thread is very interesting and the previous post is even more interesting because when I applied to vetassess in Australia they assessed the diploma as a lesser qualification than the BSc. However I believe the NEBOSH Diploma is the better qualification by far.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
did you stipulate it was a post graduate diploma and not an RSA (or other under grad) diploma?
The way it works academically is on a credit basis x course = x credits.. with the requirement for the course above being set at x credits.
I'll find out the credit values for all the courses mentioned and hopefully this will quantify it and make it a bit clearer.
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Posted By anon1234
I think there is some confusion on diplomas - or maybe its just me.
Surely the NEBOSH diploma is just that - a diploma. Whereas postgraduate diplomas are something very different and generally offered by universities and one of the entry requirements is usually a degree.
Personally when I'm recruiting I'd rather see someone with a BSc in Health and Safety Management rather than a NEBOSH diploma. Although my ideal is usually someone with a relevant first degree followed by a post graduate diploma in health and safety management.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
There is confusion here.. The NEBOSH Diploma IS a Post Graduate qualification. For confirmation check any university offering this course.
Also the continuation (via dissertation) to a Masters wouldn't be available to an undergraduate diploma. as you correctly state these are usually a precurser to a Ordinary/Honours degree programme.
They are often confused, mainly because a lot of people with the NEBOSH Diploma don't have a BSc in Health & Safety.
This is exactly why i specify it's a Post Grad Diploma everytime i mention the Diploma.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Simon Holmes
This is an interseting post.
Currently i am studying for the BSC occupational health, safety and environmental management with Hull uni.
The course struct is
NEBOSH level 6 Diploma in Occupational health and safety first 2 academic years
NEBOSH environmental diploma 3rd year
Then a further year which involves a further study of law for both diciplines and things like major disaster management etc.
This is a four year part time degree.
My understanding is that the OHS diploma is a level 6 qualification which is equal to a BA but not a BSC,
The link for the course is this http://www.hull.ac.uk/ICI/H&SCourses.htm#BSc
Wonder if that will clear it up anymore, differnent universitys may offer different sylabus' for the BSC, Hull uni developed this course BESPOKE
Rank: Guest
Posted By anon1234
I'm struggling to find any university quoting the NEBOSH diploma as being a post graduate diploma - in fact all the ones I've looked at so far either count it as an entry qualification to their undergraduate courses (i.e. BSc, MSc) or include it as part of their undergraduate course - I've being following the links from the NEBOSH website.
Can anyone identify a University claimming the NEBOSH diploma is a postgarduate qualification?
NOTE: a postgraduate qualification is one that is done after having achieved a degree.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
here's the info from Salford University (nearest uni to me offering the course)
you'll notice on the entry requirements it states one option as a Bachelor's degree. I've spoke to this uni at great length (as this is where i'll be studying) and i can assure you this is a post graduate qualification.
Is it not possible that other universities are offering it under graduate? i'm almost certain there can't be two differing qualifications with the same title! (as this wouldn't be allowed by UCAS and HESA would have a field day).
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
Also for the record you don't need to have a degree to do a post graduate qualification just equivalent experience (much like any other qualification there is never one route of entry). Though a Bachelor's degree is by far the most common path.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
Sorry for reposting on this thread but i think i've got it wrong gulp>.. now i read more into it i'm not entirely sure the PG Dip i'm talking about is the same as the NEBOSH Dip.
Rather a PG Dip that counts towards IOSH membership.
If i am wrong then i appologise, the information i refered to in all earlier posts was concerning this particular qualification.
Rank: Guest
Posted By anon1234
Agreed the Salford diploma is a postgraduate diploma but it is not the NEBOSH diploma - good to see you are man enough to admit a genuine error on your part.
Also, you are quite right in pointing out that you don't have to have a degree to undertake a postgraduate diploma - me over simplifying it.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Gina Browse
Hi all,
So, I am nearing completion of my NEBOSH Diploma. If I then wish to further my qualifications in this subject area, where do I go next? Bearing in mind that I work full time!
Rank: Guest
Posted By jason preston
The best option from here is MSc at Loughborough uni where you only have to do a project and dissertation to complete an MSc. Does suggest really that the NEBOSH Diploma is a post graduate diploma.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
I think that's what partially confused me.. it appears the NEBOSH Diploma can be used to meet the entry requirements for a Degree, or as partial credit towards a Masters.
Truth could be that the NEBOSH Dip doesn't fit fully in UG or PG in the traditional sense and is instead a bridge between the two.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Gina Browse
So, essentially a Project and Dissertation would effectively 'upgrade' me to an MSc? Presumably this can be done by distance learning.
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Posted By Jay Joshi
It is not a simple task to evaluate the equivalence of the NEBOSH Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health(or for that matter, the British Safety Council DipOSH) with University Degrees such as BSc or MSc, especially in the context of evaluation for an emigration based on a points system that may have a diffrent definition/understanding!!!
The closest equivalence is given by the National Qualifications Framework(NQF)from the QCA
Referring to this document and the fact that both the NEBOSH & the British Safety Council DipOSH are "level 6" (current system) diplomas, they are equivalent to Bachelor degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas.
It also states that:-
"for the NQF, all accredited qualifications are awarded an NQF level. If a qualification shares the same level as another qualification, they are broadly similar in terms of the demand they place on the learner. However, qualifications at the same level can still be very different in terms of content and
It may be worthwhile referring to this document to Vetasses
Rank: Guest
Posted By jason preston
Yes you are correct in what you say.
All that information was given to vetassess but they are not interested. However a degree in mandarin would be good enough to get you the 50 point health and safety officer post. What a joke eh!
Rank: Guest
Posted By anon1234
I hear what Jay is saying in respect of the classification level of the NEBOSH Diploma, but as someone who has experience both directly and indirectly (i.e. looking at others in my team both here and at othe companies), I would never class the NEBOSH Diploma in the same league as a degree.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Jay Joshi
I am not simply saying it out of the blue based on my personal perception.
There is what is referred to as a "National Qualification Framework" and that is what is in my contribution.
In 2004,the process of revising the NQF was started so that it could recognise qualifications more precisely. To achieve this, the number of levels were increased in the NQF from five to nine.
The current levels 4 to 8 (previously
levels 4 and 5) broadly compare to the
Framework for Higher Education
Qualifications (FHEQ), which covers
qualifications provided by universities and
other higher education institutions.
It is only since 2006 onwards when the new NQF with nine levels was launched that gave a clearer mapping with FHEQ
The term used is "broadly covers" and we have to recognise that National Qualifications Framework (NQF)and Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)are have diffrent scope, but there is an equivalence.
At no time did I state that they are one and the same.
In fact it is a pity that not more people are aware of National Qualifications Framework (NQF)and Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)and its broad equivalence.
It is entirely a different matter regarding the performance/competence of individuals with either of the qualifications. This can be down to background/expereince and also the quality of teaching etc.
Rank: Guest
Posted By martin oldroyd
I think assessment of the diploma and if it is post graduate depends on if you have a post graduate qualification or the diploma itself. Many Universities do not recognise the diploma as a post graduate qualification and i agree. It is fair to say that it is not. This perception of the NEBOSH diploma goes some way to devaluing the Chartered Member. I am a Chartered Engineer as well as a Chartered Practioner and a diploma would not suffice for the Engineering Council. Apologies if i offend.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Duncan Webb
Andy, Hi
I also contemplated obtaining the nebosh diploma initially but decided to opt for the BSc(Hons)in Safety, Health and Environmental Management instead (the degree is of a higher standing than the diploma) Speaking from experience I have throughly enjoyed my time at Leeds Uni with the lecturers and module leaders being extreamly knowledgeable and supportive. Of course it is your choice but I would deffinatly reccommend the BSc option.
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Posted By jason preston
I think the key point you are all missing is that having 20 years safety experience like myself and a diploma, far outways a BSc with no experience. I personally think the two cannot be compared as most people who take the diploma are working practitioners, so yes I do find your comments offensive Martin.
The fact is an employer will pick a diploma guy/lady with experience everytime over a BSc with none.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
I don't think anyone could over estimate the value of experience in the job, that is certainly the most important factor. However, talking specifically about the qualifications it is up to the person taking the Diploma if they want to treat it as an Under Graduate qualification (using it to access a Degree) or as a Post Graduate qualification (using it to access a Masters).
To say that few universities accept it as Post Grad simply isn't true as has been pointed out the level of the qualification is Post Graduate as a standard that ALL universities will use.
I think the massive factor between Diploma or BSC should be the experience one. I chose the Diploma because i'm already working full time in H&S and i wouldn't want to give that up to persue a purely eductional (and thus theoretical) qualification, With the Dip i can carry on working and back up my experience with a recognised qualification.
I personally think that a Degree could be a better option for students currently in education wishing to continue this without on the job experience in H&S, where as the Diploma (Again only in my opinion) is much more a support to experience all ready gained.
The other consideration would be continuation after the Degree, this would inevitbly lead to the Diploma/Masters route.. all be it with the extra 3 years theoretical work behind it.. but still the same qualification.
I'd rather have the extra 3yrs working experience + Diploma + Masters than Degree + Diploma + Masters. This was the approach i took whilst deciding which to study. I realise that my situation may not fit all.. but the point of all these qualifications having multiple entry points is so different people can chose different paths.
Rank: Guest
Posted By anon1234
Irrespective of where the various qualifications sit in NQF, I know as an employer of OHS&E professionals, that all other things being equal I'd pick the person with the BSc over the person with the NEBOSH Diploma
Rank: Guest
Posted By martin oldroyd
Hi Jason
If it helps you feel less offended i have 27 years experience with 21 of it in hazardous industries - i still feel that graduate courses mean more to employers than NEBOSH diploma's and that chartered status should become the acceptable level of acceptance. This would be with a caveat that 10 years proven experience would also be acceptable.
As head of health and safety for an large organisation i know from experience that board members many whom have MBA's seem to find it hard to accept a professional who does not have the same level of academic attainment as them, regardless of "experience" - i do not agree with that myself but it is a fact.
As soon as we recognise that and move to more academia based qualifications the better standing our organisation will be taken.
That said i do not wish to say the NEBOSH diploma is less effective than degrees but it does seem to me to be learning buy numbers rather than exploration of fact
Rank: Guest
Posted By Ian_P
I agree with some of your points Rob, but I think the whole problem is that people "want to treat it as a Post Graduate qualification" as you put it, when they clearly shouldn't.
The Nebosh Diploma is what it says on the tin, a diploma, NOT a post graduate diploma - otherwise it would be called the Nebosh Post Graduate Diploma. Furthermore, the post nominals available would be PgDipNebosh instead of DipNebosh!!!!
The problem is that, because of the undoubted hard work involved in completing this diploma, people tend to..**prepare to upset people** inflate it academically speaking above other diplomas and compare it to Post grads and degrees.
Although the specific, hands on knowledge gained from a diploma is, in my opinion, more beneficial to a practioner than a degree, you can't compare a 1 year course to a 3 year degree (or 4 with hons). It's like the old NVQ v A Level argument. NVQ's may be more beneficial to your actual work but they may not be as highly seen, or academically prestiged as an A level.
For the record, I completed the Diploma and am now undertaking the MSc. I admit, my nose was put out of joint a bit when the misses got a diploma in french nail polishing in 2 weeks which is at a similar level on the (old) NQF, but my self-importance didn't take over and I didn't claim that MY diploma was equivalent to a degree. Honestly...!
Rank: Guest
Posted By Jay Joshi
It seems that several contributors have not properly read the broad NQF equivalence I had referred to, i.e. "level 6 (current system) diplomas are broadly equivalent to Bachelor degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas"
It DOES NOT state that an NQF level 6 qualification is equivalent to a University Post-gradute qualification.
Masters degrees, post-graduate certificates and diplomas are broadly equvivalent to a Level 7 NQF qualification
(NEBOSH & British Safety Council Diplomas are at Level 6)
Regarding references competences of candidates with first degrees and those without, it depends upon individuals.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Rob Campbell
I think what's being said here is as much about the regard for the qualification as the academic merit of the qualification.
I've experienced this previously having studied (and passed) a GNVQ Adv in Elec & Mech Engineering. Whilst this was equivalent to A Levels and incorporated work experience it was widely regarded as a mickey mouse qualification and in real terms was of very little benifit to me at all.
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Posted By Alison Roberts
Hi, I read about half way down... Just thought I would add... All the qualifications are obviously going to be different, but in my experience of a recruiter specialising in H&S recruitment: The main thing that matters when employers are looking to recruit is the level at which you can join IOSH... therefore the following are all seen as the same level in a recruiters eyes:
H&S Degree
NEBOSH Diploma (either the new level 6 or the old part 1 & 2)
NVQ Level 4
British Safety Council Diploma (The new one)
Nottingham Trent Diploma
Post Graduate Diploma
Might be some more but those are the main ones, and they should all give you Grad IOSH.
A lot of people like to think they are better if the have the Diploma or if they have the Degree but at the end of the day, most employers will recognise them both as one and the same.
So if we have two candidates, one with the NEBOSH Diploma and one with the Degree, it will always come down to experience at the end of the day as the qualifications are equal in this market.
On the other hand, referring to someone elses post about travelling to Oz - the degree will be more recognised because Degree's are pretty much the only qualifications to be recognised worldwide as the same level - for example people who come here who have NOSA qualifications have to do NEBOSH qualifications before they will qualify even though they are effectively the same, but if they have a degree then that is normally instantly recognised by IOSH.
Sorry this is a bit of a long winded post, but I speak to hundreds of safety professionals everyday - and there are so many different views on each qualifications out there!
Just thought I would share my opinion...
Thanks for reading !
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