Rank: Guest
Posted By jmc
Could anyone explain why in recent phone interviews employers are asking what impact cdm-07 has on the construction industry.
Do health & safety advisers need to know cdm inside-out. Surely you look any info required up as you would in a normal h&s situation you were not sure about.
We cant Know everything.
Any responce`s would be appreciated
Rank: Guest
Posted By jmc
Hi Again
Why no responce ?
Is cdm-07 a bad subject on this forum or do people not really Know much about it.
I have a follow up of a phone interview and would be interested in what other H&s people would reply if asked about CDM-07.
Any responce would be appreciated
Rank: Guest
Posted By Arran Linton - Smith
Interviewers often ask open type questions in order in order to explore your knowledge around a certain subject area. In my experience this process usually evokes a better response from the candidate and often these question show that the candidate understands that they have a much better understanding of the subject than they first thought.
Some of the best candidates that I have interviewed for construction related roles have never worked within construction.
Rank: Guest
Posted By jmc
Hi Arran
Thanks for your responce
Rank: Guest
Posted By Chris D
I guess if you work in construction you should be able to give a decent answer to this question, clients responsibilities etc, but if your in manufacturing its irrevalant i suppose?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Anthony Slinger
Unless you work in manufacturing and are having some substantial dismantling or installation of fixed plant or having structural alteration?
You might not work in construction persey, but may find yourself being a client.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Arran Linton - Smith
What impact cdm-07 has on the construction industry? In other words this question could be asking the interviewee to demonstrate that they can 'think outside the box'.
In other words a good answer could be.....Although arguably I cannot see any significant changes to the CDM regulations, these changes have made the construction industry sit up and review how they manage their Construction, Design and management arrangements.
Someone already working within the construction
industry could easily get drawn into providing an answer which could have come out of a textbook that they have missed the object of this question.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Dave Wilson
I think that what it shows to prospective employeers is that the candidate is keeping up to speed on H&S issues and not just what the prospective employeers industry is.
Your new employer may be having construction work done!
Rank: Guest
Posted By jmc
Thank You all for Your responce`s
As I have been looking over the CDM regs I believe That the construction industry will be safer due to the new regs. As appointing the cdm co-ordinator early may identify safety issues with design and can be rectified/changed
Also saving on the overall budget.
thanks again
Rank: Guest
Posted By Kevin Mc
If you require any further information the HSE website covering CDM 2007 and in particular the training presentation could be of interest to you.
Rank: Guest
Posted By jmc
Hi kevin
Thanks very much for your lead I`ll read through hopefully it will help me understand cdm more
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