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#1 Posted : 08 July 2008 20:08:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

#2 Posted : 08 July 2008 20:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Scott Pearson PJA I have the same problem I have previously advertised through the SHP at a cost of Just under £1k and gain a luke warm response. I have just adverstised on Monster jobs . com and had 60 hits but no CV's sent, this cost over £600 maybe we could set up a free website for prospective employees and employers alike it would be a heck of a site cheaper and we could pass the benefits both ways. anyone interested say £5 each to set up an account for prospective employees and £50 for employers. if your interested send me an e-mail scott@safetynetconsultancy.com
#3 Posted : 09 July 2008 08:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By MP PJA - What is your email?
#4 Posted : 09 July 2008 08:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Edward Shyer PJA and others Just a thought but as there are many people on this forum looking for employment. Have you looked through the threads and contacted any potential employees direct. This can be done by clicking on the individuals name (in red)at the top of the thread which will provide the e-mail address for that person. May take a bit of time but it is free? Regards Ted
#5 Posted : 09 July 2008 09:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jim T This appears to be a reoccurring theme where by members can not either advertise or look for work on the "Careers Forum" Indeed, maybe the “Careers Forum” needs to be re named as some may find it to be misleading and think it a tool to be used when looking for a job. Is it now not time for a "Jobs" forum to be included on the site, which can only be accessed by members of IOSH? Ladies & Gentlemen......you thoughts please!
#6 Posted : 09 July 2008 09:57:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Edward Shyer Jim, You wrote: This appears to be a reoccurring theme where by members can not either advertise or look for work on the "Careers Forum". Where does on the careers forum stop a person from looking for work? Regards Ted
#7 Posted : 09 July 2008 09:58:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Brett Day Jim When the changes were made to the forum it was due to the forum effectively being 'in competition' to SHP jobs Online. Apparently the forum was having a detrimental effect on the number of jobs being advertised in SHP. I rather suspect that in light of this there is unlikely to be a change. I agree with what you were saying and made my voice known at the time.
#8 Posted : 09 July 2008 10:38:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Jim T Ted If you or I were to post on this forum clearly stating that we were looking for a job then the thread would be locked by the moderators. I find this exasperating, as it restricts the free flow of information and communication between members. Just my own feelings, but I believe that by locking threads it limits members chances of finding employment. Jim
#9 Posted : 09 July 2008 11:21:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Edward Shyer Jim, Agree the thread gets locked but it does not get hidden and any potential employer still has access to contact the individual. This does not hinder any communications. Regards Ted
#10 Posted : 09 July 2008 12:27:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Glyn Atkinson A small point about cost of advertising. My firm believe that it is cost effective to post job adverts in the city and county newspapers for all classes of job vacancy, including that of H&S, all run in one full advert for cost effectiveness. My problem / gripe with that is they are expecting an ideal candidate in H&S seeing either of these publications, but in this vocation they would be more likely to see a safety related work opportunity on a set forum which is aimed at safety professionals. You also have the scenario of an employee perhaps wanting to relocate into a geographically cheap to live in area and making general enquiries on vacancies without being town /city specific. I could certainly see a case for new starter or low level first entry jobs to be made viewable to candidates, and then take the advertising revenue for the higher level jobs on the website and monthly magazine. Just my viewpoint.
#11 Posted : 09 July 2008 14:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By james sweeney I will keep this very simple. It would be perfect for this web site to accommodate employers and job seekers and maybe a service that members require but a service that is costly and maybe outside the financial limitations of a non profit organisation. The history of IOSH is very interesting and I advice the more broad minded to research the history of IOSH and compare the same history to that of Health and Safety legislation. The “I” is for institute and there is no “U” in the abbreviation to associate it with a union. IOSH is not a profit making scam riding on the back of recent legislation it is what it says it is, does what it does and does not offer the services of a union on application forms. Yes I agree that this site would be beneficial to one and all if provisions were made to allow advertisements for services needed and services available but do not agree with the anti, however subtle, comments of this forum and sense a very unhealthy culture on a forum for those who claim to be promoters of healthy cultures. I may be not so hip or cool and my children enjoy making me feel IT stupid. I do have very basic IT skills and combined with a common sense that allows me to contact any member of this forum that wishes to be contacted by strangers. I could easily post an advert and disguise it as a question and leave an easy trail to be followed. I could become a revolutionary, ignore my skills and common sense and make my query a quest of recognition, become a General fool, leading an army of fools on a foolish quest, and triumphing at being granted a jobs page for the foolish and the very unemployable. I may be making suggestions of how to break or bend the rules of this forum or maybe voicing my opinion of how unwise the wise guys are but in contradiction as to the safety that your job title implies you are a danger to yourselves.
#12 Posted : 10 July 2008 18:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Chris Duffy I have often thought of this. How does a free web site for both job seeker and Employers sound. I may take this on as an entrepreneur. Does it sound good?
#13 Posted : 11 July 2008 03:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Chris Duffy Hello, Potential Employers whom do not want to spend a fortune on recruitment fee's and hello all Potential Job seekers whom want to have a one stop shop for QHSE jobs in the UK. What does every one think of a National website for Employers and Employee's to go hunting or to get hunted for QHSE jobs in the UK. Every on seems to have to tread on eggshells on the Forum and, OK, if it is breaking the rules it's breaking the rules. I'm thinking of starting a web site that is fully automatic and free to join if you are both a Potential Employer or Job Seeker. DO'ES THIS SOUND GOOD? I hope this is not classed as a survey and gets blocked. Feed back of the current price of advertising is the main objective! A chance to help people, thats all..
#14 Posted : 11 July 2008 07:04:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bob Youel Try the various area groups e.g. the North West Construction Safety Group or the North West Safety Initiative All areas in the UK have many and varied groups covering most fields Councils have AGMA groups etc
#15 Posted : 15 July 2008 14:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Thomas2008 I think this part of forum has lost its direction. You could read and post ads for jobs previously. Was it a perk of being a member? Its disappointing that the commercial hawks of IOSH want to raise as much revenue as possible i.e expensive ads in SHP. Why not let the members decide what they want? Thoms
#16 Posted : 19 July 2008 11:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Davelfc I have been in a position to give people in the past an opportunity for work experience, with the potential to then gain full time employment within our organisation, for someone who show desire and motivation to come into the safety and construction industry with little or no qualification. Currently we do this by word of mouth which limits the potential to get an individual, with all the qualities we want. On this site you would find people motivated to enter in this manner individuals who we could develop into very good safety professionals, who care about what we are trying to achieve. Currently I get work placements who generally move round our organisation and choose construction. I do not get people who are choosing a career in safety so I end up going to the market and pay for someone above the level I want. I have arranged our career structure within the department to take people through 5 levels in the team and promote them through, but end up having to bring people in a a higher level, then simply grooming and developing people through, which I and the remainder of my team have a desire to do. In my mind if you can take a person and develop them in the right manner and see them grow into a quality individual there is nothing more satisfying. I believe this is what IOSH is all about but we do not have an enabler within our own institute an that is worrying. The other point i would like to make is looking after our ow membership. There are a lot of quality safety professionals out there and a lot of quality organisations and there ought to be a link. In the current climate of job losses in the construction industry there must be many professionals and organisations out there who are compatible and need each other, and the only real way of bringing them together is paying through the nose, try getting that past the commercial department at this moment in time. We could change peoples lives for the better on this or a like minded forum, and those people could go on to save others from injuring themselves or others or even saving lives which we are all about. may be we could have a career placements and work experience forum. I reckon there to be more people out there who would ant a placement than those offering so supply would outstrip demand and we may be able to launch a few careers that in future make a difference. Just a thought Dave
#17 Posted : 19 July 2008 12:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By PJA Why is there no response from IOSH?
#18 Posted : 19 July 2008 17:25:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By CFT Why would there be PJA on a public forum? If you have cause for criticism which clearly you probably do, then contact IOSH directly to take this matter up directly. All the best CFT
#19 Posted : 21 July 2008 18:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By PJA No cause for critism of IOSH,just wondering were you can network on a national basis, and ask if anyone want's a job without expensive advertising. You can network on most subjects on line these days exept the world that we work in.
#20 Posted : 21 July 2008 20:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By SJA I received a copy of IOSH Connect today by Email and I noticed that they are advertising jobs within it, but not jobs offered by members, instead they are jobs offered by recruitment agencies, which in turn are placed by CMP - United Business Media, the publishers of SHP. It does seem to be that CMP are becoming more and more involved in the commercial operation of IOSH, and whilst this generates funds, IOSH are not exactly short of money, should they therefore not think about what the members want and provide a members jobs board on the members only forum?
#21 Posted : 22 July 2008 08:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Julian Meer (at Work) Reading the above postings it seems to me there are more persons bemoaning the loss of how an employer can now not advertise positions on this forum. From memory, I believe that this service was never really abused. The great and the good still advertised in SHP and many jobs for were contract work or placements. Yesterday it appears that a thread of mine was removed advising persons looking for work to post because there may be many companies out there looking but unwilling to pay £1K for 15 mins work for someone to place an advert on an official website when that money could go to enhance someone's placement or provide external training on such a placement, FOR EXAMPLE. A company like mine would however by willing to pay a token of appreciation to the IOSH members benevolent fund so as to advertise for short-term placements in the hope of helping some persons gain some paid experience with us. I therefore agree SJA about some kind of members only forum - which I would assume not to be a free for all but allow for some of advertising by employers commensurate with helping those searching for work. I also agree with Thoms about letting the members decide. Come on IOSH think win-win! Was not our President discussing turning negatives into positives in the last SHP?
#22 Posted : 22 July 2008 08:29:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Adam Worth IOSH - I would like to tell my story! :) two years ago on returning from travels I self funded a NEBOSH cert whilst working in a sweet shop! Finding work in deepest darkest depths of Devon when you have no real experience is not easy!!! IOSH - Unhelpful RSC - Amazing - They arranged for me to see a careers advisor and gave me lots of good advice. IOSH came into their own when I was contacted by an employer on these forums! A three month contract (turned into 6) later and I was equipped with the experience I needed to get my next job! Now I find myself looking to move back to Devon and find the forums an unhelpful place to seek work. My post requesting work was locked and real employers as above can't post positions. I see this as one of the best services this forum can offer, Can we not have a separate forum where these discussions can occur? Other web sites offer this service and manage to moderate it? A real answer as to why we can't have this service here would be appreciated!
#23 Posted : 24 July 2008 17:03:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ruth Doyle Dear members, From the start of these forums, our acceptable use guidelines (AUGs) have prohibited advertising of any kind, with the exception on the careers forum of allowing individuals to advertise their availability to work. Two years ago, we started to notice that this AUG was being routinely ignored and many large companies were advertising vacancies for free on our forums. IOSH is a charity and a membership body. We fund our activities by two means: membership fees and commercial income (mostly our workplace training products, but other income includes a share of advertising revenue from SHP). Currently, that commercial income subsidises our charitable activities to the tune of £3m each year, and each individual member’s subscription fee is reduced by £94 because of this activity. So we take any threat to the commercial income very seriously because it either means we can do less charitable work and offer fewer new services to members, or we may need to raise members’ fees. Since we enforced AUG 3 more rigorously, our forum traffic has increased, and members are continuing to enjoy the debate and discussion that the forums support. Forum users also need to know that the decision to keep advertising off our forums is supported by our volunteer Communications and International Committee, who have line management responsibility for the forums. SHP has recently re-launched its jobs website to make searching the jobs listings easier, and while job advertisements normally cost £1,000, members can also advertise short-run contract jobs online from as little as £200 for a 4 week listing. (I've asked them to make sure this option is more clearly highlighted on the site) We have also been investigating how we can advertise unpaid work placements for free on the site. We were initially concerned that we would not have the resources to vet the quality of these work placements, but with a suitable disclaimer, we're sure that members will be happy to make their own choices about the placements they apply for. This will be available shortly. Members may be aware that our Get the Best campaign promotes the value of qualified and experienced health and safety professionals to employers - one of the key aims of this campaign is to help employers understand that finding the right person for a health and safety job should be seen as an investment, not a cost. As with so much in life, what people would really like is not to have to pay for things (for example Napster and free music downloads) - but inevitably, offering them for free often means they end up being paid for in other ways (continuing the music example - fewer independent record labels, less choice of artists). The forums offer real benefits to thousands of our members every day, and IOSH continues to carry out charitable work and support member fees thanks to income from appropriate commercial activities. Long may both continue. Yours sincerely, Ruth Doyle IOSH Communications Director
#24 Posted : 24 July 2008 21:46:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Davelfc Ruth Well put many times this point has been debated, your reply was put with good clarity. I look forward to seeing what you will put in place for the placements for people embarking on a safety career and require a leg up for applied safety experience, which in turn will become the life blood of our industry. Well done Dave
#25 Posted : 25 July 2008 13:08:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Brett Day Ruth Thank you, however, I cannot agree. My SHP magazine always arrives late, it is of no use getting a magazine after the closing dates of vacancies. I have raised concerns about the SHP website and amounts of spam recieved from CMPi, this has now been resolved but has taken well over a year to do. So for the last year I have not used the website and have not had this resource, I would rather have paid extra on my subscribtion and actually had a resouorce than had a reduced subscription and a psuedo resource. As far as positions go I know of several large companies that advertised on the forum whilst at the same time also advertised in SHP so no revenue was being lost by CMPi in those cases. I do feel that CMPi have perhaps too much sway in the way this change has been effected and the fact that people are still complaining would indicate that there is still some dissatisfaction at the change.
#26 Posted : 25 July 2008 13:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By IOSH Moderator And on that note we lock the thread. Please note that all future discussions on the subject of IOSH policy towards advertising should take place in the Members Forum. Regards Jon
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