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Posted By Emma Righton-Corrick, Dip2OSH, Dip.RSA, CMIOSH, MIIRSM, MInstLM
Having thought about it and discussed it, my husband and I did the visa assessment online, both of us passed, and suddenly (due to Rob being and electrician) The bureau contacted Rob the following day and there may be a very real opportunity to emigrate.
So, suddenly I find that I am in need of possible employment in New Zealand.
Although IOSH dont have a New Zealand branch, perhaps someone might have contacts who I might be able to approach?
Thanks in anticipation
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Posted By Alan Haynes
Try contacting the IOSH International Group [details on the 'Groups' page] - they may be of help to you.
Good luck
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Posted By Jim T
Great news....but be warned! the grass is not always greener....
My family and I moved lock stock and barrel to Tauranga (North Island) and managed to hold out for 2 years before we admitted that "the land of the long white form" was not for us.
Plus points
Good beaches
Lovely views
Not too many people
Not very politically correct
Minus points
Houses built to the standard of a UK shed
Low wages
High prices
High levels of violent and drug crime (surprised me too!)
Iffy education if you have kids
Freezing in the winter
Very sexist and racist population
I'm not saying don't get excited, just make sure that you do your homework first. Steer clear of the online "I love NZ forums" as the majority are run by folk either involved in Real Estate, Relocation companies or have a vested interest in getting folk to spend money moving to NZ.
Regardless....Good luck!
From my observations in NZ Health & Safety is more of a mildly amussing suggestion rather than something to be taken seriously! LOL
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Posted By Brett Day
Depending on your point of view as to it being a plus or minus is the Kiwi expression "She'll be right" that makes manyana look fast!
Lived out there for a year and liked it a lot, as for the drug related crime, I found it to be not as bad as parts of London I have to work in.
Whatever your choice good luck !
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Posted By Emma Righton-Corrick, Dip2OSH, Dip.RSA, CMIOSH, MIIRSM, MInstLM
Thanks guys its always great to get everyone's point of view to "keep it real" and not rose tint it.
I will look on the groups forum, but if anyone has any more insight or contacts, would be most appreciative.
My areas of strength are in Agriculture, Manufacturing and Construction with a little bit of Social Care thrown in for good measure.
Cheers guys
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Posted By ClaireL
Try this forum.
There is some over the top grass is greener stuff but also some good information and some posts on the negatives as well as the positives. If you post on there people do respond.
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Posted By Jim T
Just so you know...........the NZ forum of britishexpats is moderated by a 2 English women who are Real Estate agents and a couple more who sell high end goods.
They jump down the throat of anyone who dares to say that NZ isn't perfect! LOL
Jim ;-)
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Posted By James M
I would say that less or no political correctness was a plus point.
Get me a ticket out there.
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Posted By rjhills
My friend has been there recently, and praises NZ very highly.
He advised me that there is a very laid back attitude, their health service is better than GB, ditto schools.
No info as to drugs problem, but speed of life approximates to 1960s GB!
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Posted By Jim Hegarty
Hello Emma,
You may wish to try the website as I noticed very recently that they are seeking candidates in NZ in H&S positions.
Very best of luck to you. Jim Hegarty.
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Posted By Cliffy
Hello Emma,
Been following the threads with interest. Could you please contact me outside of the forum for a chat? my address is
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Posted By Anthony Edwards
Great news me and her should be obeyed travelled out there for 6 months and like you would love to work out there.
I am working my way to CMIOSH at present and will hopfully have been sucessful by June 09.
It would be great if fellow proffessionals who gain employment abroard could now and again put a post on the IOSH site informing us as to how they are finding life,jobs opportunities etc.
Good luck and hope it all works out well for you
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Posted By Emma Righton-Corrick, Dip2OSH, Dip.RSA, CMIOSH, MIIRSM, MInstLM
As soon as I get over there will post, and thanks to everyone for the info - now all I need is a job!
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Posted By Emma Righton-Corrick, Dip2OSH, Dip.RSA, CMIOSH, MIIRSM, MInstLM
Yes I saw the article in the SHP, and found it very informative, however having been in contact with a number of agencies, its not as bad as the article makes out, yes they are the lowest out of UK, Australia and NZ, and as you say the lifestyle will be a major plus.
I guess life is what you make it and it doesnt always have to be about dosh, as long as I get enough to keep a roof over my head, food in my belly and something for a rainy day, I think I shall be fairly happy. Anything more will be a brucy bonus!
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Posted By A Campbell
All the best Emma...
hope you let us know how well you are doing out there......
didn't she do well!!
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Posted By TBC
From what I've heard and read on here it might be an idea to ditch the long handle and go for plain: emmA (following the accent with upspeak)
Good Luck!
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Posted By Jude Taylor
Hi Emma
It is amusing to read people's responses. I'm a kiwi and if you move to "gods own country" you will have a wonderful experience. Lets put things in perspective. NZ has a population of 4 million and 1 million who live overseas and are raising the iq's and breeding stock of a number of countries!! Ironically I live in Oz but NZ OSH has moved forward in leaps and bounds. You have a great mix of experience and will get a good job there.
As for living in NZ yes we have a relaxed lifestyle - limited stress unlike the UK. Enjoy the scenery and opportunities - no bugs or weird wildlife. Very few traffic jams. Go for it!! try it for a couple of years to start but its cool!! I have lived in the UK - you guys don't know what you are missing!! Come downunder!!
email direct if you want more info.
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Posted By Jude Taylor
Hi Emma
I forgot to say... Iosh doesn't recognise a number of universities/ tech's qualifications in this part of the world. So its interesting to see you may have the same prob that we have here going to the uk - ie not iosh but have a masters degree in OHS.
Don't be put off by this - Kiwis and aussies are ok with quals.
try or or
Jobs here are prolific if you want pay scales i can forward it to you.
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Posted By CFT
Your posts 'almost' make it seem quite inviting. If only I had the courage and was a bit younger;-)
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Posted By Jim T
CFT - Don't be taken in buddy. Been there, done it came back to the UK! LOL
Ask yourself this - Why do 8 out of 10 British professionals who emigrate to NZ return to the UK within 2 years?
Jim ;-)
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Posted By EmmaRC
Hi Jude et all
Thanks for the feedback really appreciate it, will private message you.
A lot of the feedback we have had is that generally the 25% of people that come back to the UK are those whos partners have not integrated and have been home sick.
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