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Posted By Hayley McBride
Hi all,
I have got an interview for a Tobacco Control Officer next Tuesday... yipeee.... The position is with a local council, could anybody advise me as to what sort of questions I could prepare for, obviously smoke free legislation will come up, but would anybody be currently be doing this job or willing to offer any suggestions.
Many thanks
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Posted By jervis
Sounds a bit of a drag what does it entitle just for my own interest. good luck.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Hayley McBride
Like the pun there!!. Its mainly about ensuring the smoke free legislation is implemented, businesses are displaying correct signage etc and developing training and health promotion seminars.
Hope this provides some basic background info.
Rank: Guest
Posted By jervis
Much clear now good luck with interview keep us posted.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Paul
Hello Hayley,
Just a thought that they might ask questions relating to how you may deal with people out and about. They may ask some senarios along the lines of what will you do if you see etc etc. I hope this helps but I in my opinion I am sure they will be looking at your personality, manner and influencing skills which I am sure you will be fine at.
Good Luck
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Posted By Jim T
They may ask what is the correct angle to hold your council issued clip board at whilst issuing fixed penalty fines, to otherwise law abiding people, who you have caught smoking smoking.
Jim ;-)
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Posted By mark limon
I can see the value of having a sort of smoking ban enforcement person but the seminars are a bit puzzling.I think you would have to be from Mars not to know smoking is bad for you and anyone else close by.
Best law for years,it should have happened long ago
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Posted By Bob Youel
How would you interface with the public when they are smoking in a nonsmoking area? may be a question to consider
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Posted By Tabs
"What would you do if you saw an offence in your free time?"
"Have you had any training in confrontational situation control?"
"How would you explain the relevance of the law to someone unfamiliar with it?"
"What have been the benefits of the legislation so far?"
"Do you smoke?" (Okay they probably can't ask that one, but I bet they want to).
"What are the dangers of passive smoking?"
Those are the type of questions I might ask ... but I have no connection to enforcement of any type let alone tobacco.
You might want to ask "If the law is against smoking, why is the position called a 'tobacco' control officer? (or maybe not)
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Posted By CW - No Post Nominals
Tabs, were you playing for the irony card by replying to this thread?
Anyway Hayley, what colour will the band on the hat be? They are purple around here.
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Posted By Michael N
Hi Hayley,
be mindful that the regulations regarding 'smoke free' are made under the Health Act 2006 and this is what is referred to in the regs when it states 'the Act'. Problems with work vehicles is prevalent so familiarise yourself with responisbilties of drivers and company managers.
Know what the courses of action available to you as an, enforcement officer, are i.e. verbal advice, a letter, fixed penalty notice, formal caution (interview) and legal proceedings against offender(s).
Undestand the reasons for going smoke free
1. second hand smoke exposure kills & harms health
2. every worker has right to be protected from exposure
3. ventilation does not protect against exposure
4. smoke free laws do not result in negative economic effects
Any questions then drop me a line.
Good luck,
Rank: Guest
Posted By Hayley McBride
Hi all,
The interview is over.... just the wait now.
Not one qustion about legislation, I was very disappointed after having learnt it all!!. More general questions, so should know within the week how it went.
Many thanks to all who gave me excellent advice and help. I will let you all know the outcome whichever way it falls.
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