Rank: Guest
Posted By jayan
Dear all,
Recently In an interview for Safety co-ordinator, I was asked " Why did I choose safety profession"? I could not give exact answer. Please let me know how can answer for such type of question.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Bossa nova
If you cannot answer that question for yourself how can someone else do it for you? A bit of reflective thought this weekend over a peddy might be in order.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Adam Worth
Agree with above! It's a personal response and the type of question you should be ready for.
Look at sites like total jobs and use IOSH career people for help with this and other questions!
The Royal Society of Chemistry gave me a free advice session with a mock interview and CV help - well worth the effort! I assume IOSH can do simialr?
However consider things like...
Application of current technical skills, experience.
Passing on of knowledge.
Moral drivers.
Bad practices / accidents you've seen.
Wish to save the company pennies by doing H&S well!!
THE PAY :) (No don't say that)
The list goes on but you have to be honest! This isn't the only tricky question you're going to get so be prepared!
Rank: Guest
Posted By Tabs
I agree with Bossa nova :-)
If you go to an interview with an answer provided by someone on this forum, it is like saying to the interviewer "What is the answer you would like to hear" :-)
Somewhere along the line you made the decision to study H&S and apply for the position - it may have been practical reasons or a "light bulb" moment ... but you should be able to remember it or fathom it out.
I think most people would agree though, it helps day to day if you know why for yourself :-)
Rank: Guest
Posted By Merv Newman
My immediate response (1976) was "haven't you got something available in sales ?"
Reply "No"
OK, so 30 odd years in the job. And approaching burn-out.
actually the sign-off is "Merv".
Then again .....
Rank: Guest
Posted By Tabs
A happy accident for us, Merv (you still have a little way to go before you use the other sign off, lol)
Rank: Guest
Posted By Ian Blenkharn
If I give you the answers do you give me your salary?
Rank: Guest
Posted By TBC
You couldn’t give an answer because it sort of caught you on the hop! It may be that the real answer would sound too corny.
You are in the Health and Safety business just like almost everyone on this site because you want to make a difference, save employees from injury or death, ensure that whatever company you work for also prospers by working safely and then you go home at the end of the day with true job satisfaction.
I'm sure others can add to this!
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