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#1 Posted : 16 August 2009 12:21:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Blue
Health and Safety and Security and Environmental and Quality Manager?!?!?
Are employers taking the mickey?

Jobs like this have STRESS written all over them. Has anyone not went for a job like this due to being several roles wrapped into one? Has anyone seen more remits than this?

#2 Posted : 16 August 2009 15:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By EI

this is not intended to be a negative response, sometimes the clue is in the title. Positions like this are common and should not be dismissed, but looked into further. Some of these roles involve managing a large department of HSSEQ Professionals therefore your key skills need to include "I can't do it all alone - so delegate". I have done this role and it works well if you have a good team.

Agree that if it turns out to be a 1 man role looking after all those areas of the business, time for a padded cell.

If you have been asked to consider a HSSEQ Manager role, get all the details/job description/etc and take it from there.

#3 Posted : 16 August 2009 17:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By D H
Agree with EI - I am part of an HSSEQ team - and you really can do it on your own if its a small company.

But bigger companies spread the load by employing a team.

I think the only way someone may get stressed is if they do not have the resources to delegate the roles and responsibilities - or if they doubt their own ability?

#4 Posted : 16 August 2009 19:53:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Gus

Why not see it as an 'opportunity', and talk to the employer about training in the disciplines your not familiar with.. it will help you in the job market in the future particularly as more and more companies are moving towards Integrated Management Systems.

Personally i have had experience across the disciplines over the years and i found it challenging, interesting and a great way to increase my overall competence. I'm not an expert in quality, environment or security but i can hold my own, and management is management

#5 Posted : 17 August 2009 09:29:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By andre.tap@wagenborg.com
Dear Blue,

I am a HSES&Q Manager,
It is all about having the right team. I am leading a team of 5 HSE specialists and we can do the work. The combination of Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality works good if you delegate the different tasks to the right person. And as I am the Manager I set out the policy and keep a heli view of the operations in my team. But I also have my qualifications in at least 4 items of my job title and am busy in learning the fith one. For me it is a challenge and see it as a opertunity to grow. I enjoy being part of this team.

I agree with you if you are the only person in doing these tasks, then it can be quite stressfull.

#6 Posted : 17 August 2009 10:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By CFT
I do the lot with a job description referred to within the CoE to match. Quite ridiculous but keeps me busy. Sad to say in their wisdom the employer now has me going through the redundancy process yet again, with title of H&S manager being the redundant position, and I find out this week (sigh).

What happens to all the other roles I look after lordy knows, cos there ain't nobody else here that can. Nothing to do with the position becioming a redundant one of course, it is just about saving a few K off the wage bill in the hope they can keep going.

I'd always thought that by doing so many areas employment would be assured ... WRONG again!
#7 Posted : 17 August 2009 10:10:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Homer
Sorry to hear you are once again on the list for redundancy, it seems to be an easy option for employers now to get rid of HSE and cut costs.

If it's any consulation I am in the same boat and my position is also being binned. What I find really annoying is the expectation that you can continue 24/7 and give the usual 110% to the role and they don't think you should be looking else where either.
#8 Posted : 17 August 2009 10:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By garyh
Hmm. How about if you are a Managing Director. Is there anything you aren't responsible for?

I once had the role of Business Manager for an organisation. I was responsible for - everything. I loved every minute!

I would say grab everything you can, make yourself indispensable!

As was stated above managers don't have to DO anything - they manage processes and people to ensure that things get DONE. You delegate tasks, but not responsibility.

#9 Posted : 17 August 2009 11:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By CFT

Perhaps off tangent slightly but never the less part of the larger picture, I agree with you 100%. Personally I am worried sick, and finding it extremely difficult to function right now. Looking around for alternative employment is also quite a trial right now.

Had a call out over the weekend for an emergency that I absolutely know others (there are only seven left anyway managing over 2000 acres of commercial real-estate properties, which includes secretarial, ledgers and wages)it was serious, 'Pik,,,,erm travellers had broken in and made best efforts to remove copper cables from a one megawatt incoming. Liaising with the trades meant the outcome was fine. I still found it hard to attend. Ending up managing H&S implications, security, environmental issues, tenant liaison, ohm, nearly forgot of course the overall facilities & technical aspects of this one very small issue. Two weeks ago it was a 43 hours straight repairing and correcting damage from the electrical storms. Without the technical knowledge and having a full understanding of contractors work how can be assess the H&S side, given that due to the place looking like Armageddon much had to be on a dynamic basis, still it all went like clockwork and it was reassuring to not get any calls from the ivory tower thanking or suggesting it might have been time to go home to get some zzzz's in. At least that can be relied upon (being taken for granted I mean).

Then it was deal with underwriters for days, inspections, and soooo on. All good fun & highly satisfying of course if I'm honest. How then can we assess without a wider picture of knowledge, experience & general trade linked project know-how? Which I suppose is why we end up with so many hats.

Oh well, have much to do so better get on with it:-)
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