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#1 Posted : 18 November 2003 15:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ian Stone We have a tutor who has raised concerns over use of propane bottles in assessment areas. We teach gas fitters how to install and servise gas boilers, fires etc. The gas bottles are brought in from the outside storage area and conected up to a regulator that then feeds into the training bays for the students to check for leaks etc. the tutor in question has said that the bottles must not be used inside and has refused to work in the area. As an ex british Gas tester he said its to dangerous to work like this. Thre tutor has quoted Approved Document J saying that it states that you must not do this. I have been looking on the net for help but cant find anything with clear info. Also as a new training area they are setting up a oil assessment unit close to the bays in question and he has said this is also dangerous to have oil burners so close to the gas! Any help would be great many thanks Ian
#2 Posted : 18 November 2003 16:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Leadbetter ian Is the problem that you cannot find the document or that you cannot find what the gas engineer is driving at once you have found it? Typing 'approved document J' into Google will enable you to read it online. Gas bottles are used indoors all the time (for space heating, propane torches, etc.) so I am not sure what the engineer's problem is. Paul
#3 Posted : 19 November 2003 09:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ian Stone I have now found the approved document J on the net. As far as I can tell from it we are doing everything right but this tutor still says its unsafe to use the bottles like we are and refuses to work, he has not threatened to go off with stress. Does anyone else use bottles like this and how do you manage the work? many thanks Ian
#4 Posted : 19 November 2003 19:08:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Steve Appleton Rather than bringing in gas daily, would it not be better to store gas outside in secure vebntilated cages, permanently piped through wall to work area. This would eliminate unnecessary manual handling and risk of explosive leaks (as well as addressing the concerns of your tutor). There may be restrictions on how far you can safely pipe gas.
#5 Posted : 19 November 2003 22:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Barry Cooper Ian, Have you tried contacting Calor, In the past I have found their service dept very helpful and have given excellent guidance and advice. If you use a lot of LPG then why not go for a fixed installtion with bulk storage tanks, again calor will advise Barry
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