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#1 Posted : 24 March 2010 11:22:08(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Having looked through many of the discussions with interest, the old NVQ4 V Diploma topic seems to crop up regularly. I would ask the question why do NEBOSH offer a "Cap And Gown" ceremony for the successful completion of the Diploma, whilst for NVQ4 (correct me if I'm wrong by the way) you get a well done certificate through your letterbox. Maybe recognition of the NVQ should be supported with an official ceremony of achievement. What do you think? I currently have Dip1 (which doesn't sem to be of very much use to me without part 2) and am considering the NVQ4 at present.
#2 Posted : 24 March 2010 11:42:47(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hodge, I was in the same position as you (Dip Pt1/Ashtray/Motorbike) and plumped for the NVQ option. A lot less stress and I couldn't care less about caps & gowns.
#3 Posted : 24 March 2010 14:07:14(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hodge firstly it comes down to time and money with the NVQ a slighly cheaper option , secondly because NVQ is more experianced based you can gain a lot of evidence whilst in the work environment. I chose NVQ due to time,money and work commitments it has worked for me because it gave me the flexibilty i need at the time and in the end it gets you to the same stage within IOSH as a Dipolma does. The only difference is you have to sit the open exam as to the potfolio a degree person as to present. Good luck with whatever option you decide Jurgen
linda xc  
#4 Posted : 24 March 2010 22:08:15(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
linda xc

Hi We have held a graduation ceremony for our NVQers, but no other provider wanted to join in when we asked. So really its up to the provider, and then it just comes down to money, as there is more profit in the classroom route than on the one to one NVQ's. A grauduation ceremony takes quite a bit of organising. Regards Linda
#5 Posted : 25 March 2010 14:12:46(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi I am starting the NVQ level 4 next month. I am so excited. If there was a cap and gown I would burst with excitement. I did when I wore one when I did my degree..... Good luck :)
#6 Posted : 25 March 2010 15:23:51(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi, I am doing the NEBOSH Diploma , i have passed Module A and B and sat Module c in January but walked out of the exam half way through because of personnel problems and the threat of redundancy .I have to decide now ,if to carry on with the Diploma and try to do something i want to do or do a job that i dont want to do and will get fed up with . Any advice kind people
#7 Posted : 25 March 2010 16:03:53(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Go for it! Don't stop when you are this close to success! I know it can be hard, especially following personal issues, but it will work out for the best. What is the worst that can happen? You get your paper back with a note saying that it is being returned, because someone has written gibberish all over it and put your name at the top!
#8 Posted : 25 March 2010 16:08:34(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

smart Keep going with the dip - don't let the threat of redundancy put you down.Learn and move on - there is no job that lasts forever. Its hard to continue under your circumstances, but you have got to keep going for your own career's sake. Unfortunately redundancy almost affects all industries nowadays and you really have to look after your own interests because no one else will. Keep going John
#9 Posted : 25 March 2010 16:37:45(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Thanks for your advice, i think you are both right and the wife has told me to go for it, its just that when you have been at a place (Corus) for over 27yrs and get paid every month leaving a place is a big step. I could take the easy option like i said and go in to a mundane worthless job within Corus ,but i have worked hard on my Safety qualifications and enjoy that path of work. I am going to hand my notice in and finish what i set off to do ,which was to finish my Diploma and get a job in the Safety sector Thanks People
#10 Posted : 25 March 2010 18:49:09(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

ORRIE wrote:
Having looked through many of the discussions with interest, the old NVQ4 V Diploma topic seems to crop up regularly. I would ask the question why do NEBOSH offer a "Cap And Gown" ceremony for the successful completion of the Diploma, whilst for NVQ4 (correct me if I'm wrong by the way) you get a well done certificate through your letterbox. Maybe recognition of the NVQ should be supported with an official ceremony of achievement. What do you think? I currently have Dip1 (which doesn't sem to be of very much use to me without part 2) and am considering the NVQ4 at present.
#11 Posted : 25 March 2010 19:00:27(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

I am currently working on the NVQ level 4. I find this 'hands on approach' much more beneficial. The flexibility of the assessment is also a benefit as you can choose when you want to commit time and effort, as many H & S professionals also have a full time job to balance. The trouble, so I am told, is that the Diploma is a structured course, so time constraints are placed onto any student. The cost is also far more expensive compared to the NVQ route. The other factor that is very appealing with the NVQ is that if you do not have any experience in one, or more, of the units, you have opportunity to discuss this with your assessor who will provide you with feedback and advice which you can then demonstrate in your evidence based material. This in my opinion is better that an examination based exam, as you can physically demonstrate that you have completed the core criteria. Although my advice to you is subjective I hope it will help you with your decision. Good luck.
Mr H&S  
#12 Posted : 25 March 2010 21:21:39(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Mr H&S

I have completed the SVQ 4 (Scotland) and found it very beneficial, I had previously passed the NEBOSH construction cert which I found to be reasonably hard, I carried out both with NCC-CITB Scotland and their training was VG I also found that the position I had started I would not have been able to go to uni 1 day a week so the SVQ was perfect and I used the creation of a H&S management system for the orginisation as my evidence for my SVQ Would have been nice to get a little more than just a cert thru the door as their were alot of late nights and hard work As for smart you'v started so finish, it will benifit you even if you were to be made redundant Mr H&S
#13 Posted : 29 March 2010 16:01:58(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I completed the NVQ Level 4 route and found the assessment went hand in hand with the day to day workings of the job. With it working so well together, the hardest part of it was putting the reflective account into words. The flexibility suits alot of people, but either way I am sure you will benefit from whichever option you choose. Good luck...
#14 Posted : 29 March 2010 20:20:10(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

There appears to be a lot of critism of NVQ 4, by the `OLD GUARD` who in my opinion try there`re best to dis-credit NVQ`s. I agree with Matty - the work is based on reality/workplace and not fantasy. It`s been created for those who have to hold down a full-time job. Most importantly, let`s not forget that the individual(s) have to met the PC`s & KC`s 100% to gain this award, and not 60% as is required by most NEBOSH quals`
Victor Meldrew  
#15 Posted : 30 March 2010 09:36:28(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Totally agree with you golftonto, especially the comment 'OLD GUARD'. One must also remember that the NEBOSH Dip is a great deal different and somewhat more difficult to attain now than from years gone by. Personally, having obtained an PgDip and eventually and MSc in SHE I have found that the NVQ4 I did some years previous has been more beneficialy in terms of implementing practical knowledge and skills in my career than anything I have done previous or indeed since.
#16 Posted : 30 March 2010 09:56:09(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I went down the NEBOSH route rather than the NVQ Level 4 route primarily due to the fact that NEBOSH Quals are more recognised by employers in the uk, so a better chance to get to interview stages of h&s positions - especially in these difficult times when you could be faced with anything about 50 to 100 people going for one job. Personally it was a decision that I have not regreted since. NVQ Level 4 is equalivalent to the NEBOSH dip however it is a bit more specific to one's own organisation ( so can it be adapatable elsewhere ? in another sector or a business that is more specialised etc ), where as I have always found the NEBOSH dip is a bit more adaptable, interms of obtaining knowledge on how to achieve organisational compliance to recognised health and safety management systems - HSG 65 or ISO18001 and lately ISO 14001. However if you do the NVQ Level 4 you still need to do the open book exam which is administrated by NEBOSH , and that exam is not straightforward by any means judging by past comments on this forum. So you can't escape NEBOSH that easily. John
#17 Posted : 31 March 2010 14:55:14(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Dip or 4 ? to add to the debate, and also to those being made redundant and feeling V Low. I was made un-employed in 2005 with a Mortgage and 3 children, I was a safety / training manager within the Rail industry having done Gen Cert and CertEd. My point, I needed to upskill in 2008, not having a "workplace" the NVQ was out of the question and so went down the Dip route, found it very hard to keep motivated, but succeeded. Now 4 and bit years later running a (reasonbly) successful training company in Northants. I am no way "old guard" but the Dip was my only option and has proven V. worthwhile. So have faith people, life is tough but makes you appreciate the good things more. Cap and Gown, too right made my wife and children very proud of me. Good Luck. Ian
#18 Posted : 31 March 2010 16:11:18(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I think the debate between NVQ and Diploma will rage on no matter what but in essence and lets be pragmatic about this it is about time, money and family commitment to acheive a recognised certificate. We are all professionals and should be glad that each and every one of us choose this proffession that allows not only the well off or have the means to study but also allows the not so well off and lack of time management to attain a well respected qualification. Now we all have to divert our different ways become Chartered Members i beleive should stop the them and us attitude and respect each others hard work to get us where we all want to be and that is Chartered Members. Jurgen
#19 Posted : 06 April 2010 15:34:34(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Hi Guys, I'm looking to do the NVQ4 route myself. Can anyone suggest a training provider in West/South Wales. I'm based in Llanelli.
Top Cat  
#20 Posted : 18 April 2010 10:34:45(UTC)
Rank: New forum user
Top Cat

To say that NVQ don't hold awards is wrong as a medal for excellance winner for my NVQ4 Iwas invited to Perth Scotland on the 5th March to accept the award along with my wife and assessor. This was a very worth while afair and I felt great as I had been recognised as only one of three people in Scotland this year to achive this award. We were then invited down to London to the Lion awards on April 12 at the Lancaster this is where all the people who won awards are honoured there were only 88 people in the Uk who won a medal fro excellance out of 2.2 million people who compleated one this year. not a small acivement for the winners! It is then possible to be invited to be awarded by Pronce Philip the patron of city and guilds at Buckingham Palace! The awards are out there you just need to compleate your NVQ to a very high standard and then your assessor needs to send it in to City and Guilds for assessment then in our case on to IOSH for their stamp of approval as to the content etc of the portfolio. No award ceromany? I think so!!!
#21 Posted : 18 April 2010 19:00:28(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I went down the Diploma 'route', it was tough, I passed(just), was invited to the awards ceremony, but decided not to go, I felt it was achievement/reward enough to pass and receive my certificate without the need to wear a cap/gown. What I would like to add is that completing the Skills Development portfolio is not easy(my opinion), it took me just over 3 years to complete it. But in the end it was all worthwhile, my CMIOSH certficate is proudly displayed within the confines of my cottage. So whatever route you decide to go: NVQ4 or Diploma, once you achieve CMIOSH sit back and feel proud. I DO.
#22 Posted : 19 April 2010 22:19:08(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

hi i had the nebosh dip one and then they changed the diploma, so opted for the NVQ4. its not as easy as people make out as requires you to demonstrate that you can do all the things you need to do in safety. i meet people who have the new diploma and they know all the theory but cant implement it . also the same goes for those with the NVQ 4 and no NEBOSH Diploma. by having both i learnt more than I feel I would by just having either. its a good combination.
#23 Posted : 22 April 2010 13:52:48(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I took the NVQ route through a college and they did hold a cap and gown do. Mine was presented to me by Sally Gunnel even got a photo with her. As for the best route its hard to say however it worked for me. Malcolm
Steve SJP RM  
#24 Posted : 27 April 2010 15:13:39(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Steve SJP RM

Very interesting reading this post, I started the Dip a few years ago at a college that does not have the best rep: (cheap course) but regret it and wished I had gone through the NVQ route due to work commitments and time. The Dip is no way easy infact I have been refered twice (once for missing by 2% OUCH) I cant but help to feel the Dip is more like an English exam rather than an exam on your practical abilities to advise in H&S or OH&S and offer solutions (personal view I know) I wont give up however and still have 18 months to finish (you get 5 years to finish) but if it does not work I will take the other route and hopefullly it will be at a college were you do get the cap and gown (lol) but not really a great issue, the end result as rightly said before is the CMIOSH (not on a cottage wall though).
#25 Posted : 29 April 2010 16:03:14(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

We are all professionals and should be glad that each and every one of us choose this proffession that allows not only the well off or have the means to study but also allows the not so well off and lack of time management to attain a well respected qualification. As for the well off or have the means to study, I was night working in the construction industry and attending college one day a week to obtain Dip, by working nights I mean steel fixing and concreteing, you want it work for it but get the chip off class of your shoulder.
bob youel  
#26 Posted : 30 April 2010 07:42:07(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
bob youel

do not hand in your notice but keep the job that you have been offered [ you are very lucky to get an offer] and use it until you get another job; a job that you want - a few months without £ coming in will teach you a lot best of luck
#27 Posted : 03 May 2010 19:40:28(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

ORRIE wrote:
Having looked through many of the discussions with interest, the old NVQ4 V Diploma topic seems to crop up regularly. I would ask the question why do NEBOSH offer a "Cap And Gown" ceremony for the successful completion of the Diploma, whilst for NVQ4 (correct me if I'm wrong by the way) you get a well done certificate through your letterbox. Maybe recognition of the NVQ should be supported with an official ceremony of achievement. What do you think? I currently have Dip1 (which doesn't sem to be of very much use to me without part 2) and am considering the NVQ4 at present.
My decision was NVQ, each to his or her own but found this approach fitted in nicely with other commitments I had at the time. No gown or ceremony, but receiving the certificate and congratulations from colleagues and friends, was reward enough. Plus if you take NVQ through certain providers you are authorised to use Dip.RSA I’m sure there are valid cases for both NVQ and Diploma route repeated throughout this thread, but the NVQ did give me flexibility and allowed me to apply it directly to my day to day work.
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