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#41 Posted : 11 May 2011 14:50:57(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Sorry Faysafe -what tip ?? Totally agree with Stuie, don't waste your money on a professionally written CV. Only you know your own experiences and strengths. I wrote my own then Mr.P.G. (on this forum) had a look at it for me and amended a few things, for which I will be eternally grateful as it got me my first SHEQ role. William
Heather Collins  
#42 Posted : 11 May 2011 15:01:09(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Heather Collins

stuie wrote:
Sorry Heather I did not see your post ref the Steven Asbury piece in SHP.
Don't be sorry Stuie - it was a good enough article to be worth mentioning twice!
#43 Posted : 11 May 2011 15:36:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

As a frequent "cv sifter" I agree with everything Stephen Asbury says in his article The last batch of cvs (over a 100) took me less than an hour to reduce to 10. People still saying they are RSP People with only NEBOSH Cert (not in itself a problem) trying to tell me they are full members Etc Etc - straight in the bin. We always reply to everyone (company policy) but I admit I have trouble bothering with those who think they can pull the wool over my eyes. Regards CVs as Stuie says many of us have offered to look CVs over, but if you carefully read Stephen's article your CV will be fine. I think it will become much referenced in the future
#44 Posted : 11 May 2011 19:23:26(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I agree with walker - a very fine article indeed - thank you to Steven - I feel that the letters page of SHP may well be full of letters saying 'thank you' once the jobs market starts to gather speed?
#45 Posted : 12 May 2011 07:30:51(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

One thinks I will have to get my C.V. Looked at by a professional,as I have applied for 25 jobs in the last 2 months, and yes nor even a reply
#46 Posted : 12 May 2011 12:55:45(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I am currently living off my children's and grandchildren's inheritance having been made redundant a long time ago. I am of the opinion that the job market is gradually picking up, with spurts every now and then. The area where I am most likely to get a job - contract/interim (because of my age) however does not appear to be picking up. So I will keep trying and enjoy the sun whilst it shines. Take Care
#47 Posted : 12 May 2011 14:02:48(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Personally I feel we will have to wait until the economy picks up again before we will see more health and safety jobs being advertised. It is very tough right now to get any sort of interview due to the volume of health and safety staff who have been made redundant over the last 3 years. I am finding that any jobs that are advertised there is at least 30 to 60 applicants for 1 job. Employers do have their pick of staff nowadays where they can pick and choose who they want to employ and that applies to staff with xx no of years health and safety construction experience. Perhaps it could be an idea for IOSH to start up a similiar work experience scheme for graduates or people with health and safety quals to get some unpaid experience so that they can compete better in the labour market. They are doing it for the food and drink industry , but why not the construction industry ( especially Civil or heavy construction ). This would be a good idea because there will be raft of green energy jobs in the UK especially Scotland where there is not many people with offshore and onsore windfarm construction but no one ( in an health and safety capacity to fill them ).
Shane Lishman  
#48 Posted : 20 June 2011 15:25:33(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Shane Lishman

I reside in South Africa, registered at the highest level ROSProf (SA version of CMIOSH), GradIOSH, SIIRSM RSP with a Degree in Environmental Health (EHRB Registered), doing a MSc through Nottingham University, without a job since March. I must have applied locally and internationally to over 70 jobs ranging from entry level to senior management. NO REPLIES AT ALL having worked in Oil and Gas, construction etc for over 23 years. So, in short, possibly the way to go is to do an MBA or other business studies, which will open scope, and possibly make one more marketable. Shane
#49 Posted : 21 June 2011 06:57:17(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

I am a Nigerian and I live and work in Nigeria as a Safety Inspector in the Oil and Gas Constrction Industry, I still do not believe there are real jobs out there. I have over the past One year posted over 60 of my CV’s to various recruitment agency for positions so advertised, but up till now I have not received any feed back on the status of my applications. I feel some of these job agencies are scam and do not exist.
#50 Posted : 21 June 2011 09:38:47(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Ive read all these posts with horror and a sense of dread. I'm being made redundant in July and have for the last three years been gaining H&S qualifications (BA Oc H&S Management) the ethos behind this is a career change, however after being on this forum for two minutes maybe I'll go back to lecturing lol. I've applied for more jobs than I can poke a stick at and nothing back. (limited hands on experience) Agencies are generally unhelpful and its impossible to get even an interview. So is their the glimmer of hope out their? Or should I sign up for the local call centre?
Victor Meldrew  
#51 Posted : 21 June 2011 10:46:36(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Very tough times at the moment Jock. If you are not firmly established a lot of people who are made redundant or starting out in the industry are finding work a bit like nailing blancmange to a ceiling. 30 years ago it was oh so very different and I guess if I was starting out nowadays I would certainly have second thoughts, especially if I had a wife/partner/family to support.
#52 Posted : 21 June 2011 10:50:25(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I am in work at the moment, I have applied for loads of H & S jobs with not even a reply, I think they advertise to see how many H & S professionals are out there to keep track when the real jobs come in,
John M  
#53 Posted : 21 June 2011 11:58:57(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
John M

Victor is quite correct. There is a glut of "safety professionals" cruising the meagre feeding grounds. A cull may be required. Jon
#54 Posted : 21 June 2011 13:46:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I judge that there are very few real jobs of any kind. For example on the jobs search engine of a leading Scottish newspaper there are 29 Scientific jobs, 9 of these are direct with the employer, the other 20 are spread over eight recruitment agencies On JobCentre Plus there are 249 vacancies with five miles of my house but most of these are with recruitment agencies.
#55 Posted : 22 June 2011 10:20:41(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I think it's getting worse. In January when I started looking for work I was managing to apply for a couple of jobs a week, most of which I got feedback from. I lost out on the jobs due to lack of specific industry experience, but each interview taught me something new, so were really worthwhile and kept my spirits up. Then almost overnight at the end of April, it was like someone had thrown a switch, no phone calls, no interviews, nothing. I'm struggling to find one job a week which I'm qualified/experienced enough to apply for now. I'm even looking worldwide, rotational work, basically anything, anywhere. I started the year full of hope, but that hope is rapidly turning to despair. It concerns me that a lot of people in my position may now look at becoming self employed consultants in desperation, without having the experience/competence to do the job effectively and safely. William
#56 Posted : 22 June 2011 12:51:57(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

201 ex-HSE inspectors thrown onto the job market in April does not help. Still the Government has told us that the Private Sector will pick up the slack, so everything will be OK. Oh dear it was a Government and lack of true opposition that got us into this mess in the first place so perhaps everything won't be OK. Apologies to Victor if I have taken over the cynical role. Take Care
#57 Posted : 22 June 2011 15:18:20(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Fletcher, sorry totally off topic but what is the ships crest on your avatar ? It's been annoying me for months. It's similar to Albion's but with extraa bits on. William
#58 Posted : 23 June 2011 08:58:28(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I made up my mind that I needed to leave my last employer late last year after a difficult period and look for pastures new. While still maintaining my employment with them I registered with a number of agencies and pretty soon the interview offers started to arrive. Because I had maintained my employment I chose very carefully the leads that I wished to pursue. During that time i attended interviews with 4 prospective employers and was shortlisted to a choice of 2 on each occasion. I was offered employment with a dairy in North Yorkshire which I accepted and started on 28th March. All of these leads came through agencies but at the end of the day, when sat in that interview room it was down to me. Agencies can't do everything for you, and ultimately any failure is not their fault. I am 57 years old which some on here have already hinted is an added handicap. You are the ones responsible for ensuring an application is successful. If it isn't, don't blame the agency. The northwest of England isn't exactly fertile ground for employment prospects, but it didn't hold me back.
#59 Posted : 23 June 2011 11:00:13(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hi Pl53 Sorry, but I think you are missing the original point, I have been out of work now for 18 months this is not the fault of agencies. It however does not help me to waste hours trying to chase jobs through agencies which ultimately do not exist. I may be out of work, but I still find my time valuable and this wasted time would be better spent trawling through targeted company web sites etc. The advice you are given is that you should tailor CV,s and cover letters for specific roles, but if agencies have collected generic ones, that is what they will give out. I know I have been on the recruitment end of agencies and they do no filtering what so ever ( Unless I was just unlucky and came across bad ones). I'm based in Wales and there is very little happening here, especially as I wish to move to a different industry sector ( willing to start at the bottom again ). I have a NEBOSH diploma, and Environmental management cert and a background in engineering. Some of the things people in the discussion forum are still aspiring towards. I totally agree that once you get to an interview it all down to you, if only there was that chance. Due to the amount of time unemployed, I get quite despondent from time to time. So when I waste several hours trying to research companies that do not exist, it does nothing to help. Also the offer ( for a fee) to help rewrite my CV is not what I want ( I wouldn't mind a real person giving constructive comments though).
#60 Posted : 23 June 2011 15:18:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I understand what you are saying Chris and I wish you well in your search, but the truth is I just haven't seen any evidence of fictitious jobs touted by agencies. Maybe I have been lucky, or maybe the agencies operating in the northwest are more honest, I don't know, but every lead that I followed turned out to be genuine.. The only times that I have come across jobs that weren't honestly advertised was a few years ago when I applied for a couple of local authority jobs. Even then I was interviewed only to find out that the jobs had been filled internally in every case.
#61 Posted : 13 July 2011 17:35:36(UTC)
Rank: Guest

I've no problem with the better with the better known agencies, e.g. Hays and Randstad. I have no reason to doubt their genuiness. Having said that there are some dubious operations ongoing with the smaller agencies. A few weeks ago I received a phone call from an agency that had seen my CV on a job website. The agent promised a peripatetic position with a maintenance company based about 30 miles from where I live. He was apparently having difficulty in filling the job. It sounded ideal so I sent my up to date CV. Since then nothing but excuses from the agent, with the final "explanation" today that the job had been filled by a contact of the client's MD. I've had a number of lengthy conversations with the agent and he usually rings me. He claims to have specialised in H&S recruitment for the past 10 years, from a base somewhere in Essex. From discussions, however, he appears to have little understanding of the H&S profession. I discovered today that he has no knowledge of the discrimination legislation. He is not a member of REC or similar. I can only conclude that he not only collects CVs, he also likes to indulge in lengthy and unnecessary phone conversations, i.e. a complete time waster. (As a rugby league supporter I could think of a more apt word, but the moderator wouldn't like it.) I think other users should be on their guard if/when approached by this individual.
#62 Posted : 15 July 2011 10:16:19(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Reading this post with great interest and it seems that there is mixed views about the job market and the principles of agencies. Currently working in South Asia/Middle East for a global company for the alst 4-5 months after leaving the UK so not seeing the day to day situation with the employment market. However when interviewed for this role the same company had 3 senior roles available and I decided which one suited and got it. IN the 4 months of being away from the UK I check the jobmarket regularly and notice jobs look to be on the increase as to say 9 months ago. In fact I have been aprpoached for two positions when I last went on leave to the UK of which were not at the right time for me, both through recruitment agents that I know to be genuine, one increasing the salary offered by around 6k to just speak to them. I have been back away from the UK around 5-6 weeks and again have been contacted about another position, all these are North East of England and not generally a place of strong activity at the best of times for H&S positions. Try speaking to the agencies especially ones that advertise in SHP i.e. well known ones and in the past they have give me feedback on qualifications to consider and how to improve my CV etc. I think the situation (albeit slowly) is improving but think the jopb market is full with people with HS qualifications and employers have the pick for a lot less money.
#63 Posted : 14 August 2011 19:42:12(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi Everyone Pleased to say I've just got my first job after looking since Christmas. It's only contract work but it's giving me valuable industry experience, money and most importantly (even though I'm skint), that feeling of worthlessness and despair has vanished. Thanks to everyone who has given me their guidance and knowledge over the past few months, it's been appreciated. To those still looking, good luck, things appear to be on the up ! Williamx P.S. I'm only Tech IOSH, so not everyone out there is looking for the Nebosh Dip.
#64 Posted : 15 August 2011 04:23:36(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Congratulations on securing a position, as you say the lift in spirits is a good positive and will give you confidence. Regards TSC
#65 Posted : 16 August 2011 14:15:36(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Not quite in the same boat as many on here - I am currently employed but things are looking shaky. Applied for a couple of posts - at least one of which I was arguably over-qualified for (minimum of NEBOSH Certficate required, when I have a Diploma) - didn't even get an answer. Makes you wonder if some jobs are already earmarked - I'm sure we all know the adage 'it's not what you know...' Keep plugging away!
#66 Posted : 17 August 2011 11:58:37(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

If nobody uses these agencies then hopefully they will all go out of business. I wouldnt entertain them either apply for a job or filling a vacancy.
#67 Posted : 17 August 2011 16:47:32(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I just looked over an agency run advert for H&S Manager in north Essex requiring: NEBOSH and IOSHH certificates Now they certainly have done their homework!
#68 Posted : 17 August 2011 17:56:03(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Having stayed out of work intentionally for some time I then tried to get back into work full time. However, despite being CMIOSH and very expereinced I couldn't even get interviews. Up north there have also been very few vacancies. This has changed and I now have two job offers on the table (yipee). From what I have seen the job market is picking up slowly so hang in there. On the subject of agencies there are some awful agencies out there but there are some good ones and I have had success in the past with agencies. Am I allowed to say that Mark Burton from AttwoodBurton has been very diligent on several occasions (even before he was in his current employement position). I'm in no way linked to them, he's just been very helpful. Anyway, I'm chuffed to be heading back to work again in the near future and so keep your chin up everyone. It can only get better :-)
#69 Posted : 18 August 2011 09:26:05(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Good for you Claire. I have been looking for some while now and like Claire I am CMIOSH with degrees and so on. Still very difficult to get an interview as employers are being incredibly choosy on the qualifications and sector experience. Basically if you don't tick all the boxes you aint getting an interview. Had an interview this week. I was informed there are 23 applicants to interview with 4 roles available, so I am just slightly better than 6/1 against getting the role! Still, you have to be in it to win it.
Andrew W Walker  
#70 Posted : 18 August 2011 09:29:39(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Andrew W Walker

RayRapp wrote:
Good for you Claire. I have been looking for some while now and like Claire I am CMIOSH with degrees and so on. Still very difficult to get an interview as employers are being incredibly choosy on the qualifications and sector experience. Basically if you don't tick all the boxes you aint getting an interview. Had an interview this week. I was informed there are 23 applicants to interview with 4 roles available, so I am just slightly better than 6/1 against getting the role! Still, you have to be in it to win it.
Glad you found something Claire. Ray. Good luck with the job! Andy
#71 Posted : 18 August 2011 09:35:22(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Good luck Ray; I too have an interview tomorrow; hope the odds are slightly better for me?! Claire; excellent news. So as Claire said maybe things are starting to open up again on the job market?
#72 Posted : 18 August 2011 09:42:26(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Great news Claire! Best of luck to you Ray. I have noticed a slight increase in openings recently possibly could be due to business climate with regards to charging of HSE involvement etc? On the other hand the openings that I have discussed with perspective employers have recently tended to be on the lower salary scale for senior positions and responsibility expected too!
#73 Posted : 23 August 2011 12:28:53(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I think there are real jobs out there, including agencies but less than a few years ago. On a slightly different topic, job hunting is a skill in itself, requiring a massive amount of preparation and study. Recently we had some people coming from university for a placement, one of my activities was to go through the whole CV and networking thing with them, as university had not prepared them well at all for this. Unfortunately, whilst you might expect dodgy CV's/approach from graduates, having had the opportunity to look at many CV's over the years, it is not un-common amongst experienced workers either.......
#74 Posted : 23 August 2011 13:37:26(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Any news Ray?? I am awaiting further feedback following my interview last week.
#75 Posted : 24 August 2011 14:36:06(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I'm afraid its not just lack of Safety related jobs but jobs in general having been roped in to help out with application packs for 6 jobs advertised through the organisation I work for. Two roles are admin, two director level plus a couple of research / communication type jobs. Advert went "live" on Friday afternoon and by Monday morning there had been over 770 requests (some asking for ALL the packs). While some will probably read the job spec and not apply, there will be lots who will do so to provide proof they are applying for positions (to maintain their benefits etc). Application pack requests were from as far afield as Russia and China so much wider field applying for few jobs that are out there. Very difficult for those without experience AND the correct qualifications to secure employment. Really hope things improve as have first hand experience of how hard it is trying to get first job in my field after leaving uni. Good luck to all those trying to get a foot on the ladder (inspected for defects first of course!!)
#76 Posted : 24 August 2011 16:48:01(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I recently applied for a job through an agency and to date have received no reply, with the agencys ad tag line saying if you haven't heard from us in 10 days you havne't been successful.....as it happens I spotted the same job advertised on a different site though direct from the employing company. I diligently applied and I received email confirmation of reciept of application and a call inviting me for interview within a week. My skills & qualifications are perfect for the position which makes me wonder what this agency did not see or did they just find the employers ad as I did and thinks hmmm we will advertise this as one of ours too??? Food for thought! Interview is in 10 days so fingers crossed.
#77 Posted : 29 August 2011 18:59:03(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

stuie Nope nothing yet, but I did not expect to hear anything until Sept anyway. How about you?
#78 Posted : 29 August 2011 22:05:07(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Not long to wait then Ray? Still ongoing for me, no decisions as of yet.
#79 Posted : 30 August 2011 09:37:49(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

AnthonyH wrote:
I recently applied for a job through an agency and to date have received no reply, with the agencys ad tag line saying if you haven't heard from us in 10 days you havne't been successful.....as it happens I spotted the same job advertised on a different site though direct from the employing company. I diligently applied and I received email confirmation of reciept of application and a call inviting me for interview within a week. My skills & qualifications are perfect for the position which makes me wonder what this agency did not see or did they just find the employers ad as I did and thinks hmmm we will advertise this as one of ours too??? Food for thought! Interview is in 10 days so fingers crossed.
Having unfortunately worked in the world of recruitment for a year, this doesn't surprise me.. A lot of agencies will copy adverts in the hope of attracting candidates to "sell in" to the company. I expect that the agency knew you were good for the role, tried to sell you into the company (i.e. cold calling) and were told where to go, as the company didn’t want to work with agencies. Generally if a company self advertises they don't want to work with agencies, after all a lot of the cost burdened by agencies is in the advertisement of positions. I am sure, however, that there are good honest agencies out there, I just never met one or worked with one! That said, good luck to all who are job hunting. Finding a job through an agency is not impossible (I got mine through one despite being so cynical) but there are some sharks out there.
#80 Posted : 30 August 2011 10:26:07(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Hi everyone This is my first post on the forum and its great to find people in a similar situation as myself. I left the Army in May this year after 24 years, I have had a lot to do with H&S within the Army so thought I would get qualified (Cert level so far) before I left, I have also managed to gain TechIOSH with the courses and experience I had, however like a lot of people on the forum I am not getting any response from a lot of the agencies. I have a couple of CV's that I send out but not quite sure if they are hitting the mark! If there is anyone out there with some experience who could offer advice I would be most grateful.
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