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#1 Posted : 19 May 2012 20:12:32(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi All,

Are we the solution or problem in our various companies? The current president of Iosh asked this question at the end of his presentation at our branch meeting a few weeks ago and I have thinking about it since then.

When I started my current position I got the impression most of the senior mangers we anti Health and safety but after two years in the job I found that was not the case.What they needed was sensible risk management which will prevent people from having accident and help to go on with their jobs.

Are you the solution or problem in your company?
#2 Posted : 20 May 2012 09:33:49(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I was a problem. That's why it cost me my job. However, a few months later the company had a fatality. The a year later they went bust. The company was a big construction company that boasted safety as the most important issue. I was very angry at the time but now i am very careful.
#3 Posted : 20 May 2012 21:10:04(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I think that very few health and safety practitioners are the 'problem'. The exception might be for some who are not much more than jobsworths getting above their station and asking for all sorts of ridiculous interventions - these are normally the client's representatives. The problem is exacerbated because many companies are not challenging the client or their representative for fear of biting the hand which feeds them. Adding to the problem is the huge amount of regulations, ACoPS and guidance which practitioners have to apply. Much of this is far too prescriptive and the HSE (as noted in the Lofstedt Report) are as guilty as anyone else for this sorry state of affairs.

I have noted in recent years there is a tendency to default to the lowest risk possible by health and safety practitioners, regardless of some of the benefits. Sometimes I think we need to be bolder rather just to say "no". There have been a number of initiatives which have crept into industry which provide little tangible safety - but have now been adopted as the norm. For example, mandatory PPE is now common place covering hard hat, goggles, gloves, boots, hi-vis, long sleeve tops, etc. Not all of these are necessary all the time for the task. Mandatory PPE is a lazy and an unprofessional method of managing safety.

Finally, as practitioners we look to our respected institutions to provide guidance and support eg IOSH, IIRSM, RoSPA, IEH, etc. However, these institutions have been sadly lacking in providing meaningful advice and highlighting poor practices which are blighting industry. Whatever you may think of the political reasons behind the Lofstedt Report, it was desperately needed to try and weed out some of the unnecessary interventions and regulations. Furthermore, if the President of IOSH asked me "am I the solution or the problem" he would be very sorry he did!
#4 Posted : 21 May 2012 09:40:33(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

What problem exactly is he talking about?

The one the current government has decided is holding back entrepreneurs from starting / growing companies? Has anyone actually proven there is a problem, before we all go on a witch hunt?
#5 Posted : 30 May 2012 05:39:23(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I think we can be both.............

I have worked with some excellent H&S (&E) professionals who bring solutions to the table and are held in good light by their employers even though they have stopped jobs in the past etc (last resort). I think it is the fact their employer knows they are reasonable and would only stop a job if they thought someone was in risk of injury. I have had the pleasure of learning from these professionals and they have helped shape who I am and how I work.

I have come across other (In my opinion) so called professionals who are your typical clipboard, checklist and to the textbook safety person. A lot of this type tend to not be flexible or to not like to be challenged and if something is not on their checklist they struggle to deal with it. I am not saying all checklists are bad or clipboards but it is the stringent and unflexible approach to such an approach. I have worked with people who like to say nothing and then use the written word to attack which then destroys any chance of trust. I have also had the pleasure of learning from these professionals and they have helped shape who I am and how I work.

Do not get me wrong I am not the perfect H&S professional and I am sure have flaws that need ironing out at times (bull in a china shop comes to mind) with a very direct approach that some people like and some people feel put off with it. I think we all just need to stay flexible and adaptable to the workplace and people we are dealing with and also be aware that we are not generally a genius in every subject.

I was always told 'A Good safety professional does not know everything but will know how to find the information and how to interpret it'. Add a flexible and adaptable approach with a bit of practicality and you should have someone who offers solutions and support rather than problems. Well my opinion anyway for what it is worth.
#6 Posted : 30 May 2012 12:04:03(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Poetry time. As an old spark on the tools, the way of the world was-

He who works and does his best,
Goes down the road with all the rest,
but he who stays the bosses friend,
stays on the job til the end.

My first boss in the HSE game many years ago said to me-"always be part of the solution, not the problem"

Wise words............especially in the current climate

#7 Posted : 30 May 2012 13:40:55(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

If I am the problem then I always try to bring at least one solution.

Normally talking, planning, co-operation and flexibility get the job done safely which is what pays my wages.
Balancing commercial viability and operational requirements without jeopardising H&S nearly always poses a problem but in my world it has to be done.

#8 Posted : 30 May 2012 14:57:48(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

kojo, simply WE are not the problem as WE are following statute, good practice and guidance.

I always explain to those disgruntled by an assessment, audit or review that the comments are not personal but an assessment against a set of expectations / standards dictated by those high above myself!

#9 Posted : 06 June 2012 10:03:33(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

If I work on the basis that my task is to ensure that everyone who came to work today goes home at least as healthy as when they came, so that they can do the same for their employer tomorrow, how can I be part of the problem?
#10 Posted : 19 June 2012 16:29:58(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

We only become part of the problem when we as 'practitioners', do not assist in providing viable and acheivable solutions.
Some, due to various reasons hide behind legislation, policy etc but offer no support or guidance. Over complication of SSoW etc has and is a problem to some extent.

As Woody Guthrie once said 'any fool can make something complicated, but it takes a genius to make it simple'.
#11 Posted : 20 June 2012 08:22:27(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

As normal a good post with some excellent points raised by posters.

Shaw you win my gold star of the week as this as hirers of plant is what we come up against every day.

Life would be a simple place if we could all say "that way is unsafe lets work together to get the safest way to do it".

Regards Alex
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