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#41 Posted : 08 October 2012 20:09:14(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

8th Oct 2012 Sorry for my lack of feedback folks – I should look on this as a positive as I have been working and commuting for over a month now – and pleased I am too to be doing so. I am still looking for a full time permanent role though this has been somewhat unsuccessful until this last week or so. I have one offer on the table now which is pleasing to say the least; I have also had a phone call this evening discussing the finer details with an offer pending things are looking up in my little world. I have a further interview with a local company tomorrow so I am hoping to make a hat trick of offers this week. Where I am currently working may well be looking for someone at one of the other sites within the group, so there may well be the prospect of four offers on the table by the end of the week/month. This will leave me with the enviable dilemma of turning people down. Things are not so clean cut when it comes to making the decision where to go – the local job with potentially fewer long term development opportunities, but with a well regarded local employer. The job with a nationwide organisation but based a long way from home (multiple nights away per week) but with good development opportunities for me, and the perks that go with a larger organisation (car, bonus scheme, health care etc). The job with a small local consultancy – again, development opportunities and the prospect of getting in early with a growing consultancy. Or potentially staying where I am with an organisation that I feel I could work with the members of the senior management team that I have me so far, the only problem with this may be the fact that there is not a firm offer yet and there may not be one – it depends upon how things pan out. I am glad to be off the benefit system – which was one of the most unpleasant episodes in my life – if you know me then you will know some of the things I have been through so that is saying something believe me. There are jobs out there at the moment but as I have said before on other postings there are many many applicants for these jobs, you have to make sure that you get everything spot on in your application. Presentation ,spelling, etc, turn up for any interview that you are invited to a few minutes early, dress smartly it is better to have a tie on and find that no one else does than to omit the tie and find everyone else wearing one. Do your research on the organisation, and the risks that may be present – don’t try and blag it you will be caught out. Prepare any ‘work’ that they want you to do e.g. presentation and practice until you can do it without notes or prompt cards. Take any documents that you are requested to take with you e.g. passport birth certificate etc. Be polite and confident – especially to the receptionist as you are on trial the moment you walk through the door – cctv provides a lasting record- if you need to pick your nose do it before you turn up on site!!!! I will keep you posted on what happens next. Stuart
Andrew W Walker  
#42 Posted : 09 October 2012 08:24:13(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Andrew W Walker

These job offers remind me of the bus service- nowt for ages then four turn up!!!! Good luck Andy
#43 Posted : 09 October 2012 13:45:16(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Good luck with getting the job offers, and again with any decision you may have to make for picking one! Scott
Safety butterfly  
#44 Posted : 09 October 2012 16:35:05(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Safety butterfly

Hi Stuie, This has been really interesting reading, Congrats on the Job offers, really pleased for you. Let us know how you get on !! PS, send that bus service my way will you :) SB
#45 Posted : 09 October 2012 17:45:16(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Stui If I had a job you would get it for sheer perseverance. I have read your posts with amazement that someone can try so hard and get nowhere. You deserve anything you get as you have worked for it so well done. Alex
#46 Posted : 19 October 2012 20:16:36(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

19th Oct 2012 Hello, I hope this finds you well. Good news, I have three verbal offers to choose from, all confirmed this week. I have contacted the small local consultancy and ‘withdrawn’ my application, although to be fair the guy suspected that I was not that keen (very perceptive) to join him so we agreed that I would be better off following up on the other jobs that I was in the running for. So I have a verbal offer (hard copy in post confirmed by email today) from a nationwide company offering me a reasonable salary, with all of the other trappings that go with a large organisation, but with the need to be away from home a couple of nights a week. Secondly, I have an offer of a job as a maintenance manager (back to my roots as a spanner man) with a small well respected local employer, upside is that the job is 11.5 miles from home (compared to the 100 or so I am doing at the moment), development opportunities include managing a small team – which would be good for me. Thirdly, I have a verbal offer from the organisation that I am in the temp role with at the moment. They are keen for me to join them permanently at the site they have about 25 miles from home, they have no qualms about me ‘naming my price’ so to speak – they don’t want to barter so as long as I am sensible. I know the organisation and the way things are with them, they are doing well and have appear to have good future. There is plenty for me to do and I would have the full support of the site director to do what is needed. I have the weekend to come up with what I would like them to pay me, they are looking into a car/allowance (I will be the first at this level within the org to get one) as I have this in one of the offers already – as I said they seem very keen to keep hold of me. So I have the weekend to discuss with my better half (I deeply regret not doing this more when offered my previous role - that was such a poor decision on my part) the relevant merits of each role. In my mind I have dismissed the nationwide role as I miss my family and own bed too much, so it seems to be a case of very local engineering manager or a less local (slightly closer than where I used to travel to) but a better package and for a slightly bigger company and staying in H&S which I have invested so much personal development. Any advice or experiences – will be read with interest. Thanks for sticking with me and for your support, and kind words. Stuart
#47 Posted : 19 October 2012 21:19:19(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Well done Stuie. Cant keep a good man down :)
#48 Posted : 24 October 2012 18:10:58(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Well done Stuie, from what I have read it's a no brainer. I'd go with the job about 25 miles away. Realistically unless you are in the centre of London, it's only a 1/2 hour drive. The other job appears to be a step backwards plus the employer you are already with seems to appreciate you, (hence wanting to keep you), and there is no better feeling than knowing that you are appreciated by your employer.
#49 Posted : 24 October 2012 19:15:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Thank you Wainey - that is exactly what I have done today - verbally accepted last nights offer this morning, just waiting for some paperwork before I try and let the others down gently (anyone any tips on how to do this - truth will out in the end). I will have to try and drag the process of telling the other two that I dont want to join them out for another couple of days so that I can get the paperwork and get a signature on it. Looking to start on Dec 3rd (I'd like to see out my temp contract with the Co to give them chance to try and find a replacement for me before I move to the new site). FYI it is about 40-60 mins (depending on the route and weather - Mid Wales does tend to get a bit white and slippery at times!!). Happy days.
#50 Posted : 26 October 2012 11:14:37(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Well done Stuie, all the hard work paid off for you. To be honest when you read your post above #46, it seems obvious that you had actually made your mind up at that point. 25 miles is not too bad, I used to do that every day and was generally around 40 to 45 minutes, due to everyone else trying to get to work. Mind you it only would take one RTA and it could be several hours. Its always good to have a backup route where possible. Also 45 minutes of muttering to yourself on the way home gets it out of your system, before you walk in the door. All the best.
#51 Posted : 03 June 2013 08:11:25(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Update. I have now been in position since December and I am enjoying the role; my probation period was signed off in Feb, but I am only too aware that within the first year or so then there is still the prospect of termination without too much effort/fighting on the employers part - but the feedback I get is very positive. The place has its problems (don't they all?) but they are not insurmountable, changing attitudes is the biggest hurdle I face at the moment; particularly with those on the 'shop floor'. I have the support of all of the management team - generally my Boss says 'in terms of health and safety the answer is yes -what is the question?' I have been on an internal auditors course for both 14001 and 18001; they seem pretty keen on development etc so I think some form of environmental qualification may be called for? Thanks again for your support and best wishes to those looking for work at the moment. Stuart
Steve e ashton  
#52 Posted : 10 June 2013 15:17:37(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Steve e ashton

Stuie: Thanks for this thread - and for the update. Really glad to hear it seems to be working out for you. Only caution I would offer is that the prospect of termination without too much hassle (i.e. claims for unfair dismissal etc) now generally drops off at two years rather than one year... Thanks again - its been a good read. And well done on your determination.
#53 Posted : 10 June 2013 19:48:55(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Thank you and 'thanks' :-( for that Steve. Much appreciated. Stuart
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