Rank: Guest
Good morning,
I have been invited to attend an interview for a Health & Safety Advisor post within Local government. I have to prepare a presentation on the subject of vibration which is not a problem but as this is my 1st interview of this nature i would appreciate some advice on what is the best method of preparation for a H&S interview?
Many thanks
Rank: Super forum user
Hi sutherlandb
I attended one with a local authority about 6 or 7 years ago and my presentation was on changing the Safety Culture. Stick to the allocated time for this and try not to go over. Don't over do the text and rehearse, rehearse and rehearse so you know the contents back-to-front. I tried to put too much technical stuff in mine and it tripped me up.
There were five managers interviewing me and each took it in turns to ask two questions and what I would do in the instances given.
They also asked the stock question about what I knew of the potential Dept in which I would be working - schoolboy error on my part - didn't do enough research and came across as lazy / uninterested.
Always ask them a couple of questions too
Good luck and hope you do better than I did - I got into an argument with one of the interviewers about asbestos in communal areas!!
And yep didn't get the job in case you were wondering!!!
Rank: Guest
Thanks SW, i will try and refrain from getting into any arguments.... all good pointers you have made.
Rank: Super forum user
You're welcome! Just do the total opposite of me and you will be fine
Rank: Super forum user
Your request on the basis that 'this is my 1st interview of this nature' is a bit like saying 'I'm going to a dance for the first time...., any advice?'
The similitary between the two is that they're both social events, with some cultural norms that conventionally regulate the behaviour of the participants.
Critical difference between the two kinds of social events have to do with differences in assumptions, expectations and social power. In the interview situation you outline, you would do well to understand how to 'read' cues about organisational culture and about differences in personality in relation to leadership; 'All you need to know about leadership', by D Pendleton and A Furnham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012 is a good guide. Come to think of it, their book might also be useful in some dancehalls at times too!
Rank: Guest
Update - I had my interview yesterday, job has been offered and I have accepted. Just goes to show that there is opportunities out there for the less experienced :-)
Rank: Super forum user
Well done sutherlandb and good luck
Rank: Super forum user
Rank: Super forum user
Well done, yes there are jobs out there - you need to work at it be in the right place at the right time and be yourself.
Rank: Guest
Cheers folks!!
Hopefully the start of a promising future and really looking forward to the challenge.
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