Rank: New forum user
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping someone is able to advise me please?
I travelled around Africa for almost four years and worked as an H&S Officer for two American companies on a contract basis in South Africa (Exploration drilling) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Expansion Cobalt and Copper construction project).
I returned permanently to the UK end August and have been unsuccesful at finding work, dispite applying for numerous positions I have not even had an interview offer.
Does anyone have advice regarding what I could do? I am prepared to work for free as support onsite or just the opportunity to shadow someone would be so appreciated.
I'm in the process of submitting my PTLLS Level 4 assignments and my ideal job would be in Safety training however I would more than happy to gain UK site experience first if that's what is what you suggest....
I live in the Portsmouth, Fareham, Southampton surrounds.
Thanks! :)
Rank: Forum user
Hi there mate sounds like you have a good amount of experience in the field. Unfortunate it seems to be difficult to get any jobs around the area (I live in fareham) I am working for BAE but the contract runs out in the new year. I have been applying but I don't seem to be getting very far as most places want Dip/NVQ, which I don't think is very realistic. Even though I have not been doing this for very long I have carried out numerous audits, accident investigations, reports, RA reviews, weekly meetings with managers and contractor vendoring. I have been told that some people even with the higher levels of quals than me have not done that much but still it doesn't feel like it.
if I were you I would sign up to sites like SHP4JOBS, JAM, Allen & York. Just keep going.
Rank: New forum user
Hi J4cob1,
Thanks for your reply. So true, most of the work seems to be London based which i've now started applying for.
In the meantime though apart from studying for my Nebosh Dip i've taken some part time work assisting the elderly and disabled and surprisingly enough i'll be doing risk assessments for that which i'm over the moon about! As long as I can incorporate safety into what i'll be doing i'm happy. So hopefully something will come up soon but for the time being i'll make the best of it. :)
Thanks for your advice regarding the other sites.
Good luck with finding something after BAE, you've got good experience. If however you don't find anything as soon as you would like to and would consider a position assisting people and incorporating your safety experience into it, let me know and i'll put you in touch with my company. It wasn't just us ladies on the training, there were a few fellows too.
Good luck and keep your chin up.
Rank: Forum user
Ironically, I left Bournemouth to go to the Middle East due to a lack of opportunities. I believe a well known consultancy based in Manchester was looking for a consultant for the south if that's of any use to you.
Good Luck.
Rank: Forum user
Unfortunately it is a 'buyers market' at present with plenty of CMIOSH looking for work. What I think people need to do is highlight what else they can offer beyond their core H&S skills/qualifications. How about environment? Quality? Security? Fire?
PTLLS Level 4 is an excellent qualification.
Rank: Super forum user
The job market is real slow at the moment, I was made redundant back in June 13, I now work as a Health & Safety advisor for a company in Wales for £8.00 an hour, just to keep my CPD up to date, I have CMIOSH but the jobs are not there, I will think about my career after Xmas, and see where I go from here
Rank: New forum user
Have you tried Oil Careers. It looks as if you have a bit of experience on the drilling side and Safety Officers with drilling experience are often required.
Hope you have some luck.
Rank: New forum user
Thanks for all the tips and advice guys! Really appreciate the support. :)
Rank: Forum user
I may be able to help, (Essex or Cornwall in your line of thought?)
Rank: Super forum user
Good luck on getting a job, I've been looking for over a year.
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