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#1 Posted : 26 October 2015 14:23:28(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Just wanted to open a discussion regarding KPIs, what's important to your organisation? Why and what specific target do you look to achieve? A the moment the organisation that I work for is interested in Lost Time Accidents, their frequency and severity and also RIDDOR reportable accident with the obvious target being zero. We task our shop floor team leaders with report a number of safety issues each month.
#2 Posted : 26 October 2015 15:31:14(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

I was just about to start my 2016 KPI proposal when I opened this up so hopefully more will join in.
we are an SME with less than 40 staff members here is what I'm thinking:

Reportable Incidents - Target - 0
Near Miss Reports - Target - 10 per month
Senior Managers Safety Tours - Target - 1 per month
Team safety meetings - Target - 1 per month
In house awareness sessions - Target - 2 per month
Health awareness campaigns - Target - 1 per month
H&S internal Audits - Target - 1 per quarter
Large Spills - Target - 0

They are not written in stone yet
We are low risk due to the nature of our business so the reportable incident target is achievable.

#3 Posted : 26 October 2015 15:55:04(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi Des,

That seems a fairly comprehensive set of KPIs considering the low risk nature of your business, thanks for sharing.
#4 Posted : 26 October 2015 16:37:38(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Des.Neil wrote:
I was just about to start my 2016 KPI proposal when I opened this up so hopefully more will join in.
we are an SME with less than 40 staff members here is what I'm thinking:

Reportable Incidents - Target - 0
Near Miss Reports - Target - 10 per month
Senior Managers Safety Tours - Target - 1 per month
Team safety meetings - Target - 1 per month
In house awareness sessions - Target - 2 per month
Health awareness campaigns - Target - 1 per month
H&S internal Audits - Target - 1 per quarter
Large Spills - Target - 0

This appears a lot for a low risk business. If a low risk business has 10 near misses a month then alarm bells should be going off.

They are not written in stone yet
We are low risk due to the nature of our business so the reportable incident target is achievable.

#5 Posted : 26 October 2015 17:42:16(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Just some suggestions:

Lagging Indicators

• Nos. of accidents or violent incidents within a premise;
• Nos. of accidents and violent incidents across an area or section;
• Nos. of Health and Safety prosecutions;
• Nos. of incidents reported to the Health and Safety Executive (RIDDOR);
• Nos. of Fire Deficiency Notices issued by the Scottish Fire and Rescue;
• Nos. of fires or un-wanted fire alarm signals (false alarms);
• Nos. of days lost due to injury;
• Nos. of reported instances of occupation ill health; and
• Settlement costs for health and safety claims.

Leading Indicators
• Nos. of Safety Policies reviewed;
• Nos. of Risk Assessments reviewed;
• Nos. of Health and Safety training courses delivered;
• Nos. of site visits, safety audits and accident investigations completed;
• Nos. of deficiencies raised during audits;
• Completion rate of actions arising from audits;
• Nos. of Working Groups established and attended;
• Nos. of Contractors / Work Placements vetted;
• Nos. of potential accidents / incidents i.e. vehicle near miss, unstable wall etc.; and
• Nos. of dangerous occurrences reported to the Health and Safety Executive (RIDDOR).
Colossians 1:14  
#6 Posted : 27 October 2015 07:15:05(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Colossians 1:14

KPI's for Health and Safety are all good, necessary and useful........until penalties are attached to them!
#7 Posted : 27 October 2015 08:14:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Alfasev wrote:
This appears a lot for a low risk business. If a low risk business has 10 near misses a month then alarm bells should be going off.

No its not.
Near miss reports should be seen as a positive indicator, not a negative like number of injuries.
#8 Posted : 27 October 2015 10:02:52(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

If this proposed range of KPIs is new, they look to be a good start. However, once these things are happening regularly you'll need to add something to ensure each is of suitable quality, i.e. they add real value for the organisation.

Otherwise achieving most of the 'leading' ones can become just a tick-box exercise, as meaningless as counting LTAs but not digging deeply enough to identify real root causes, making sensible recommendations to eliminate/better manage these and closing out these in a timely fashion.
#9 Posted : 27 October 2015 16:35:07(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Good luck with the Near Miss KPI :)
#10 Posted : 28 October 2015 08:39:43(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

No its not.
Near miss reports should be seen as a positive indicator, not a negative like number of injuries.

That is not the point I was making, I made no mention of it being a negative indicator. If you have a low risk business that is having 10 near misses a month (one every three days, potentially affecting ¼ of the work force) I would be very worried.

There is something wrong. It could be that your H&S arrangement are inadequate or you getting events reported that are not near misses. Therefore I would not set such a high target but consider using benchmark data.

Reporting should be encouraged and monitored but if KPIs are not there to flag up issues what are their ultimate purpose?
#11 Posted : 14 March 2024 08:56:51(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

alicebobby REPORTED hidden hyperlink

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
peter gotch on 15/03/2024(UTC), peter gotch on 15/03/2024(UTC)
#12 Posted : 14 March 2024 08:56:51(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

alicebobby REPORTED hidden hyperlink

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
peter gotch on 15/03/2024(UTC), peter gotch on 15/03/2024(UTC)
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